We know, you can find almost anything on the Internet these days, but sometimes there’s just no substitute for the step-by-step instructions, right there in your sewing room, that only a book can provide.  Check out our books list, sorted by author and by subject matter, online and then check out the books in person at the monthly Guild meetings.

SectionKeywords Section CategoryAUTHORdate PublishedTitleSub-TitleAuthor2nd AuthorPublisherAccession number
1-AMAmish; Applique; Flowers; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selectionAmishGOL2006Amish-inspired QuiltsSub-TitleGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.446
1-AMQuilting patterns; Patchwork patterns; Applique patterns; Amish QuiltsAmishJEF1998quilter's guide to Amish quilts, TheTradition With A Piece O' Cake TwistJefferson, Jan.Gordon, Maggi McCormick.Quilt Digest Press737
1-AMWelsh quilts; AmishJEN2005Making Welsh quiltsthe textile traditions that inspired the Amish?Jenkins, MaryClaridge, ClareKP Books1608
1-AMAmish quilts; Amish - Social life and customs; Beginner's techniquesAmishPEL2001Amish wall quilts15 brilliant and beautiful quiltsPellman,Rachel ThomasThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Company1183
1-AMAmish - Social life and customs; Reminiscenses; Applique; Sampler quiltsAmishYOU2004The Amish circle quilt121 quilt block patterns that tell a storyYoungs, RosemaryKP Books1615
A-ANApplique; Animals; Embroidery; Small projects; Flowers Applique - AnimalARM2002Cats in quilts14 purrfect projectsArmstrong, Carol, 1953-C&T Publishing, Inc.1282
A-ANApplique; Burch; Animals Applique - AnimalBUR2001Laurel Burch quiltskindred creaturesBurch, Laurel.C&T Pub.1035
A-ANBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Animals Applique - AnimalBUR2005Wonderfully whimsical quilts10 playful projects to make you smileBurniston, CarolC&T Pub.1564
A-ANApplique; Fused applique; Dogs; Animals Applique - AnimalBUR2007Color-splashed QuiltsFuse Fun Appliqué To Your PiecingBurniston, Carol, 1953-C&T Pub.24
A-ANApplique; Burch; Animals; Fish; Applique - AnimalBUR2007Laurel Burch Legends. 9 Quilts Inspired By The Earth, Sea & SkyBurch, Laurel.C&T Pub.766
A-ANApplique; Award winning quilter Applique - AnimalMAR1998Take-away appliquéMarshall, Suzanne.American Quilter's Society477
A-ANPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Setting; Animals; Flowers Applique - AnimalOLS2004Two-block applique quiltsOlson, ClaudiaThat Patchwork Place1431
A-ANApplique; Machine piecing; Picture quilts; Animals; Nature Applique - AnimalVAN2003Meadowbrook quilts12 projects inspired by natureVan Bockel, Jean, 1952-Martingale & Company1356
A-ANAfrican; Animals; Applique; Dolls and dollmaking; Picture quilts; Stolen quilts Applique - AnimalWIL1998Quilts on SafariWilliamson, JennyParker, PatTriple T Publishing C. C981
A-BApplique; Birds; Embroidery; Small projectsApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsARM2000Wild birdsdesigns for appliqué & quiltingArmstrong, Carol, 1953-C&T Publishing, Inc.935
A-BFolk; Machine applique; Machine quialtingApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsDEP2006Garden whimsy appliqueDepre, MickeyAmerican Quilter's Society1593
A-BApplique; Birds; Flowers; Roses; Sampler quiltsApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsDOC2006Applique Masterpiece Series. Birds 'n RosesDocherty, Margaret.American Quilter's Society931
A-BApplique; Flowers; BirdsApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsHAT2000More Conway album blocksblue birdsHatcher, Gail IrmaHatcher and Associates, Inc1086
A-BApplique; ButterfliesApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsOGL2004Butterfly albummonarchs & moreOglesby, Bea, 1924-American Quilter's Society1562
A-BApplique; Fabric selection; Flowers; Birds; ButterfliesApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsTOW2005Applique takes wingexquisite designs for birds, butterflies, and moreTownswick, Jane.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale836
A-BLApplique; Album quilts; Borders; DesignApplique - BaltimoreCHR2003A Perfect Union of Patchwork & AppliqueChristopherson, DarleneC&T Pub.1855
A-BLApplique; Baltimore album quilts; Beginner's techniques; Setting; Sampler quiltsApplique - BaltimoreDIE2006Baltimore BasicsAlbum Quilts From Start To FinishDietrich, Mimi.Martingale & Co.825
A-BLApplique; Baltimore album quilts; Small projectsApplique - BaltimoreSIE2006Baltimore EleganceA New Approach To Classic Album QuiltsSienkiewicz, Elly.C&T Pub.1223
A-FLApplique; Flowers Applique - FlowersARM2006Carol Armstrong's Patches & posiesdesigns for appliqué & quilting.Armstrong, Carol, 1953-C&T Publishing, Inc.1579
A-FLFlowers; Applique; Sampler quiltsApplique - FlowersBLA2003Floral quilts from grandma's cupboardBlackhurst, MichelleLeisure Arts, Inc.1441
A-FLApplique; Flowers Applique - FlowersBOV2003Shadow Appliquea fresh take on a traditional techniqueBoven, Hetty vanMartingale and Company1554
A-FLMachine applique; Flowers; Quilt historyApplique - FlowersBRA2001Praire flower: a year on the plainsnew applique patterns in the Kansas City Star heritageBrackman, BarbaraKansas City Star Books1537
A-FLApplique; FlowersApplique - FlowersBRA2006Tried & truecabbage rose favoritesBrandeburg, BarbaraCabbage Rose252
A-FLApplique; Applique - FlowersBRA2009Flora BotanicaQuilts from The Spencer Museum of ArtBrackman, BarbaraKansas City Star Books171
A-FLMachine applique; Flowers; Machine embroidery; Machine quiltingApplique - FlowersBUL2007Cutting garden QuiltsFabulous Fusible FlowersBula, Melinda.Martingale1323
A-FLFlowers; Applique; Applique - FlowersBUR2007The Magic Vine QuiltBurns, EleanorQuilt in A Day1683
A-FLApplique; FlowersApplique - FlowersDEL2009Pots de FleursA garden of Applique TechniquesDelaney, KathyKansas City Star Books370
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Hearts; Sampler quiltsApplique - FlowersDOC2008Appliqué Masterpiece Series. Hearts And TulipsDocherty, Margaret.American Quilter's Society826
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Birds; QuiltingApplique - FlowersENG2008Bodacious Appliqué La CarteEngel, Margie.Christopherson, Teri, 1962-American Quilter's Society2
A-FLFlowers; Applique; Embellishment; Quilt historyApplique - FlowersHAS2004Quilts In BloomA Garden Of Inspiring Quilts And Techniques With Floral DesignsHaslam, Marion.Creative Pub.995
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Fabric manipulationApplique - FlowersHAT1998More Conway album blockscross sprays applique pattterns & techniquesHatcher, Gail IrmaHatcher and Associates, Inc782
A-FLApplique; FlowersApplique - FlowersHAT1999More Conway album blockswreaths applique patterns and techniquesHatcher, Gail IrmaHatcher and Associates, Inc975
A-FLPatchwork; Applique; Embroidery; Nature; Small projects; Applique - FlowersJOH2001Pink lemonade & other delightsJohnson, LindaMartingale & Company1063
A-FLApplique; Flowers; GardenApplique - FlowersKNO2008Quilted Garden DelightsMake Your Quilts Bloom--8 Quick ProjectsKnott, Holly, 1967-Knott, Diane, 1945-C&T Pub.381
A-FLApplique; Flowers; EmbellishmentApplique - FlowersLAB2001Garden view appliquévintage album patternsLabanaris, Faye.American Quilter's Society1171
A-FLApplique; Art Nouveau; Flowers Applique - FlowersLAW2009Garden Nouveau QuiltsLawrence, Vicky, 1948-American Quilter's Society229
A-FLApplique; Quilt history; Design; BordersApplique - FlowersMAR2005Classic four-block applique quiltsa back-to-basics approachMarston, GwenC&T Publishing, Inc.1632
A-FLApplique; Birds; FlowersApplique - FlowersOGL2006Art nouveau quiltsfor the 21st centuryOglesby, Bea, 1924-Kansas City Star Books76
A-FLApplique; Flowers; PIecing - PatternsApplique - FlowersPAP2003Dear HannahIn The Style Of Jane A. SticklePapadakis, Brenda Manges, 1943-American Quilter's Society589
A-FLApplique; Flowers; HomeApplique - FlowersPRO2008Beautiful BloomsQuilts And Cushions To AppliquéPropst, Susan Taylor, 1960-Martingale & Co.709
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Beginner's Techniques Applique - FlowersQUI1995Quilts in Bloom: Quilts Made EasyDesigns, Patterns, TechniquesAuthor not listedOxmoor House1862
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Sampler quilts; Basket quilts; Borders; Birds; ButterfliesApplique - FlowersROS2008Delightful Quilts In BloomRoss, Mary, 1939-Scheu, Barbara.American Quilter's Society491
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingApplique - FlowersSCH2006Flowering quilts16 charming folk art projects to decorate your homeSchaefer, KimC&T Publishing, Inc.1623
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Sampler quiltsApplique - FlowersSCH2009Flower Festival50 Appliqué Blocks To Grow Your Garden : 9 Quilt ProjectsSchaefer, Kim, 1960-C&T Pub.600
A-FLApplique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; EmbellishmentApplique - FlowersTOM2009Quilts From ParadiseTomaszewski, Cynthia, 1953-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.882
A-FLApplique; Fabric selection; FlowersApplique - FlowersTOW2003Color-blend appliqueTownswick, JaneThat Patchwork Place1327
A-FLApplique; Flowers; Embroidery; Patchwork; Machine piecing; BordersApplique - FlowersWAL2002Pick-a-pattern applique & variationsWaldman, Joan SjutsAmerican Quilter's Society1500
A-GRApplique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Embroidery; Small projectsApplique - GardenADA1999Nut and BerriesBlackbird designsAdams, BarbAllen, AlmaBlackbird Designs1037
A-GRApplique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Embroidery; Small projectsApplique - GardenADA2000Fresh from the gardenAdams, BarbBlackbird Designs1004
A-GRApplique; Flowers; Historic ; Garden themedApplique - GardenBRA2012Garden Quilt, TheInterpreting A MasterpieceBrackman, Barbara.Moore, IlyseKansas City Star Books1221
A-GRApplique; Fruits; Garden themedApplique - GardenDEL2004Horn of Plenty for a new centuryDelaney, KathyKansas City Star Books1644
A-GRApplique; Botanicals; Garden themedApplique - GardenKEM2011Beautiful Botanicals45 Appliqué Flowers & 14 Quilt ProjectsKemball, Deborah.C&T Pub.949
A-GRApplique; Garden themed; Sampler quilts; Embellishment; FlowersApplique - GardenMIL2003Quilting the savory gardenMillett, Sandra.Krause Publications1614
A-GRApplique; VegetablesApplique - GardenOGL2006Veggies From The Good EarthApplique AlbumOglesby, Bea, 1924-American Quilter's Society445
A-GRApplique; Garden themed; FlowersApplique - GardenSLO2010Applique a Garden7 quiltsSloan, PatLeisure Arts654
A-GRApplique; Garden themed; Flowers Applique - GardenTOM2003Garden partyappliqué quilts that bloomTomaszewski, Cynthia, 1953-Martingale1298
A-GRApplique; Garden themed; Flowers Applique - GardenTOM2005Tea in the Gardenquilts for a summer afternoonTomaszewski, CynthiaMartingale & Company1482
A-GRApplique; Garden themed; FlowersApplique - GardenWAL2007Garden of Applique4 quilts by Peggy WaltmanWaltman, PeggyLeisure Arts734
APApplique; Embellishment; Embroidery; Small projectsAppliqueARM2001Quilting with Carol Armstrong30 quilting patterns, applique designs, 16 projectsArmstrong, Carol, 1953-C&T Pub.1142
APApplique; Trapunto; QuiltingAppliqueBAR1997Broderie Persethe elegant quiltBarber, Barbara W.American Quilter's Society619
APApplique; Wool and cotton quilts; Small projectsAppliqueBAT2012Elegant Quilts, Country CharmApplique Designs in Cotton and WoolBateman, LeonieBons-Abel, DeirdrePatchwork Place1797
APU. S.- Quilts - History - 19th century; Women - U.S. - History; U. S.- Quilts - History - 20th century; Applique; Patterns; FlowersAppliqueBRA2004Susan McCordBrackman, BarbaraChristensen, ShaunaSunflower Pattern Co-Operative1528
APSmall projects; Applique; Patchwork; Seasonal patterns; Machine piecingAppliqueBRA2004Quilting with my sister15 projects to celebrate women's livesBrandeburg, BarbaraChristopherson, TeriMartingale & Company1627
APApplique; DesignAppliqueCAM2008Ideas for Appliquethe applique artist's workbookCampbell, EileenSally Milner publishing Pty Ltd1678
APStrip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Flowers; Small projectsAppliqueCAR1999Brandyberry cottageCarlson, LindaHohag, LindaBrandywine Design, Inc638
APAppliqueAppliqueDIE2007Mimi Dietrich's Favorite Appliqué QuiltsDietrich, Mimi.Martingale & Company1774
APApplique; Wool quilts; Small projectsAppliqueEAT2002Blossoms in winter14 designs in wool-felt appliquéEaton, Patti.Mostek, Pamela, 1948-Martingale & Company1259
APApplique; Delft designsAppliqueGAR2004Dutch Treat196 Appliqué Blocks Inspired By Delft DesignsGarden, Judy.Martingale838
