Join the Fun Now

Part of your new member orientation packet includes a small piece of fabric — usually one that is, shall we say, less than inspiring — to use as you choose in a New Member Challenge quilt.  This is your first opportunity to show off your creativity, style, and quilting skills.  See below for the rules:

  • The quilt must be a maximum of 120” around its perimeter. (This is wallhanging size).  It may be any shape as long as it does not exceed 120”.
  • Your quilt may be pieced, appliquéd, or embellished (or any combination of the three) as long as it has 3 layers (top, batting, and backing) with the layers fastened together.
  • You must use the fabric you received in your new member packet and it must be recognizable! Put a swatch of the fabric on the back of your quilt so we all know what to look for.
  • The quilts are due to the Membership Chair by the November guild meeting. Don’t forget to include your entry form.
  • All quilts must be labeled and include a hanging sleeve (see the guild website for instructions on making a sleeve with the proper dimensions), and must be received in a pillowcase or cotton bag with identification securely attached.
  • The quilts will be judged by the attendees at the December or January guild meetings.
  • All quilts will be shown at the next Quilt Show in February. Quilts will be available for pickup at the end of the show or arrangements can be made to deliver them to an alternate location.

New Member Challenge Entry Form (804 downloads )