APApplique; Wool; Flowers; NatureAppliqueGIB2010Pennies From HeavenCelebrated Quilt And Companion ProjectsGibbons, Gretchen.Roundhouse distributor1274
APApplique; Wool; Flowers; NatureAppliqueGIB2014My Enchanted GardenAppliqué Quilts In Cotton And WoolGibbons, Gretchen, Author.Martingale1704
APApplique; Embroidery; Patchwork; Machine piecingAppliqueGOL1999Fabric collage quiltsusing creative appliqué and embellishmentsGoldstein, Joanne, 1952-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale899
APAppliqueAppliqueGOL2005Teach yourself to applique the Piece O'Cake wayGoldsmith, BeckyJenkins , LindaC&T Publishing, Inc.1559
APApplique; AppliqueGOL2009Appliqué Outside The Lines With Piece O' Cake DesignsNo Rules-no RulerGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.872
APAppliqueAppliqueGRE2011Give & Take Fabric AppliqueGreig, Daphne Purney Mark, SusanAQS Publishing1396
APApplique; Quilt history; Sampler quilts; Stained glass quiltingAppliqueJON2010Tile Quilt RevivalReinventing A Forgotten FormJones, Carol Gilham, 1946-Finley, Bobbi, 1936-C&T Pub.1072
APApplique; Poem inspiredAppliqueKIT2003Quilting A PoemOriginal Designs Inspired By America's Most Beloved PoetsKite, Frances.Rowden, Debra.Kansas City Star Books133
APApplique; Wool quilts; Fabric selection; Embroidery; Alphabets; Wearable art; Small projectsAppliqueLIE2000Heart-felt wool appliqueLie, LorindaAmerican Quilter's Society1351
APApplique; Blocks; Folk; Techniques; Flowers; Birds; AnimalsAppliqueMAC2011Inspired by Tradition50 Applique Blocks in 5 SizesMackenzie, KayThat Patchwork Place1816
APAppliqueAppliqueMAC2012Scrap Appliqué PlaygroundTurn Quilt Scraps Into Fun Appliqué FabricsMackenzie, Kay, 1952-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1363
APApplique; Award winning quilterAppliqueMAR2008Adventure & AppliquéTraveling The World With Award Winning Quilter Suzanne MarshallMarshall, Suzanne.American Quilter's Society722
APApplique, CutworkAppliqueMOR2003Cutout quiltsMori, Joyce.Chitra1366
APApplique; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecingAppliqueQUI2006Quick and colorful applique14 lively new designsAuthor not listedWilkinson, Rosemary (editor)Martingale & Company1592
APApplique; Flowers; VictorianAppliqueSHE2005Courtship quiltsinspired by the Victorian language of flowersSheppard, Janna L.Martingale & Company1517
APApplique; Techniques; Flowers; Suede; Birds; AnimalsAppliqueSIE1999Fancy Applique12 Lessons to Enhance Your SkillsSienkiewicz, EllyC & T Pub.1815
APSmall quilts, Piecing; Paper piecingAppliqueSMI2001Friends forever quilting togetherSmith, Nancy, 1943 Oct. 17-Milligan, Lynda, 1951-Possibilities1568
APApplique; Small Projects; Beginners' techniques; Sampler quilts; Embroidery; Patchwork; Machine piecing;MeditationsAppliqueSTE2003At piece with timea women's journey stitched in clothSteiner, Kristen C.Frankenberger, Diane C.C&T Publishing, Inc.1535
APAppliqueAppliqueWAS2011Fanciful Stitches, Colorful Quilts11 Easy Appliqué Projects To Embroider By HandWasilowski, Laura, 1952-C&T Pub.1292
APApplique; Picture quilts; Embellishment; Embroidery; Seasonal patterns; DesignAppliqueWEI1998Everyday angels in extraordinary quiltsWeidman, Mary Lou, 1949-Martingale1232
APApplique; Picture quilts; Embellishment; Seasonal patterns; DesignAppliqueWEI2001Quilted memoriescelebrations of lifeWeidman, Mary Lou, 1949-C&T Publishing, Inc.1177
APApplique; Home; Small projects; FlowersAppliqueWIL2013Wild Blooms & Colorful Creatures15 Applique Projects: Quilts, Bags, Pillows & MoreWilliams, WendyC & T Pub.1798
AP-HApplique; Hand applique; TechniquesApplique - HandNEW2005Perfect Hand Applique with ThimbleladyNewman, Liuxin, 1958-Toppan Printing Co.1056
AP-HApplique; Small projects; Flowers; BirdsApplique - HandPAN2004Needleturn applique made easyPandolph, RobynLandauer Books1446
AP-HApplique; Hand applique; TechniquesApplique - HandPHI2008Hand-appliquéd Quilts Whimsical Designs & Simple TechniquesPhillips, Tonye Belinda.Lark Books444
AP-HApplique; CutworkApplique - HandPOO2006Applique lace patternsPool, LindaAmerican Quilter's Society383
AP-HApplique; Album quilts; Flowers; BirdsApplique - HandTOW2000Artful appliquéthe easy wayTownswick, Jane.Martingale & Company1014
AP-MApplique; Fusible applique; FlowersApplique - MachineAND2005Fun, Fast FusiesLove To QuiltAnderson, Frieda L.American Quilter's Society813
AP-MApplique; Machine appliqueApplique - MachineBUH2011Fuss-free Machine AppliquéSew On The Line For Great ResultsBuhler, Lori, 1958-Martingale & Co.795
AP-MMachine appliqueApplique - MachineFER2009More! Hand Appliqué By Machine9 Quilt Projects, Updated Techniques, Needle-turn Results Without HandworkFerrier, Beth.C&T Pub.1778
AP-MApplique; TechniqueApplique - MachineFRO2006At play with applique7 template-free techniques : 10 step-by-step projectsFronks, Dilys A.C&T Publishing, Inc.317
AP-MFusing techniques; BlocksApplique - MachineJOH2010Fusible MagicIncludes 100 Blocks, 9 Quilt ProjectsJohnson-Srebro, Nancy.C&T Pub.684
AP-MMachine applique; Quilt history; Sampler quilts; FlowersApplique - MachineMEN2002Quiltmaker's Guide to Fine Machine AppliqueMenaugh, KarlaRalston, CherieSunflower Pattern Co-Operative1330
AP-MMachine applique; Embellishment; Small projects; Seasonal patternsApplique - MachineNEW2003New Ways To Appliquébasic blocks & beyondAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches132
AP-MApplique; Flowers; Sampler quiltsApplique - MachineNIC2001Machine appliquéa sampler of techniquesNickels, Sue.American Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society1230
AP-MMachine appliqueApplique - MachineNIC2006Stitched raw edge appliqueNickels, Sue.Holly, PatAmerican Quilter's Society283
AP-MMachine applique; Beginner's techniques; Sewing supplies and equipmentApplique - MachineNOB1998Basic quiltmaking techniques for machine appliquéNoble, Maurine, 1932-Martingale752
AP-MAppliqueApplique - MachinePIT2013First-time Machine AppliquéPittman, Janet, Author.Landauer Pub.1328
AP-MApplique; Flowers; TechniquesApplique - MachinePRI2008Love To Machine AppliquéA Medley Of TechniquesPrice, Caroline, 1948-American Quilter's Society1059
AP-MApplique; Machine appliqueApplique - MachineSCH2007Piece By Piece Machine AppliquéSchamber, Sharon.Fincher, Cristy.American Quilter's Society1637
AP-MApplique; Machine applique; Sampler quilts; CutworkApplique - MachineSHA1999Appliqué with folded cutworkShackelford, Anita.American Quilter's Society815
AP-MApplique; Beginner's tehniques; Children's quilt; HomeApplique - MachineWEL2005Machine applique made easya beginner's guide to techniques, stitches & decorative projectsWells, JeanC&T Publishing, Inc.1626
AP-MApplique; Birds; Flowers; Wearable art; Seasonal patterns; Small projectsApplique - MachineWON1997Wonder-Under book of easy appliqueAuthor not listed Oxmoor House.Oxmoor House719
A-RVMachine applique; Reverse applique; Beginner techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecingApplique - Reverse AppliqueMUL2003Reverse Appliqué With No BrakezMullen, Jan, 1958-C&T Pub.1691
A-SMFlowers; Applique; Embroidery; Sampler quilts; Beginner's techniques; EmbellishmentApplique - SamplerBUC2000Appliqué BasicsFlower WreathsBuckley, Karen Kay.American Quilter's Society437
A-SMApplique; Basket quilts; Flowers; Embellishment; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Machine applique; EmbroideryApplique - SamplerBUR1999Grandmother's garden quiltBurns, Eleanor.Knoechel, Patricia.Quilt in a Day937
A-SMApplique; Beginner's techniques; Embroidery; Flowers; BirdsApplique - SamplerDAN2002101 applique blocksDaniel, Nancy BrenanAmerican School of Needlework1475
A-SMApplique; Sampler quilts; Beginner's techniques; Sports imagesApplique - SamplerDIE2005Easy applique samplers20 designs to mix and matchDietrich, MimiMartingale & Company1612
A-SMApplique; Flowers; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selection; Sampler quiltsApplique - SamplerGOL2004Applique delights100 irresistible blocks from Piece O'Cake DesignsGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.1547
A-SMApplique; Flowers; Sampler quilts; Fabric selectionApplique - SamplerGOL2005The New applique samplerlearn to applique the Pieco o' Cake wayGoldsmith, BeckyJenkins , LindaC&T Publishing, Inc.1513
A-SMApplique; SamplerApplique - SamplerGOL2013Best-ever Appliqué Sampler From Piece O' Cake Designs, The5 Projects, 9 Blocks To Mix, Match & CombineGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C & T Pub.1776
A-SMApplique; Flowers; Butterflies; Patriotic eagleApplique - SamplerHEI2014Mi Amor Legacy AppliquéHeinisch, Margarete.American Quilter's Society1695
A-SMApplique; Gardens; Flowers Applique - SamplerSIT2009Hop To It!Appliquéd Blocks And ProjectsSitar, Edyta.Landauer Pub.832
A-SMMachine applique; Animals; Small projects; Sampler quilts; SportsApplique - SamplerWIT2006Applique At Play19 Sports Blocks To Mix And MatchWittmack, DeElda.Martingale640
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToALE2008Baby WrapsQuilt, Cuddly QuiltsAlexander, Karla, 1956-Martingale & Co.74
BACrib quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToAND2006Alex Anderson's Baby Quilts With Love12 Timeless Projects For Today's Nursery.Anderson, Alex, 1955-C&T Pub.537
BAChildren's quilts; Applique; Animals; Cats; Embroidery; Small projects; FlowersBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToARM2006Kitty capers15 quilt projects with purrsonalityArmstrong, Carol, 1953-C&T Pub.532
BAChildren's quilts; Baby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToAZE2005Action Karate QuiltsAzeez, KathyAuthor House247
BAApplique; Small projects; Patchwork; Crib quilts; Machine piecingBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToBEC1999Quilted Nursery, TheMore Than 50 Coordinated Projects For BabyBeck, Leslie, 1946-Martingale704
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToBEV2007Lickety-split Quilts For Little OnesBevan, Laurie.Martingale596
BAMachine applique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Alphabets; Children's quilts; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToBRI2007150 blocks for baby quiltsBriscoe, Susan.Quarto Publishing Inc639
BAFiction; Children's storyBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToBRU2000Quiltmaker's gift, TheBrumbeau, JeffMarcken, Gail DeScholastic Press1377
BAFiction; Children's storyBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToBRU2004Quiltmaker's Journey, TheBrumbeau, Jeff.De Marcken, Gail, ill.Orchard Books1043
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; Bugs; Animals; Applique; AlphabetsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToCAU200924-Hour baby quilts20 quick quilts for little onesCausee, LindaLeisure Arts136
BACrib quilts; Paper piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecingBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToDOA2001Easy paper-pieced baby quiltsDoak, Carol.Martingale1121
BAGroup projects; Children as quilters; Fabric - Surface imprinting; Setting; Sewing supplies and equipmentBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToEMM2005Kids Quilt TogetherThe ABCs Of Group QuiltsEmmel, Kathy, 1948-C&T Pub.269
BAApplique; Children's quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selection; Animals; Picture quilts; Small projectsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToGOL2006Covered With LoveKids' Quilts & More From Piece O' Cake DesignsGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.1647
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; Alphabets; Animals qqBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToHAM2002Making Quilts for ChildrenHammond, Elaine.David & Charles1415
BAFabric selection; Children's quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToHAT2003Illustrated Guide To Panel MagicHatch, Sandra L.Harvey, Sue, quilter.House of White Birches233
BAChildren's quilts; Fat quarters; Baby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToHAW2009Fast Fat Quarter Baby Quilts With M'Liss Rae HawleyMake Darling Doll, Infant, & Toddler Quilts : Bonus Layette Set.Hawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-C&T Pub.1773
BAChrildren's quilts; Modern quiltsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToHEN2013Oh Baby!modern quilts for children of all agesHenning, BrendaBear Paw Productions1485
BAChildren's quilts; Crib quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Fabric selectionBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToHIC2003Sweet and simple baby quiltsHickey, Mary.That Patchwork Place1336
BAChildren's quilts; Baby quiltsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToJOH2010Cuddly Snuggly QuiltsJohnson, Linda K.Wells, Jane K.American Quilter's Society1757
BAChildren's quilts; Numbers; Applique; Color wordsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToKIR2008Snuggle-and-learn Quilts For KidsKirsch, Chris Lynn, 1956-Martingale & Company182
BAChildren's quilts; Baby quilts; Modern quilts; Animals;Baby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToKOP2009Quilts, Baby!20 Cuddly Designs To Piece, Patch & EmbroiderKopp, Linda, 1960-Lark Books.625
BAChildren's quilts; Machine piecing; Animals; Applique; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToLAU1996Incredible quilts for kids of all agesLaury, Jean RayThe Quilt Digest Press462
BAChildren's quilts; Fabric - Surface imprinting; Small projects; Embellishment; AnimalsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToLAY2003Handprint quiltscreating children's keepsakes with paint and fabricLayton, Marcia L.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale5
BAChildren's quilts; Machine applique; Machine piecing; Alphabets; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToLOS2011Special Delivery Quilts #2 with Patrick Lose10 Cuddly Quilts for BabyLose, Patrick.C & T Pub.1876
BAChildren's quilts; Crib quilts; Animals; Applique; AlphabetsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToMIL2006P.S. I Love Your Four - Welcome BabyMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities1639
BATeaching sewing to children; Children's quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToMIL2016Best of Sewing Machine Fun for KidsProjects & 37 ActivitiesMilligan, Lynda Smith, NancyFunstitch Studio1796
BACats; Children's quilts; AnimalsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToNAV2008Copy Cat QuiltsNavarro, Dawn E.That Patchwork Place/Martingale & Co.57
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; Bugs; AnimalsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToNEU2006Baby quilts15 original designs for every nursery décorNeubauer, Linda.Creative Pub. International1583
BAMachine applique; Embroidery; Embellishment; Children as quiltersBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToPAU1996Refrigerator art quiltspreserving your child's art in fabricPaulson, JenniferThat Patchwork Place427
BAApplique; Children's quilts; Embroidery; Wearable art; Small projects; Christmas; BugsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToPEA2000Playful patchwork projectsPearson, Kari.K.P. Kids & Co.Sterling Publishing1011
BAChildren's quiltsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToPOR2012Cuddle Me Quick11 Baby-quilt DesignsPorter, Christine, 1944-Williamson, Darra Duffy.Martingale1168
BAChildren's quilts; Patchwork; AppliqueBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToQUI2003Quilts for Babies & KidsAuthor not listedHouse of White Birches527
BABeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Children's quilts; Machine piecing; AppliqueBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToQUI2006Quick colorful quilts for babies and toddlers14 cute and cuddly quilts to brighten up the nurseryAuthor not listedWilkinson, Rosemary (editor)New Hollond Publishers1625
BAChildren's quiltsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToQUI2009Quilting For BabyAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches1749
BAChildren's quilts; Embroidery; RedworkBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToRAP2003Teddy Bear RedworkRapacz, Jan, 1964-C&T Pub.378
BAPatchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selection; Children's quilts; Crib quiltsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToREI2000Even more quilts for babyeasy as ABCReikes, Ursula, 1950-Martingale929
BAChildren's quilts; Applique; Small projectsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToSAM2001In The NurseryCreative Quilts And Designer TouchesSampou, Jennifer, 1966-Schmitz, Carolyn, 1960-C&T Pub.608
BAQuilts for children; AppliqueBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToSCH2008Quilts, Bibs, Blankies-- Oh My!Create Your Own Cute & Cuddly NurserySchaefer, Kim, 1960-C&T Pub.473
BAChildren's quilts; Christmas; HomeBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToSHA2009Teens & Tweens Quilting Fun With Family & FriendsShackelford, Anita.Perdue, Jennifer.American Quilter's Society1733
BAChildren's quilts; Quilt history; PatchworkBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToTRA2006Prairie children and their quilts14 little projects that honor the pioneer spiritTracy, Kathleen, 1951-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Company1577
BAChildren's quilts; Applique; Machine piecing; AnimalsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToVAN2005Polka-dot kids' quiltsVan Bockel, Jean, 1952-Martingale & Company524
BAChildren's quilts; Baby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToWAR2006Jack and Jill quiltsfor boys and girlsWarehime, Retta, 1953-That Patchwork Place1586
BLPatchwork; Applique; Beginner's techniquesBlocks BEL2008201 Quilt Blocksmotifs, projects, and ideasBell, LouiseCico1260
BLPatchwork; Blocks Blocks CAU2004400 Quilt Blocks To Sew In 20 Minutes Or LessCausee, Linda.American School of Needlework.American School of Needlework1220
BLBlocks; Paper piecing; Patchwork; artists' storiesBlocks CEL2003Celebrate tradition with C & T Publishingover 70 fabulous new blocks, tips & stories from quiltings bestAuthor not listed Aneloski, Liz (editor)C&T Publishing, Inc.1624
BLBlocks; Fat quarter; patchworkBlocks FAT2005256 Fat Quarter Quilt BlocksAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches353
BLBlocks; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Flowers; Paper piecingBlocks HEN2001Teach Yourself Blocks from the PastHenry, MarieLeisure Arts1025
BLBlocks; Patchwork; Machine piecingBlocks HOP2003Once more around the block200 new blocksHopkins, JudyThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1374
BLBlocksBlocks HOP2008501 Rotary-cut Quilt BlocksHopkins, Judy, 1941-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.856
BLBlocks; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Sampler quilts; Seasonal patterns; Flowers; Beginner's techniquesBlocks JEN2005Thimbleberries big book of quilt blocksJensen, Lynette.LLC828
BLBlocks; Patchwork; Machine piecingBlocks JOH1999Endless possibilities using no-fail methodsJohnson-Srebro, nancySilver Star, Inc961
BLBlocks; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Seasonal patterns; Picture quiltsBlocks JOH2001Block magicover 50 fun & easy blocks made from squares and rectanglesJohnson-Srebro, Nancy.C&T Publishing, Inc.1098
BRBorders; Finishing; Borders, Finishes & LabelsBUC2006Earthly DelightsThe Perfect FinishBuckley, Karen Kay.K. Buckley835
BRPaper piecing; Labels; Fabric - Surface imprinting; EmbroideryBorders, Finishes & LabelsCAU2001Foundation-pieced quilt labels30 designsCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework1083
BRLabels; Fabric - Surface imprintingBorders, Finishes & LabelsCLA1998The Ultimate Book of Quilt LabelsClabo, Margo J.Martingale & Company703
BRBorders; Binding; Applique; Design; Pattern draftingBorders, Finishes & LabelsCOL2004Borders, bindings & edgesthe art of finishing your quiltCollins, SallyC&T Publishing, Inc.1403
BRBinding; BordersBorders, Finishes & LabelsDIE2003Happy endingsrevised editionDietrich, MimiMartingale & Company1371
BRBorders; Paper piecing; Machine piecing; DesignBorders, Finishes & LabelsHALL2002Foundation bordersHall & HaywoodHall, Jane, 1932-Haywood, Dixie.American Quilter's Society1271
BRBorders; Medallion quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsHAV2003Classic English medallion style quiltsHavig, Bettina.American Quilter's Society1379
BRApplique; Borders; Pattern draftingBorders, Finishes & LabelsHUS1998Interlacing Bordersmore than 100 intricate designs made easyHussain, DonnaMartingale & Company751
BRBorders; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsKIM1997border workbook, Theeasy speed-pieced & foundation-pieced bordersKime, Janet, 1948-That Patchwork Place449
BRBorders; Setting; Applique; Fabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsMAR2002Beyond the blocksquilts with great bordersMartin, Nancy J.Martingale1315
BRBinding; EmbellishmentBorders, Finishes & LabelsMAZ1996fine finish, Anew bindings for award-winning quiltsMazuran, CodyThat Patchwork Place575
BRPatchwork; Machine piecing; Design; Small projectsBorders, Finishes & LabelsMIL2006French Braid Quilts14 Quick Quilts With Dramatic ResultsMiller, Jane Hardy, 1950-C & T Pub.1650
BRLabels; Finishing Borders, Finishes & LabelsNER2004One-of-a-kind quilt labelsunique ideas for a special finishNerud, TheaThat Patchwork Place1430
BRBorders; BindingsBorders, Finishes & LabelsREB2005Beautiful Borders, Backings & BindingsReber, Jill.Sindelar, Margaret, 1945-Landauer702
BRBorders; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsREB2009BordersThe Basics & BeyondReber, Jill.Landauer Pub.366
BRBorders; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsSNY2004Pieced To FitInstant Quilt Borders From Easy BlocksSnyder, Sheila Sinclair.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale594
BRBorders; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsSNY2012Perfect-fit Pieced BordersSnyder, Sheila Sinclair.Martingale & Co.1018
BRBorders; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Applique; Wearable art; Patchwork; Machine piecingBorders, Finishes & LabelsWAR2002Illustrated Guide To Borders & BindingsWarner, Jodi G.Stauffer, Jeanne.House of White Birches992
BRBorders; bindingsBorders, Finishes & LabelsZIM2005quilter's edge, Theborders, bindings and finishing touchesZimmerman, Darlene.David & Charles distributor1578
BRGBargelloBargelloBAL2008Bargello Quilts With A TwistBall, Maggie.Krause Publications1780
BRGBargello; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; DesignBargelloGIB2009Bits Of BargelloGibbs, Karen, 1966-American Quilter's Society442
BRGWatercolor quilts; Bargello; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Fabric selectionBargelloWIL2001Colorwash bargello quiltsWilliams, Beth Ann.Martingale & Company1275
CECeltic; Patchwork patternsCelticCOM2006Celtic pieced illusionsCombs, KarenAmerican Quilter's Society318
CECeltic quilting; Small projects; Applique; Sashiko; Trapunto; SashikoCelticLAW1998Celtic quiltingLawther, Gail, 1955-David & Charles998
CECeltic quilting; Small projects; Applique; Sashiko; Trapunto; Sashiko; EmbroideryCelticLAW2004More Celtic quiltingLawther, GailKrause Publications1462
CECeltic quilting; Design; Machine applique; Patchwork; Symmetry; Ireland - HistoryCelticMAD2005New Sew Easy Celticsimple design, fast appliqueMadden, AngelaM.C.Q. Publications454
CECeltic quilting; Patterns QuiltingCelticTHO1998More Than Celticover 50 designs for quilting or appliqueThompson, ShirleyThompson, ShaunaPowell Publications790
C-FFolk; Austrailan designsCountry / FolkAIK2000Favourite QuiltsAustralian Patchwork & QuiltingAiken, SueCraftworld Book187
C-FFolk; Felt; Applique; Seasonal Country / FolkBEL1997Folk art felt36 heartfelt projects with creative new embellishmentsBelt, Sandy.Chilton Book Co.1130
C-FCountry; Quilt history; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; Strip piecing; AppliqueCountry / FolkBET2004Quilting Pieces Of The Past175 Years Of Inspirational Quilting.Better Homes and GardensMeredith678
C-FApplique; Animals; Small projects; EmbroideryCountry / FolkBRA1998Folk art animals25 faniciful applique designsBrandt, Janet CarijaThat Patchwork Place769
C-FApplique; Flowers; Small projects; Seasonal patterns; Labels; FolkCountry / FolkCAR2005Strawberry fairquilts with a country flairCarlson, Elizabeth HambyMartingale and Company306
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Applique Country / FolkCLA2005New Country Quilting25 pieced & appliqued projectsClason, DeniseKP962
C-FFolk; Patchwork; AppliqueCountry / FolkCOU2000Country friends go quiltingAuthor not listedGooseberry PatchLeisure Arts, Inc.1425
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Applique; Home Country / FolkDAV2006Quilting With Jodie In Cotton CountryDavis, Jodie, 1959-Davis, Jayne S.Breckling Press277
C-FBeginner's techniques; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingCountry / FolkDIE2002Thread Runs Through It, AThe Quilts, The Stories, The StepsDieges, Barbara.American Quilter's Society515
C-FFolk; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Recipes; Beginner's techniquesCountry / FolkDIE2003Bed and breakfast quiltswith rise and shine recipesDietrich, Mimi.Martingale1339
C-FCountry; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingCountry / FolkDIE2004Simple blessings14 quilts to grace your homeDiehl, KimMartingale & Company1512
C-FFolk; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingCountry / FolkDIE2006Simple Traditions14 Quilts To Warm Your HomeDiehl, Kim, 1959-Martingale1698
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Small projectsCountry / FolkDIE2009Simple Comforts12 Cozy Lap QuiltsDiehl, Kim, 1959-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.516
C-FFolk; PAtchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniquesCountry / FolkDIE2012Simple Charm12 Scrappy Patchwork And Appliqué Quilt PatternsDiehl, Kim, 1959-Martingale1684
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Small projects; FlowersCountry / FolkEIS2008Country-fresh QuiltsTraditional Blocks With Floral AccentsEisenman, Deanne, 1961-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.149
C-FSampler quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingCountry / FolkETH1999Quilts from Aunt AmyEtherington, Mary Tendall, 1948-Tesene, Connie, 1953-Martingale898
C-FSmall projects; Nature; Animals; Applique; Sampler quiltsCountry / FolkFIE2004Quilting the lodge look24 quilts, wallhangings,and companion projects in patchwork and wildlife appliqueField, DebbieLandauer Books1479
C-FApplique; Flowers; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selectionCountry / FolkGOL2002Contemporary Classics In Plaids & Stripes9 Projects From Piece 'O Cake DesignsGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.1310
C-FFolk Art; Applique; Patchwork; Country / FolkGOR2007American Folk Art QuiltsGordon, Maggi McCormick.Trafalgar Square Books579
C-FCountry; Patchwork patterns; Applique patternsCountry / FolkHIC2005Cottage-style quilts16 projects for casual country livingHickey, Mary.Martingale & Company1558
C-FCountry; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Seasonal patternsCountry / FolkJEN1999Thimbleberries guide for weekend quilters, The25 great-looking quilts for the busy quiltmakerJensen, Lynette.Thimbleberries, Inc.Rodale Press861
C-FCountry; Patchwork patterns; Applique patterns; Seasonal; DecoupageCountry / FolkJEN2001Cottage comfortcountry-cottage style decorating, entertaining, gardening, and quilting inspirations for creating all the comforts of homeJensen, Lynette.Thimbleberries, Inc.Landauer Books1548
C-FCountry; Patchwork; ThimbleberriesCountry / FolkJEN2003Beginner's luckover 20 tried and true quiltsJensen, LynettePublishing Solutions LLC1428
C-FCountry; Applique; Seasonal patterns; Small projects; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Beginner's techniquesCountry / FolkJEN2003Thimbleberries collection of classic quilts26 quilting inspirations for the homeJensen, LynetteLandauer Books1505
C-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; CountryCountry / FolkJEN2004Oh sew cozy flannel quiltsflannel quilt inspirations for creating inviting, cozy quilts that are sure to be family favoritesJensen, LynettePublishing Solutions LLC1603
C-FCountry; Applique; Seasonal patterns; Small projects; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesCountry / FolkJEN2006Thimbleberries new collection of classic quiltsJensen, Lynette.Thimbleberries, Inc.Landauer Books840
C-FFolk; Thimbleberries; Patchwork - patternsCountry / FolkJEN2007Thimbleberries Quilting A Patchwork GardenJensen, Lynette.Landauer Books1658
C-FPatchworkCountry / FolkJEN2009Block By Block To Beautiful QuiltsJensen, Lynette.Thimbleberries, Inc.Roundhouse distributor1735
C-FCountry; Folk; PatchworkCountry / FolkJOH2009Folk-art FavoritesQuilts From Joined At The HipJohnson, Tammy.Shirer, Avis.Martingale & Co.326
C-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Yo-yo quiltsCountry / FolkKRU2003The quilted cottageKrush, Pearl Louise.Krause Publications1560
C-FCountry;AppliqueCountry / FolkMCK2006Baltimore's country cousinsalbum quilt patternsMcKelvey, Susan Richardson.American Quilter's Society382
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Country / FolkMOE2009Gorgeous Quilts for gracious livingMoen, SonjaOehlke, Vicki LynnLandauer380
C-FFolk; American Folk Art Museum; Bird of Paradise Country / FolkMOW2011Bountiful Life, AAn adaptation of the bird of paradise quilt top in The American Folk Art MuseumMowery, KarenKansas City Star Books1434
C-FCountry; Small projects; Wall hangings; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniques; Animals; Sampler quilts; Crib quilts; Basket quilts; Applique; Dolls and dollmakingCountry / FolkMUM2001Debbie Mumm's Country quilts for all occasionsMumm, DebbieRodale1551
C-FCountryCountry / FolkMUM2002Debbie Mumm's Country Quilting Collection3 delightful books in 1Mumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1463
C-FCountry; Applique; Birds; Seasonal patterns; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Sampler quiltsCountry / FolkMUM2002Debbie Mumm's birdhouses for every seasonMumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1470
C-FCountryCountry / FolkMUM2003Debbie Mumm's quilts from a gardener's Journalfeaturing garden glories block of the monthMumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1487
C-FCountryCountry / FolkMUM2003Debbie Mumm's Country SettingDelightful Quilts, Dinnerware, & Accessories Decorate Six Country SettingsMumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1787
C-FCountry; Folk; PatchworkCountry / FolkNAI1998Naive & country quilts25 inspirational projectsAuthor not listedCraftworldCraftworld Book855
C-FCountry; Applique; Redwork; Patchwork; Home; SeasonalCountry / FolkPET2004Country quilts for friends18 charming projects for all seasonsPeters, Margaret, 1931-Sutton, AnneC&T Publishing, Inc.219
C-FFolk; Birds Country / FolkPLA2010Bird in Hand, Afolk art projects inspired by out feathered friendsPlains, ReneeKansas City Star Books1758
C-FCountry; Patchwork; Home; SeasonalCountry / FolkQUI2007Quilting In The CountryProjects And Recipes To Celebrate Life's Special MomentsQuinn, Jane, 1943-Martingale & Company1234
CLPatchwork; Bed quilts; Two colorColor BAN2004Two-color QuiltsBanker, Susan M.Dahlstrom, Carol Field.Meredith Books818
CLFabric selection; Wearable art; Contemporary quilts; Strip piecingColor BIA2007¡Caliente Quilts!Create Breathtaking Quilts Using Bold ColorsBianchi, PriscillaDavid & Charles distributor1283
CLPatchwork; Machine piecing; StarsColor BRO2006Dreaming In ColorBrown, Sonia, 1954-Moon Over Mountain1267
CLPatchwork; ColorColor CAR2010From Spain With Love11 Quilts Celebrate Mediterranean ColorCardew, Roberta.C & T Pub.1763
CLColor; Design; Fabric selection; Beginner techniquesColor GOL2015Quilter's Practical Guide to ColorGoldsmith, BeckyC & T Pub.1836
CLPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Two colorColor MAR1998Two-color quiltsten romantic red quiltsMartin, Nancy J.Martingale & Company478
CLColor; Design; Beginner's techniquesColor MCC2007Color For The Terrified QuilterPlain Talk, Simple Lessons, 11 ProjectsMcCauley, Ionne.Pederson, Sharon, 1943-That Patchwork Place934
CLColor; Design; Setting; BordersColor MIL 1998Easy piecescreative color play with two simple quilt blocksMiller, Margaret J., 1946-C&T Publishing, Inc.1628
CLColor; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecingColor MOR1999Freddy's housebrilliant color in quiltsMoran, Freddy, 1930-C&T Pub.989
CLColor; Design; PatchworkColor PEA2009Color Mastery10 principles fo creating stunning quiltsPeagler, MariaWillow Ridge Press, LLC778
CLColor; DesignColor PER1999Color from the heartseven great ways to make quilts with colors you lovePerry, Gai, 1936-C&T Pub.966
CLColor; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecingColor SEE1997Color magic for quiltersabsolutely the easiest, most successful method for choosing colors and fabrics to create quilts you'll loveSeely, AnnStewart, JoyceDistributed in the book trade by St. Martin's Press688
CLColor; Design; Art Color WEL2009Intuitive Color & DesignAdventures In Art QuiltingWells, Jean.C&T Pub.1268
CLColor; Visual perception; Design; SettingColor WOL1997Patchwork persuasionfascinating quilts from traditional designsWolfrom, Joen.C&T Publishing, Inc.1153
CLColor; DesignColor WOL2000Color playeasy steps to imaginative color in quiltsWolfrom, Joen.C&T Pub.1058
CLColor; DesignColor WOL2007Visual ColoringA Foolproof Approach To Color-rich QuiltsWolfrom, Joen.Inc.796
CRCrazy quilts; Patchwork; Crazy QuiltsHAI1998Crazy patchworkHaigh, JanetContemporary Books762
CREmbellishment; Crazy quilts; Embroidery; Fabric - Surface imprintingCrazy QuiltsMIC1998The magic of crazy quiltinga complete resource for embellished quiltingMichler, J. Marsha.Krause Publications1550
CRCrazy quilts; Embellishment; Machine appliqueCrazy QuiltsMIC2000Crazy Quilts By MachineMichler, J. Marsha.Krause Publications718
CRCrazy quilts; Embellishment; Machine appliqueCrazy QuiltsRAN2005More Crazy Quilts with AttitudeRandle, Barbarakp books1852
CRVPaper piecing; Curved piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Mariner's compass; StarsCurves BAR2004Foolproof curvesquilts with bias strips & continous paper piecingBarber, BarbaraC&T Publishing, Inc.1450
CRVCurved piecing; Strip piecing; BordersCurves BOE2005Curve patch quilts made easy15 designs featuring new techniquesBoerens, Trice.KP Books1598
CRVCurved piecing; Flowers; Machine piecingCurves BOW2001Cutting Curves from Straight PiecesBowles, DebbieAmerican Quilter's Society1812
CRVCurve piecing; Piping; Curves CLE2007Piping Hot CurvesAccent Curves In Quilts With PipingCleveland, Susan K.Pieces Be With You26
CRVCurved piecing; Machine piecing; Design; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsCurves FLE2005Pieced curves so simplethe 6-minute circle and other time-saving delightsFleming, Dale, 1952-C&T Pub.1582
CRVApplique; Flowers; Paper piecing; Machine piecingCurves GOL2005Quilts With A Spin7 New Projects From Piece O'Cake DesignsGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.656
CRVPatchwork; Circles; Curves HAD2010Amazing Ways to Use Circles & RaysHaddadin, RenaeAmerican Quilter's Society1848
CRVCurved piecing; Applique; Design; Dolls and dollmaking; Machine quiltingCurves HIL2006Easy bias-covered curvescreate quilts with WOW appealHill, WiendyC&T Publishing, Inc.148
CRVCurves Curves KEL2008Quiltastic CurvesKelly, Tammy.Martingale & Co.39
CRVCurved piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Scrap quiltsCurves MAC2004Winding ways quiltsa practical pinless approachMacdonald, Nancy ElliottC&T Publishing, Inc.1516
CRVPatchwork; Machine piecing; Curved piecingCurves MAR2006Wheel Of Mystery QuiltsSurprising Designs From A Classic BlockMarshall, Helen.Martingale811
CRVCurves; Spiral Curves MER2008Simply Amazing Spiral QuiltsMerrill, RaNae.KP1779
CRVCurved piecing; Flowers; Patchwork; Machine piecing; ButterfliesCurves ORN2004Peeled-back PatchworkCurves Without PiecingOrnelas, Annette.American Quilter's Society78
CRVPatchwork; Circles; Curves PHI2004Circle A Roundmaking circles fun!Phillips, CherylPhillips Fiber Art1272
CRVCurved piecing; Fabric selection; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecingCurves WIL2009Crazy Curves ContinuesWilson, ElisaElisa's Backporch Design1753
DEBorders; Patchwork; Machine piecing; SettingDesign/ LayoutAUG2000Vertical quilts with styleAug, Bobbie A.Newman, Sharon, 1942-American Quilter's Society936
DETessellations; Design; Pattern draftingDesign/ LayoutBEY1999Designing tessellationsthe secrets of interlocking patternsBeyer, Jinny.Contemporary Books368
DEPatchwork patterns; Quilting patterns; TQG AuthorDesign/ LayoutBID2007Blended Quilt BackgroundsCreate Secondary PatternsBiddick, Jean.American Quilter's Society1112
DEDesign; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutBLA 2010Collage+cloth=quiltCreate Innovative Quilts From Photo InspirationsBlaydon, Judi Warren.C & T Pub.1722
DEDesign; Color; Setting; Patchwork; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutCHA2001The Quilt maniac's playbookfuel for the quilt imaginationChambers, Nicole C.Tiger Lilly Press1538
DEDesign; Log cabin quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecingDesign/ LayoutCRA2001ultimate half log cabin book, TheCraig, Sharyn Squier, 1947-Chitra Publications586
DEDesign; Setting; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Sampler quiltsDesign/ LayoutCRA2004Great sets7 roadmaps to spectacular quiltsCraig, Sharyn SquireC&T Publishing, Inc.1511
DEColor; Design; Design/ LayoutCRA2009Quilt Challenge"what If" Ideas For Color And DesignCraig, Sharyn Squier, 1947-Mostek, Pamela, 1948-Martingale & Company431
DEPatchwork; Black in art; White in art; AppliqueDesign/ LayoutCRO2008Black & White Garden, ACross, Kay M. Capps.American Quilter's Society878
DEDesign; Fabric - Dyes and dyeing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutCUM2004Thinking outside of the blockstep by step to dynamic quiltsCummings, SandiFlamme, KarenC&T Publishing, Inc.1451
DEDesign; Curved piecingDesign/ LayoutDAL1998Curves in motionquilt designs & techniquesDales, Judy B., 1945-C&T Pub.792
DEDesign; Strip piecing; Visual perception; Three dimensional design; Patchwork; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutDOH1996Op-art QuiltsFun, Fast & Fabulous 3-D IllusionsDoheny, Marilyn.Doheny Publications1640
DEDesign; Three dimensional design; Beginner's techniques; Visual perceptionDesign/ LayoutEDD2004Quilting illusionscreate over 40 eye-fooling quiltsEddy, CeliaBarron's1427
DEDesign; Patchwork; Design/ LayoutFIS2012Easy Grid QuiltsFisher, Karen G.AQS Publishing1172
DEDesign; Paper piecing; Contemporary quilts; Picture quiltsDesign/ LayoutGAR2010Flying ColorsDesign Quilts With Freeform Shapes & Flying GeeseGarber, Gail.C&T Pub.327
DEDesign; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutGIL2011Create Your Own Free-form QuiltsA Stress-free Journey To Original DesignGillman, Rayna, 1941-C&T Pub.1705
DEDesign; Optical illlusionDesign/ LayoutGUL20043-D ExplosionSimply Fabulous Art Quilt IllusionsGulati, Cara.Doodle Press803
DEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Sampler quiltsDesign/ LayoutHEL2001Sew a row quiltsmake your own unique quilts with the 'sew a row' magic formulaHellaby, KarinQuilter's Haven Publications1170
DEColor; Design; Art quilts; Embellishment; Contemporary quilts; Machine quiltingDesign/ LayoutJOH2000quilter's book of design, TheJohnston, Ann, 1947-Quilt Digest Press974
DEDesign; Layout; Art Quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueDesign/ LayoutJOH2008Beyond the Block Johnson, Linda K.Wells, Jane K.American Quilter's Society1827
DEDesign; Quilt history; Depression-era quilts; 1930s quiltsDesign/ LayoutKIN2008Quilting Designs From The Past300+ Designs From 1810-1940Kinney, Jenny Carr, 1951-C & T Pub.1091
DEDesign; Color; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutKIN2009Art + QuiltDesign Principles And Creativity ExercisesKinard, Lyric.Interweave Press418
DEMystery quiltsDesign/ LayoutLAU2002Mystery Quilts - A Quilt Detective's HandbookLauder, BillieEasy Made1642
DEDesign; Color; Art Quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueDesign/ LayoutLOU2010Quilted SymphonyA Fusion of Fabric, Texture & DesignLoughman, Gloria, 1949-C & T Pub.1814
DEDesign; Picture quilts; Machine applique; Machine quilting; Color; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutMAS2005Color and composition for the creative quilterimprove any quilt with easy-to-follow lessonsMasopust, Katie Pasquini Barker, BrettC&T Publishing, Inc.1497
DEPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Fabric selection; Design; Curved piecingDesign/ LayoutMCC2004Blended Quilts II from In The BeginningMcCloskey, MarshaIn the Beginnning585
DEDesign; Patchwork; Picture quiltsDesign/ LayoutMCD2007Ruth B. McDowell's Design WorkshopTurn Your Inspiration Into An Artfully Pieced QuiltMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C&T Pub.1313
DEDesign; Circle Design/ LayoutMCD2008Adventures In Circlesquilt designs from start to finishMcDonald, Leigh E., 1956-Martingale & Company1065
DEDesign; Setting; Borders; ColorDesign/ LayoutMIL2000Smashing setsexciting ways to arrange quilt blocksMiller, Margaret J., 1946-C&T Publishing, Inc.1066
DEDesign; Setting; Patchwork; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutMIL2005Angleplay blockssimple half-rectangle, 84 no-math quilt blocks, easy-to-follow chartsMiller, Margaret, JC&T Publishing, Inc.1515
DEDesign; Setting; Patchwork; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutMIL2008Stunning AnglePlay Quilts6 Projects, 42 Exciting Blocks, Easy, No-math PiecingMiller, Margaret J., 1946-C&T Pub.1262
DEDesign; TemplatesDesign/ LayoutMOE2007Spinning Pinwheel QuiltsMoe, Sara.Krause Publications248
DEDesign; FabricDesign/ LayoutMOS2003Just can't cut it!quilts from fabulous fabricsMostek, Pamela, 1948-Martingale & Company1317
DEDesignDesign/ LayoutMUS1999New classic quilt designsMussell, Michal.American Quilter's Society1001
DEDesign; Pattern drafting; Symmetry; Fabric selection; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutNAD1996Kaleidoscopes & quiltsNadelstern, PaulaC&T Publishing, Inc.597
DEDesign; Pattern drafting; Symmetry; Fabric selection; Machine piecingDesign/ LayoutNAD2001Snowflakes & quiltsNadelstern, Paula.C&T Publishing, Inc.629
DEDesign; Pattern drafting; Symmetry; Fabric selection; Machine piecing; Sampler quiltsDesign/ LayoutNAD2005Puzzle QuiltsSimple Blocks, Complex FabricsNadelstern, Paula.C&T Pub.1062
DEDesign; Three dimensional design; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Log cabin quilts; StarsDesign/ LayoutNEP2008Not Your Grandmother's Log CabinNephew, Sara.Baker, Marcia L.Clearview Triangle65
DEDesign; Setting; Patchwork; Machine piecing; BlocksDesign/ LayoutNEV 2002Hidden block quiltsdiscover new blocks inside traditional favorites : 13 quilt settings, instructions for 55 blocksNevaril, Lerlene, 1938-C&T Pub.1295
DEDesign; Fabric - Surface imprinting; Applique; Art quiltsDesign/ LayoutNEW2002workshop with Velda Newman, Aadding dimension to your quilts.Newman, Velda, 1939-C&T Publishing, Inc.1280
DEDesign; Sewing supplies and equipment; Machine piecing; Pattern drafting; Machine quilting; Contemporary quiltsDesign/ LayoutOLS2004Journey Of An Art QuilterCreative Strategies And TechniquesOlson, Barbara (Barbara Lee)Dragon Threads557
DEDesign; Fabric selection; Contemporary quilts; Art quiltsDesign/ LayoutPAK2004Circle playsimple designs for fablous fabricsPakusich, ReynolaC&T Publishing, Inc.1499
DEReversible quilts; PatchworkDesign/ LayoutPED2002Reversible QuiltsPederson, SharonThat Patchwork Place1790
DESmall projects; Design; Machine quilting; Wearable artDesign/ LayoutPOO2007Joanie's Design Elements8 Easy Lessons To Adapt And Use Quilting DesignsPoole, Joanie Zeier.Krause Publications963
DEPatchwork; DesignDesign/ LayoutPOR2004Quilt Designs from Decorative Floor TilesPorter, ChristineDavid and Charles1788
DETessellations; Design; Color; Rotary cuttng; Machine piecing; Embellishment; StarsDesign/ LayoutPOR2006Tessellation Quiltssensational designs from interlocking patternsPorter, ChristineDavid & Charles1204
DEDesign; Machine quilting; Applique; Sewing supplies and equipmentDesign/ LayoutSAN2004Show me how to create quilting designs70 ready-to-use designs, 6 projects, fun, no-mark approachSandbach, KathyC&T Publishing, Inc.1464
DEDesign; Fabric selection; Patchwork Design/ LayoutSEG 2005Follow the dots ... to dazzling quiltsSegna, JoanCrow, JaymeMartingale & Company1634
DEDesign; Borders; Settings; PatchworkDesign/ LayoutSEN1997Sensational sets & bordersRodale' s Successful Quilting LibraryAuthor not listedSchneider, SallyRodale Press.823
DEDesign; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueDesign/ LayoutSMI2001Strips 'n curvesa new spin on strip piecingSmith, LouisaC&T Publishing, Inc.1256
DEDesign; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueDesign/ LayoutSMI2008One-Patch Plusa new twist on one-patch piecingSmith, LouisaHarris, LisaQuilt Escapes, LLC496
DEMachine piecing; TessellationsDesign/ LayoutTHO2005Square dancefancy quilts from plain squares. revised editionThompson, MarthaMartingale & Company419
DEDesign; Color; BordersDesign/ LayoutTOR 1998Design essentialsthe quilter's guideTorrence, Lorraine, 1941-That Patchwork Place729
DEDesign; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingDesign/ LayoutTOR 2006Shifting PerspectivesTrim Your Way To One-of-a-kind QuiltsTorrence, Lorraine, 1941-C&T Pub.791
DEDesign; Color; BordersDesign/ LayoutTOR 2009Fearless Design For Every QuilterTraditional & Contemporary--10 Lessons--creativity & CritiqueTorrence, Lorraine, 1941-Mills, Jean B., 1950-C&T Pub.374
DEDesign; Creativity; Surface Design; Design/ LayoutTRI2011How to Be Creative in Textile ArtTriston, JuliaLombard, RachelBatsford100
DEDesign; Flowers; Fabric selection; Watercolor quiltsDesign/ LayoutWEL1999Through the garden gatequilters and their gardensWells, Jean.Wells, Valori.C&T Publishing, Inc.891
DEDesign; Machine piecing; Flowers; Nature; Small projects; Picture quiltsDesign/ LayoutWEL2000Stitch 'n flip quilts14 fantastic projectsWells, Valori.C&T Publishing, Inc.1093
DEDesign; Applique; Embroidery; Flowers; Curved piecing; Machine quiltingDesign/ LayoutWEL  2002Garden-inspired quiltsdesign journals for 12 quilt projectsWells, Jean.Wells, Valori.C&T Publishing, Inc.392
DEDesign; Pattern draftingDesign/ LayoutWOL1999Make any block any sizeeasy drawing method, unlimited pattern possibilities, sensational quilt designsWolfrom, Joen.C&T Publishing, Inc.1104
DEDesign; Perspective; ColorDesign/ LayoutWOL2011Adventures In DesignThe Ultimate Visual Guide : 153 Spectacular Quilts : Activities & ExercisesWolfrom, Joen.C&T Pub.1304
DEPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Fabric selection; Design; Curved piecingDesign/ LayoutYEN2003Blended wall quilts from In The BeginningYenter, SharonMcCloskey, MarshaIn the Beginnning1400
D-FFabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueDesign - Fabric SelectionBAC2004Mad about plaidquilts from classic fabricsBacon, DebbieThat Patchwork Place1442
D-FFabric selection; Patchwork; AppliqueDesign - Fabric SelectionBAR2003QuiltscapesBarker, RebeccaAmerican Photography1520
D-FFabric selection; Patchwork; Applique; Australia; ColorDesign - Fabric SelectionBRI2003Bright Quilts from Down Under13 Color-charged ProjectsAuthor not listed Australian Patchwork and Quilting MagazineMartingale Press1789
D-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Seasonal patternsDesign - Fabric SelectionCRE2008Creative Quilt Collection. Volume 3.Author not listed Green, Mary V. (editor)Martingale & Co.1736
D-FFabric selection; Patchwork patterns; Machine quiltingDesign - Fabric SelectionEYE2012Eye-catching Quilts16 Designs From The Experts At Quiltmaker Magazine.Author not listed Green, Mary V. (editor)Martingale1716
D-FPatchwork; 1930's quilts; Depression-era quiltsDesign - Fabric SelectionFAB1999Fabulous feedsack quiltsa pattern bookAuthor not listed Chitra Publications1003
D-FFabric selection; Patchwork patterns; Machine quiltingDesign - Fabric SelectionGRO2007Sew Fun, So Colorful QuiltsFrom Me And My Sister DesignsGroves, Barbara.Jacobson, Mary A.Martingale & Co.305
D-FDesign; Australian quilts; Fabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Log cabin quiltsDesign - Fabric SelectionHOO2001Razzle dazzle quiltsHooworth, Judy, 1947-Martingale & Company1095
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniquesDesign - Fabric SelectionMAR2005Focus on floralsquilts from pretty printsMartin, TerryMartingale & Company1508
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Machine piecing; Design; Borders; TessellationsDesign - Fabric SelectionMAS1996Stripes in quiltsMashuta, Mary.C&T Pub.623
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Machine piecing; Design; Borders; Curved piecing; Wearable art; Embellishment; Machine quiltingDesign - Fabric SelectionMAS2001Cotton candy quiltsusing feed sacks, vintage & reproduction fabricsMashuta, Mary.C&T Publishing, Inc.1100
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selectionDesign - Fabric SelectionREG2007Colorful QuiltsA Journey Through FabricRegone, Cynthia LeBlanc.Martingale & Company474
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Machine piecing; BatiksDesign - Fabric SelectionSHI2003Batiks and beyondquilts from fabulous fabricsShifrin, Laurie J., 1960-Martingale & Company1383
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Machine piecing; BatikDesign - Fabric SelectionSHI2008Batik Gems29 Dazzling Quilt ProjectsShifrin, Laurie J., 1960-C&T Pub.1082
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecingDesign - Fabric SelectionSMI2004Focus on batikstraditional quilts in fun fabicsSmiley, Jan BodeC&T Publishing, Inc.1447
D-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Paper piecingDesign - Fabric SelectionSMI2008Simple to Sensational BatiksSmith, NancyMilligan, LyndaPossibilities1782
D-FPatchwork; Fabric selectionDesign - Fabric SelectionSNY2008Big-print QuiltsSnyder, Karen, 1953-Krause Publications1772
D-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Fabric selectionDesign - Fabric SelectionYEN2001Floral Bouquet Quilts from In the BeginningYenter, Sharon EvansSea-Hill Press, Inc1081
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS1997Glorious PatchworkFassett, KaffePrior, LizaEbury Press647
D-KSmall projects; Machine piecing; StarsKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS1999Westminister: Patchwork and quilting book number 1thirteen designFassett, KaffeWesminster Fibers, Inc1404
D-KSmall projects; Machine piecing; Paper piecingKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2000Westminister: Patchwork and quilting book numbr 2Fassett, KaffeWesminster Fibers, Inc1483
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; AppliqueKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2001Passionate patchworkover 20 original quilt designsFassett, KaffeLucy, Liza PriorTaunton Press1621
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2004Kaffee Fassett's caravan of quiltsFassett, KaffeRowan Yarns1421
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2005Kaffe Fassett's Museum QuiltsDesigns Inspired By The Victoria & Albert MuseumFassett, Kaffe.Lucy, Liza PriorTaunton Press1157
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2006Kaffe Fassett's Kaleidoscope Of QuiltsFassett, Kaffe.Horton, Roberta.Taunton Press1166
D-KKaffe; Patchwork; ColorKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2007Kaffe Fassett's Quilts In The SunFeaturing Roberta Horton, Liza Prior Lucy, Pauline Smith, Brandon Mably, Rebekah Lynch, Betsy Menefee Rickles.Fassett, Kaffe.Taunton Press1321
D-KColor; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; AppliqueKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2008Kaffe Fassett's Country Garden QuiltsFassett, Kaffe.Rowan Yarns.Taunton Press1697
D-KKaffe; Patchwork; ColorKaffe Fasset DesignsFAS2010Kaffe Fassett's Simple Shapes Spectacular Quilts23 Original Quilt DesignsFassett, Kaffe.Lucy, Liza Prior.Tabori & Chang940
E-BEmbellishmentEmbellishment - BeadsEHA2009Bead Creative Like Crazybeading inspired by crazy quiltsEha, Nancy.Creative Visions Press1770
E-BEmbellishment; Beads; Wearables; Embellishment - BeadsSHR2008Creative Quilting With BeadsBags, Aprons, Mini-quilts & MoreShrader, Valerie Van ArsdaleLark Books401
E-BEmbellishment; Beads; Applique; Flowers; Embroidery; Seasonal patternsEmbellishment - BeadsSTO2001The stori of beaded embellishmentStori, MaryMartingale & Company1163
E-BEmbellishment; BindingEmbellishment - BeadsSTO2004Beading basics30 embellishing techniques for quiltingStori, MaryC&T Publishing, Inc.1545
E-BEmbellishment; Beads; Techniques; Embroidery; AppliqueEmbellishment - BeadsSTO2008Embellishing with Felted Wool16 Projects with Applique, Beads, Buttons & EmbroideryStori, MaryC & T Pub.1799
E-BEmbellishment; Beads; TechniquesEmbellishment - BeadsWHI2008All Beaded Up By MachineWhite, Terry.American Quilter's Society54
E-GEmbroidery; Flowers; Applique; Small projects; Animals; Crazy quiltsEmbellishment - General ALD2004Favorite Appliqué & Embroidery QuiltsAlderman, Betty.American Quilter's Society9
E-GSewing supplies and equipment; Embellishment; Machine embroidery; Wearable art; Small projectsEmbellishment - General ALL2004All about machine artsdecorative techniques from A to ZAuthor not listed C&T Publishing, Inc.1510
E-GEmbellishment; Stitches; Embroidery; Ribbon; ShearsEmbellishment - General CRE2001Rodale's successful quilting libraryCreative embellishmentsAuthor not listedRodale Press.Rodale Press1342
E-GMachine embroidery; Embellishment; Fabric selection; Small projects; Wearable art; ChristmasEmbellishment - General DIB2001Machine embroidery and more10 step-by-step projects using border fabrics and beadsDibbs, KristenC&T Publishing, Inc.1435
E-GEmbellishment; Christmas; Embellishment - General DOB2003Dimensional QuiltsDobbs, Phyllis M.Krause787
E-GEmbellishment; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projectsEmbellishment - General EAT2005Summertime QuiltsFresh Designs In ChenilleEaton, Patti.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale421
E-GMachine embroidery; Picture quilts; Animals; Embellishment; DesignEmbellishment - General EDD1997Thread magicthe enchanted world of Ellen Anne EddyEddy, Ellen AnneThat Patchwork Place492
E-GMachine embroidery; Embellishment; FlowersEmbellishment - General FAH2005Coloring with threada no-drawing approach to free-motion embroideryFahl, AnnC&T Publishing, Inc.1504
E-GEmbellishmentEmbellishment - General FEH2009Quilting Your StyleMake-it-unique Embellishing TechniquesFehr, Leah, 1980-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.395
E-GSmall projects; Embellishment; Embroidery; Applique; Fabric - Surface imprintingEmbellishment - General FIN2007Embellished Mini-quiltsFingal, Jamie, 1953-Lark Books1663
E-GFabric surface design; EmbellishmentEmbellishment - General HIL1997On the surfacethread embellishment and fabric manipulationHill, Wendy, 1951-C&T Pub.649
E-GEmbellishment; Embroidery; Applique; Fabric - Surface imprintingEmbellishment - General HOL2006Quilter's Directory Of Embellishments, TheHolman, Sally.C & T1719
E-GMachine embroidery; Embellishment; Crazy quilts; Fabric selection; Sewing supplies and equipmentEmbellishment - General KOL2001Sew crazy with decorative threads & stitchesKolb, Alice.American Quilter's Society1250
E-GEmbellishment; Buttons; Patchwork Embellishment - General MAN2006All Buttoned Up12 Quilts From The Button BoxManwaring, Loraine.Nelsen, Susan.That Patchwork Place652
E-GQuilting; Applique; Design; RedworkEmbellishment - General MAR2006Gwen Marston's Needlework Designs.Marston, Gwen.American Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society659
E-GEmbellishment; Embroidery; AppliqueEmbellishment - General MCC2001Fantasy floral quiltscreating with silk flowersMcCaffery, Bonnie Lyn, 1954-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1181
E-GEmbellishment; EmbroideryEmbellishment - General MON2000Floral stitchesan illustrated guide to floral stitcheryMontano, Judith.C&T Pub.1101
E-GEmbellishment; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Small projects; FlowersEmbellishment - General MOS2006Dazzling quiltsEasy glitz and instant glamourMostek, PamelaMartingale & Company1616
E-GEmbellishment; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projectsEmbellishment - General MUR1998Jazz it up!101 stitching & embellishing techniquesMurrah, Judy, 1943-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1032
E-GWearable art; Machine applique; Embellishment; Small projects; Fabric - Manipulation; Sewing supplies and equipmentEmbellishment - General NEL2003Creative machine stitchingspecial effects for quilts and moreNelson, Patricia, 1946-Martingale & Company1285
E-GEmbellishment; Applique; Embroidery; Embellishment - General POT2004Quilt & embellish in one stepPotter, LindaC&T Publishing, Inc.1413
E-GEmbellishment; EmbroideryEmbellishment - General RAI2007Safari through African Folklore Embroideryfor all those who love beads, fiber art, colors and fabricRaikin, LeoraAfrican Folklore Embroidery602
E-GEmbellishment; EmbroideryEmbellishment - General REI2011Stitch MagicA Compendium Of Techniques For Stitching Fabric Into Exciting New Forms And FashionsReid, Alison, 1966-STC Craft1717
E-GEmbellishment; EmbroideryEmbellishment - General SHI2012Artfully EmbroideredMotifs And Patterns For Bags And MoreShimoda, Naoko, 1953- Author.Interweave Press1080
E-GMachine applique; Small projects; Flowers; Embellishment; Machine embroideryEmbellishment - General WEL2006Portraits from nature35 studies for dimensiional quiltsWells, JeanC&T Publishing, Inc.93
E-GEmbroidery; Small projects; Alphabets; Seasonal patternsEmbellishment - General WHI1998Hand-stitched samplers from I Done My Best9 delightful and quick projectsWhite, SaundraThat Patchwork Place467
E-REmbroidery; Flowers; Small projectsEmbellishment RedworkAND2001Shadow redwork with Alex Anderson24 designs to mix and match.Anderson, Alex, 1955-C&T Pub.1071
E-REmbellishment; EmbroideryEmbellishment RedworkCAU1999Learn to do RedworkCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework938
E-REmbellishment; Embroidery; RedworkEmbellishment RedworkCOA2003Great Grandmother Ives' RedworkCoakley, Linda HalseyLinda Halsey Coakley393
E-RDocumentation; Embelllishment - History of Redwork Embellishment RedworkHAR2000Red & WhiteAmerican redwork quilts and patternsHarding, DeborahRizzoli International Publications, Inc.973
E-REmbroidery; Redwork Embellishment RedworkHAR2000Red & WhiteAmerican redwork patternsHarding, DeborahRizzoli International Publications, Inc.1783
E-REmbroidery; Redwork; Embellishment RedworkKRU2010RedworkWinter TwitteringsKrush, Pearl Louise.House of White Birches1875
E-REmbroidery; Small projects; Beginner's techniques; Animals; Depression-era quiltsEmbellishment RedworkMAR2000Kitties to stitch & quilt15 redwork designsMartin, Nancy J.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale239
E-REmbellishment; Redwork; Animals; FlowersEmbellishment RedworkRAY2000Redwork revivalRay, Marjorie MildredIndygo Junction, Inc956
E-REmbroidery; Redwork; Embellishment RedworkSIN1999Redwork, quilts & moreSinema, LaureneDesign Originals834
E-REmbroidery; RedworkEmbellishment RedworkSIN1999Redwork in blueSinema, LaureneDesign Originals879
F-MFlowers; Surface manipulations; Three dimensional Fabric ManipulationBAK2008More Fabulous FlowersMini-quilts In Dimensional AppliquéBaker, Sharon K., 1958-Martingale & Company1685
F-MEmbellishment; Small projects; Fabric foldingFabric ManipulationHIN2002Quiltagamithe art of fabric foldingHiney, Mary Jo.Sterling Pub.1296
F-MPatchwork patterns; Fabric manipulationFabric ManipulationKIM2007Folded Fabric EleganceKim, Rami.American Quilter's Society1020
F-MSurface design; Fabric manipulation;Fabric ManipulationKIM2012Elegant Cotton - Wool - Silk - QuiltsKim, Rami.American Quilter's Society1737
F-MOrigami, fabric manipulation, flowersFabric ManipulationMAB2006Origami Quilts20 Folded Fabric ProjectsMabbs, LouiseLowes, WendyThat Patchwork Place1874
F-MFabric - Surface manipulationFabric ManipulationMOR2003Folded fabric squares and moreMori, JoyceAmerican Quilter's Society1605
F-MFabric - surface manipulation; Flowers; Applique; Fabric ManipulationSHA2001Petal Play The Traditional WayShay, Joan.Paducah, KY : American Quilter's Society1154
F-MJapanese quilting; Japan - History; Flowers; Applique; Three dimensional designFabric ManipulationSUD2000Fantasies & flowersorigami in fabric for quiltersSudo, Kumiko.Quilt Digest Press922
F-MFabric - surface manipulation; FlowersFabric ManipulationWAT2000Fantastic fabric foldinginnovative quilting projectsWat, Rebecca, 1965-C&T Publishing, Inc.968
F-MSurface design; Fabric manipulation; Machine embroidery; Fabric - Dyes and dyeing; Machine appliqueFabric ManipulationWAT2006Fresh Twist On Fabric Folding, A6 Techniques--20 Quilt & Décor ProjectsWat, Rebecca, 1965-C&T Pub.1738
FQFat Quarters; Scrap quilts; Sampler quilts; Fabric selection; ColorFat QuartersCHA2006Fast Quilts from Fat QuartersChainey, BarbaraDavid & Charles1203
FQFat quarters; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Small projectsFat QuartersDIS2004Clever QuartersQuilts From Fat-quarter CutsDissmore, Susan Teegarden, 1957-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale951
FQFat quarters; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingFat QuartersDIS2006Clever Quarters, TooMore Quilts From Fat QuartersDissmore, Susan Teegarden, 1957-Martingale1273
FQFat quartersFat QuartersFON2000Fat quarter friendlyfrom Fons and Porter's For the love of quilting magazine.Fons, Marianne.Porter, Liz.Oxmoor House1123
FQPatchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Beginner's techniquesFat QuartersHAW1999Fat Quarter QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-Martingale1769
FQPatchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Beginner's techniques; Bargello; Fat quarterFat QuartersHAW2001More fat quarter quiltsHawley, M'LissMartingale & Company1484
FQFat Quarter; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Sampler quiltsFat QuartersMIL2004Super simple fat quarter quiltsMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities1561
FQFat quarters; Patchwork - patterns; Home; Applique; Beginner's techniquesFat QuartersPEN2006Fat quarter quiltingfast, fun, donePenn, Sue.KP1585
FQFat quartersFat QuartersSMI2009Fat-quarter Quilting21 Terrific 16" X 20" ProjectsSmith, KerryThat Patchwork Place, Inc.That Patchwork Place/Martingale & Co.1723
FQFat quarters; PatchworkFat QuartersSNY2007Fat Quarter FunSnyder, Karen, 1953-David & Charles distributor761
FQSmall projects; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Flowers; Seasonal patternsFat QuartersZIM2005Fat quarter small quilts25 Projects You Can Make in a DayZimmerman, Darlene.KP Books1570
HSeasonal; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Paper piecing; Machine applique; Strip piecingSeasonal - HolidaysBAK2004Quilt the seasons24 projects to build your skillsBaker, Barbara K.Boe, JeriC&T Publishing, Inc.1449
HSeasonal; Quilting patterns; Textile painting; HolidaysSeasonal - HolidaysBOE2002Quick quilts for the holidays11 projects to stamp, stencil, and sewBoerens, Trice.C&T Pub.1247
HSeasonal; PatchworkSeasonal - HolidaysCEL2001Celebrate the season with quiltsAuthor not listed Chitra Publications1523
HSeasonal patterns; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Applique; FlowersSeasonal - HolidaysDER2003Four seasons of quiltsgarden-inspired quiltsDerksen, CoriHarder, MyraThat Patchwork Place1420
HSeasonal patterns; Applique; Small projects; Paper piecingSeasonal - HolidaysFLE2002quilter's home, ThefallFletcher, Lois Krushina, 1954-Martingale & Company30
HSeasonal patterns; Children's quilts; Beginner's techniques; AppliqueSeasonal - HolidaysFON2000Our best seasonal quiltsfrom Fons and Porter's for the love of quilting magazine.Fons, Marianne.Porter, Liz.Oxmoor House1061
HSeasonal; Applique; Beginner's techniques; FlowersSeasonal - HolidaysGOL2001Once upon a seasonGoldsmith, BeckyJenkins , LindaPiece O' Cake Designs, Inc.1122
HSeasonal; Applique; Embroidery; Patchwork; Machine piecingSeasonal - HolidaysGOL2001Holiday collage quiltsGoldstein, JoanneThat Patchwork Place1135
HHolidays, SeasonalSeasonal - HolidaysHAL2010Count on ItHalvorson, NancyArt to Heart571
HSeasonal patterns; Halloween; Seasonal - HolidaysHOC2003Hocus Pocus!Halloween crafts for a spooktacular holidayAuthor not listedMartingale1587
HSeasonal; AppliqueSeasonal - HolidaysHOH2001Seasons of loveHohag, LindaCarlson, LindaBrandywine Design, Inc1111
HSeasonal patterns; Applique; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingSeasonal - HolidaysJEN2006Thimbleberries four seasons of calendar table toppersJensen, Lynette.Ginsburg, Marilyn.Landauer179
HSeasonal; Autumn; HalloweenSeasonal - HolidaysJEN2006Quilting for Harvest20 Great Projects from Harvest to HalloweenJensen, LynetteLandauer Books1849
HPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Seasonal patterns; AnimalsSeasonal - HolidaysKLO2008American Jane's Quilts For All Seasons And Some For No ReasonKlop, Sandy, 1944-Martingale & Company147
HSeasonal; Applique; Patchwork; Wall hangings; BannersSeasonal - HolidaysLOS2009Poster Quilts With Patrick Lose.Lose, Patrick.C&T Pub.1119
HSeasonal patterns; Small projects; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingSeasonal - HolidaysMIL1998HouseWarmersMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities479
HSeasonal patterns; Applique; Animals; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Sampler quilts; EmbellishmentSeasonal - HolidaysMUM2002Quilting through the year with Debbie MummMumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1318
HSeasonal; Applique; Flowers; SeasonalSeasonal - HolidaysPOP2006fresh look at seasonal quilts, APopa, Julie.Martingale486
HHome; Patchwork; SeasonalSeasonal - HolidaysQUI2000Quick Creative QuiltingAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches1657
HSeasonal Patchwork; Patterns; AppliqueSeasonal - HolidaysROU2004Winter wonders15 quilts projects to celebrate the seasonRounds, Jennifer, 1957-Comyns, Catherine, 1955-C&T Publishing, Inc.1490
HSeasonal; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; Picture quilts; ChristmasSeasonal - HolidaysSCH1998Paper piecing the seasonsfoundation piecing from easy to expertSchwartz, Liz, 1971-Seifert, Stephen, 1970-Martingale & Company786
HSeasonal patterns; Peanuts characters; Halloween; Christmas; 4th of July Seasonal - HolidaysSHE2015Peanuts Quilted CelebrationsShea, KathleenAmerican Quilting Society1823
HSeasonalSeasonal - HolidaysSMI1998Snow buddies throughout the year!Smith, NancyMilligan, LyndaPossibilities1408
H-CChristmas; Applique; Small projects; AnimalsSeasonal - ChristmasBRO2006Adoration QuiltsAppliqué Nativity ProjectsBrown, Rachel W. N.Martingale584
H-CChristmas; Patchwork; Small quiltsSeasonal - ChristmasCAR2013Christmas SparkleCarey, Mary JaneLeisure Arts1378
H-CChristmas; Paper piecing;Seasonal - ChristmasCAU200224 Angel Quilt BlocksCausee, Linda.American School of Needlework.American School of Needlework645
H-CChristmas; Machine piecing; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasCHR2001Christmas at That Patchwork Place.Author not listed Green, Mary V. (editior)Martingale & Company1134
H-CChristmas; Embellishment; Paper piecingSeasonal - ChristmasDAV2000Paper piece a Merry ChristmasDavis, Jodie, 1959-Martingale & Company1133
H-CChristmas; Stars; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; EmbellishmentSeasonal - ChristmasFAV 1999Favorite Christmas quilts from That Patchwork Place.From That Patchwork PlaceAuthor not listed Green, Mary V. (editior)Martingale1205
H-CChristmas; Miniature; Patchwork; Applique Seasonal - ChristmasFAV 2001Favorite little christmas quiltsAuthor not listed Chitra Publications1198
H-CApplique; Christmas; Small projectsSeasonal - ChristmasGOL2011Quilt A New Christmas With Piece O' Cake DesignsAppliquéd Quilts, Embellished Stockings & Perky Partridges For Your TreeGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-Inc.1068
H-CChristmas; Applique; CraftsSeasonal - ChristmasGOU1997Simply Christmascraft projects for the season of givingGourley, Miriam, 1951-Quilt Digest Press499
H-CChristmas; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasHAL1999Glad tidings adventHalvorson, NancyArt To Heart971
H-CMachine applique; Christmas; Stained glass quilting; Small projectsSeasonal - ChristmasHEN1999Christmas traditions in stained glassHenning, BrendaBear Paw Productions841
H-CChristmas; Applique; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Miniature piecing; Seasonal patternsSeasonal - ChristmasJEN1999Pint size ChristmasJensen, LynetteThimbleberris, Inc843
H-CChristmas; Applique; Animals; Children's quilts; Embroidery; Embellishment; Small projectsSeasonal - ChristmasJEN2000A Piece O'Cake ChristmasJenkins , LindaGoldsmith, BeckyPiece O' Cake Designs, Inc.1075
H-CChristmas; Applique; Small projects; Recipes; Patchwork; Machine piecingSeasonal - ChristmasJEN2000Thimbleberries classic country Christmasdecorating, entertaining, and quilting inspirations for celebrating Christmas all through the houseJensen, LynetteLandauer Books1468
H-CChristmas; Small projectsSeasonal - ChristmasJEN2001Thimbleberries Christmas cottageJensen, LynetteLandauer Books1495
H-CChristmas; Applique;Seasonal - ChristmasLOS2008Patrick Lose Christmas, AWhimsical Projects To Deck The HallsLose, Patrick.C&T Pub.1000
H-CChristmas; Small projects; Embroidery; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasMAR2002Make Room For Christmas QuiltsHoliday Decorating Ideas From Nancy J. MartinMartin, Nancy J.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.634
H-CChristmas; Machine appliqueSeasonal - ChristmasMEN2009Juniper and MistletoeA forest of appliqueMenaugh, KarlaBrackman, BarbaraKansas City Star Books918
H-CChristmas; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasMER2005Merry Christmas quiltsAuthor not listedMartingale1594
H-CChristmas; PatchworkSeasonal - ChristmasMEU2005A few of my favorite Christmas quilts7 holiday patterns with step-by-step instructionMeunier, ChristianeChitra Publications1533
H-CChristmas; Applique; Small projects; Embellishment; Wearable artSeasonal - ChristmasMIL1999Joy to the worldMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities845
H-CChristmas; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasMIL2004Home for the holidaysMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities1542
H-CChristmas; Patchwork patterns; Machine quilting patternsSeasonal - ChristmasMIL2010Christmas With Possibilities16 Quilted Holiday ProjectsMilligan, Lynda, 1951-Smith, Nancy, 1943 October 17-C&T Pub.1708
H-CChristmas; Patchwork, Applique; BiblicalSeasonal - ChristmasMUM1998Noah's NoelMumm, DebbieMumm's The Word716
H-CChristmas; Applique; Small projects; Patchwork; Recipes; Birds; Wearable artSeasonal - ChristmasMUM200012 days of Christmascreate warmth & elegance with gift, decorating, & quilting ideasMumm, DebbieMumm's The Word1534
H-CChristmas; FolkSeasonal - ChristmasMUM2007Joy Joy Joyquilts, crafts, giftsMumm, DebbieLeisure Arts819
H-CChristmas; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Crazy quilts; Seminole piecingSeasonal - ChristmasQUI1997Quilted for Christmas, Book IVAuthor not listedWhite, JanetThat Patchwork Place615
H-CChristmas patchwork; Applique; RedworkSeasonal - ChristmasQUI2005Quilt a Colorful ChristmasAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches1552
H-CChristmas; Small projects; Applique; Embellishments; Embroidery; FolkSeasonal - ChristmasSAF1997Two-hour quilted Christmas projectsSaffiote, Cheri.Sterling Publishing Co.720
H-CChristmas; Small projects; Applique; Embellishments; EmbroiderySeasonal - ChristmasSAF2002301 country Christmas quilt blocksSaffiote, CheriSterling Pub. Co.1407
H-CChristmas; Applique; Flowers; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingSeasonal - ChristmasSCH2007Cozy Quilted Christmas, A90 Designs, 17 Projects To Decorate Your HomeSchaefer, Kim, 1960-C&T Pub.1139
H-CChristmas; Patchwork; Applique; Seasonal - ChristmasSMI2007More Joy to the WorldSmith, NancyMilligan, LyndaPossibilities111
H-CChristmas; Snowman; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasSTR2002Snow FriendsStrain, DebLandauer Books365
H-CChristmas; Small projects; AppliqueSeasonal - ChristmasWAL2011Be Merryquilts and projects for your holiday homeWalker, MarthaKansas City Star Books1673
H-CChristmas; Applique; Embroidery; Wall hangingsSeasonal - ChristmasWES2000Easy and fun Christmas quiltsWestfall, Eileen.Martingale & Company1128
H-CChristmas; Embroidery; Small projects; RedworkSeasonal - ChristmasWOO2000Old world Santas in redworkWooters, MargeIndygo Junction, Inc1116
HIContemporary quilts;History Hawaiian quiltsHawaiian QuiltsART2002At the cutting edge Contemporary Hawaiian QuiltingArthur, LindaIsland Heritage Publishing1655
HIHawaiian quilting; Applique; FlowersHawaiian QuiltsCES2002Birth Flowers Hawaiian StyleHawaiian quilt pattern bookCesar, Mary HaunaniMary's Treasures1713
HIHawaiian quilting; AppliqueHawaiian QuiltsDAV2004Perfect PointsContemporary Hawaiian AppliqueDavies, MaggieTeamwork Craftbooks1332
HIHawaiian quilting; AppliqueHawaiian QuiltsFLE2003Hawaiian appliquéFleming, Vicky.American Quilter's Society1373
HIHawaiian quilting; Flowers; Applique; SymmetryHawaiian QuiltsJOH1996Kalina's Hawaiian quiltingfloral seriesJohnson, Colleen "Kalina"Kalina's Hawaiian Quilting475
HIApplique; Hawaiian quiltingHawaiian QuiltsJOH1998The Hawaiian quilt block project book!designed with "aloha'Johnson, Colleen "Kalina""Kalina's Hawaiian Quilting901
HIApplique; Hawaiian quiltingHawaiian QuiltsROO2002pillows to patch quilt collection-- the Hawaiian way, The32 original designsRoot, Elizabeth.ERDHI1569
HIHawaiian quilting; documentationHawaiian QuiltsSER1997Hawaiian quilt, Thea spiritual experience : reflection on its history, heritage, designing, quilting methods and patternsSerrao, Poakalani.Serrao, John, 1934-Mutual Pub.483
HIQuilt history; Hawaiian quiltingHawaiian QuiltsSHA2009Hawaiian Quilt MasterpiecesShaw, Robert, 1951-Universe409
HMHome; Books; Home/Gifts/Small Projects AST2006Make Spectacular Booksfabulous fabric, skewer & folded booksAstroth, SueC&T Publishing, Inc.814
HMPatchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Beginner's techniquesHome/Gifts/Small Projects ATK2003Spring CleaningAtkinson, TerryAtkinson Designs1465
HMHome; PatchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects ATK2008Let's Do LunchAtkinson, TerryAtkinson Designs890
HMHome; Home/Gifts/Small Projects BAR2008New Handmade, TheSimple Sewing For Contemporary StyleBarden, Cassie, 1979-Martingale & Company511
HMHome; Modern; PatchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects BAR2011Everyday Handmade22 Practical Projects For The Modern SewistBarden, Cassie, 1979-Smitke, Adrienne.Martingale & Co.1693
HMHome; Small projects; Pattern draftingHome/Gifts/Small Projects BEY2005Patchwork Puzzle BallsBeyer, Jinny.Breckling Press416
HMHome; Applique; Seasonal patterns; Small projects; Embroidery; EmbellishmentHome/Gifts/Small Projects BRA1999Special-occasion Table RunnersBrandt, Janet Carija, 1953-Martingale & Co.896
HMHome; Modern quilts; Home/Gifts/Small Projects BUR2011Sweetwater's Simple HomeSew Something Handmade For Every Room : 35 ProjectsBurnett, Lisa (Lisa Eisenach)Eisenach, Karla (Karla Gordon)Stash Books.820
HMHome; Small projects; Piecing; Beginner's techniquesHome/Gifts/Small Projects CAU1997101 patchwork potholdersCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework.American School of Needlework1529
HMHome; PatchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects COL2009I [heart] Patchwork21 Irresistible Zakka Projects To SewColeman-Hale, Rashida.Interweave Press1137
HMHome; Patchwork; Japanese styleHome/Gifts/Small Projects COL2011Zakka Style24 Projects Stitched With Ease To Give, Use & EnjoyColeman-Hale, Rashida.C&T Pub.964
HMHome; Children's quilts; Small projects Home/Gifts/Small Projects DEB2007Cool Girls QuiltMore Than 15 Fresh, Fun, And Funky ProjectsDeBono, Linda Lum Martingale & Company1385
HMHome; Patchwork; Embrodery; Needlepunch; appliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects DOW2011Hatched and Patched's Some Kind of WonderfulDowns, AnniKansas City Star Books987
HMHome; Beginner's techniques; Small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects EME2006Impatient Patchworker, The20 great projects you can make in a hurryEmerson, JaynePotter Craft1222
HMHome; Home/Gifts/Small Projects ENG2003Quilted comforts for the homeEngelbreit, MaryLeisure Arts, Inc.1436
HMPatchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Embroidery; Applique; Beginner's techniquesHome/Gifts/Small Projects FIG2009Fig Tree QuiltsFresh Vintage SewingFigueroa, Joanna.Martingale & Company1754
HMHome; Miniature quilts; Book covers; Home/Gifts/Small Projects FIN2007Fast, Fun & Easy Book Cover ArtAdd A Quilted Fabric Touch To Binders, Scrapbooks, Journals & MoreFinch, Jake, 1967-C&T Pub.36
HMHome; Patchwork patterns; Home/Gifts/Small Projects FIN2008Comfort Quilts From The Heart12 Quick Projects To Take Care Of OthersFinch, Jake, 1967-C&T Pub.1240
HMHome; Patchwork; Pieced AppliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects HAR2009Penny Haren's Pieced AppliquéWeekend ProjectsHaren, Penny.Landauer Books1191
HMHome; Quilting; PatchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects HAR2009Quilting in No Time50 step-by-step weekend projects made easyHardy, EmmaCico1740
HMSmall projects; Dolls and dollmaking; Machine quiltingHome/Gifts/Small Projects HIL2005Fast fun & easy incredible thread-a-bowls2 techniques, 5 projects,unlimited possiblitiesHill, WendyC&T Publishing, Inc.1477
HMHome; PatchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects HOV2007Last-minute Patchwork & Quilted GiftsHoverson, Joelle.STC Craft1097
HMHome; BoxesHome/Gifts/Small Projects JOH2004Fast, fun & easy fabric boxesJohansen, LindaC&T Publishing, Inc.1443
HMHome; Patchwork; Applique; Alphabet; Animals; Seasonal Home/Gifts/Small Projects JOH2004Weekend quilts and craftsJohnston, BeckyLandauer Books1555
HMHome; WearablesHome/Gifts/Small Projects KAV2002The weekend crafter: quilting20 fresh & fablous projectsKavaya, KarolSkemp, VickiLark Books1507
HMHomeHome/Gifts/Small Projects KRU2009Turning Strips & Squares into Table SetsKrush, Pearl LouiseHouse of White Birches1715
HMHome;Home/Gifts/Small Projects LIT2010Little Birds26 Handmade Projects To Sew, Stitch, Quilt & Love.Author not listedWoods, Susanne (editor)Stash Books: C&T Pub.1021
HMHome; Patchwork; Seasonal; Halloween; Winter; CatHome/Gifts/Small Projects LOS1999At Home with Patrick LoseColorful Quilted ProjectsLose, Patrick.C & T Pub.1822
HMHomeHome/Gifts/Small Projects LOS2009Terrific Table Toppers With Patrick LoseDecorate Your Home With Fast Fusible Appliqué : 10 Quilt ProjectsLose, Patrick.C&T Pub.1768
HMSeasonal patterns; Small projects; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingHome/Gifts/Small Projects MIL1998Topperssmall quilts to accent any decorMilligan, Lynda, 1951-Smith, Nancy, 1943 Oct. 17-Possibilities797
HMHome; Small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects NIC2004Quick & Easy Machine Quilts25 modern heirlooms for the homeNicol, GloriaCreative Homeowner1053
HMHomeHome/Gifts/Small Projects PEN2002Needlework companions19 pincushions with personality!Pendleton, CathyIndygo Junction, Inc1264
HMHome; Small projects; Beginner's techniques; Paper piecingHome/Gifts/Small Projects PHI2005Quilt block leftoversclever uses for spare squaresPhillips, Sarah, 1953-Sterling Publishing Co.1595
HMHome; Embellishment; SeasonalHome/Gifts/Small Projects PIK2006Cute As A Button Quilts12 Quick Quilts & Playful Projects To Decorate Your HomePike, Joni, 1955-C&T Pub.760
HMHome; Wearables; AppliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects PRO2012Nature's Beauty In AppliquéPretty And Practical ProjectsPropst, Susan Taylor, 1960-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.1720
HMHome; Machine piecing; Applique; Embroidery; Seasonal patterns; ChristmasHome/Gifts/Small Projects QUI1996Quick-sew quiltswallhangings and coordinating projects from America's top designersAuthor not listedJohnston, Becky.Chilton Book Co.662
HMHome; Patchwork; Vintage; Small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects ROB2004Vintage-style quilts25 step-bystep patchwork an quilting projects using new and old materialRoberts, FloraCreative Homeowner1473
HMHome; small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects ROB2005Crazy quilting in a weekend25 home decor projects that you can make in no timeRoberts, FloraCreative Homeowner1489
HMHome; Bed Runners; Table toppers; Small projects Home/Gifts/Small Projects SCH2012Kim Schaefer's Skinny Quilts15 Bed Runners, Table Toppers & WallhangingsSchaefer, Kim, 1960-C&T Pub.1265
HMHomeHome/Gifts/Small Projects SHE2012Vintage Tablecloth QuiltsKitchen Kitsch To Bedroom Chic, 12 Projects To Piece Or AppliquéSheifer, Rose, 1953-Aneloski, Liz, 1955-C&T Publishing1173
HMPainting; Floor coverings; DecoupageHome/Gifts/Small Projects SIL2007Floorquilts!Fabric Decoupaged Floorcloths--no-sew FunSilver, Ellen Highsmith, 1946-C & T Pub.1188
HMHome; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Contemporary quiltsHome/Gifts/Small Projects SKI2008Skinny Quilts And Table Runners From Today's Top DesignersAuthor not listedLevie, Eleanor (editor)Levie, Eleanor.1026
HMSmall projects; Machine piecing; HomeHome/Gifts/Small Projects SUN2000Pieced Roman Shadesturn your favorite patterns into window hangingsSundermann, TerrellC&T Publishing, Inc.1589
HMHome; Gifts; Art sticks Home/Gifts/Small Projects TAY2008Fast, Fun & Easy Fabric FicklesticksArt Sticks To Bend, Wrap, Weave & WearTaylor, Diana, 1951-C&T Pub.794
HMHome Home/Gifts/Small Projects VAG2012Quilted Gifts From Your Scraps & StashVagts, Carolyn S.House of White Birches.DRG1334
HMHome; Home/Gifts/Small Projects WEL2007Oh Sew Easy. Table Toppers27 Projects For Stylish LivingWells, JeanWells, Valori.C&T Pub.1665
HMHome; Small projects; Fabric manipulation; Embellishment; Embroidery; AppliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects WHE2004When quilt designers think smallinnovative quilt designs to wear, give, or decorate your home.Author not listed Creative Publishing international, Inc1460
HMBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Seasonal patterns; Small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects WIE2007Sensational Patchwork QuiltingWiebe, Marilynn, 1952-Tamos Books1662
HXHexies; English paper piecingHexies ; English Paper PiecingBRU2012Hexa-Go-GoEnglish Paper Piecing : 16 Quilt ProjectsBruecher, Natasha, 1976-Stash Books1118
HXEnglish paper piecing Hexies ; English Paper PiecingDEP2012Pieced HexiesA New Tradition In English Paper PiecingDepre, Mickey.Kansas City Star Books1765
HXMachine paper piecing; English paper piecingHexies ; English Paper PiecingHIG2005Learn English Paper Piecing by MachineHiggins, JulieHouse of White Birches1044
HXEnglish paper piecing Hexies ; English Paper PiecingHUF2005Quilts from grandmother's gardenHuff, JaynetteMartingale & Company1524
HXHexies; English paper piecingHexies ; English Paper PiecingKER2015Recycled Hexie QuiltsUsing Vintage Hexagons in Today's QuiltsKerr, MarySchiffer1804
HXPatchwork; Machine piecing; TessellationsHexies ; English Paper PiecingTHO2002Magical hexagonssimple steps to dynamic quiltsThompson, Martha, 1949-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1195
HXHexies; English paper piecingHexies ; English Paper PiecingWOO2014More Quick & Easy Hexie QuiltsWood, Julia C.American Quilter's Society1805
JASashiko; Techniques; Small projects; Wearable art; HomeJapanBRI2005Ultimate Sashiko SourcebookBriscoe, Susan.KP Books1793
JAJapanese quilting; JapanBRI2007Japanese Quilt Blocks To Mix & MatchBriscoe, Susan.Kodansha International1076
JAJapanese; PatchworkJapanBRI2011Japanese Quilt Inspiration14 easy-to-make projects using Japanese fabricsBriscoe, Susan.David & Charles1287
JAJapanese; Small projects; Fabric - ManipulationJapanCLA1997Japanese folded patchworktechniques, projects, and designs of a unique Asian craftClark, Mary Clare.Krause Publications909
JAJapanese quilting; Japanese ; HomeJapanDAV2009Easy Japanese Quilt Style10 stylish but simple projects inspired by Japanese fabricDavis, JuliaMuxworthy, AnneDavid & Charles1734
JAJapanese quilting; Fabric selection; Fabric - Surface imprinting; Embroidery; Applique; DesignJapanHAI2000Japanese inspirations18 quilted projectsHaigh, Janet.Martingale & Company1040
JAHome; Japanese quilting JapanLAS2008Zakka Sewing25 Japanese Projects For The HouseholdLaskey, Therese.Mori, Chika.& Chang758
JAApplique; Japan - Description and travelJapanMAC1999Quilting with Manhole CoversTreasure Trove of Unique Designs from the Streets of Japan MacGregor, Shirley.Carriage Trade Press1009
JAJapanese quilting; Applique; Piecing; Japan - History; Japan - Description and travelJapanONO1996Honoring the seasonsquilts from Japan's Quilt House YamaOnoyama, Takako, 1936-That Patchwork Place440
JAJapanese applique; JapanPED2005Sensational SashikoJapanese applique and quilting by machinePederson, SharonMartingale & Company1488
JASashiko; Applique; English piecingJapanPIP2000Quilting with Japanese fabicsPippen, Kitty, 1919-Martingale & Company1022
JASashiko; Applique; Hawaiian quiltingJapanPIP2003Asian elegancequilting with Japanese fabrics and morePippen, Kitty, 1919-Pippen, Sylvia, 1948-Martingale & Company1382
JASashiko; Japanese quilting; Small projectsJapanSAS1989Sashikotraditional Japanese quilt designsAuthor not listedQuilter's Resourse Inc1115
JAJapanese quilting; Japan - History; Quilt history; Sashiko; Flowers; Applique; Fabric - ManipulationJapanSUD1996Fabled FlowersInnovative Quilt Patterns Inspired By Japanese Sashiko And Origami TraditionsSudo, Kumiko.Quilt Digest Press591
JAJapan - History; Japan - Quilts; Japanese quilting; Applique; FlowersJapanSUD1997Circles of the Eastquilt designs from acncient japanaese famiyl crestsSudo, KumikoThe Quilt Digest Press757
JAJapanese quilting; Japan - History; Quilt history; Design; Art quiltsJapanSUD1998Harmonies & hurricanescolor and line in Japanese quiltsSudo, Kumiko.Quilt Digest Press804
JAJapanese; Small projects; Japan - History; Flowers; Dolls and dollmakingJapanSUD2001Omiyagehandmade gifts from fabric in the Japanese traditionSudo, Kumiko.Contemporary Books1079
JAJapanese quilting; Embellishment; Flowers; Applique; Fabric - ManipulationJapanSUD2006Kake-jikuImages Of Japan In Applique, Fabric Origami, And SashikoSudo, Kumiko.Breckling Press1553
JAJapanese quilting; Japan - History; Quilt history; Design; Art quiltsJapanSUD2007WagashiHandcrafted Fashion Art From JapanSudo, Kumiko.Breckling Press1319
JAJapanese, Manhole coversJapanTreasures UnderfootQuilting with Manhole CoversMacGregor, Shirley.Carriage Trade Press518
KLDBeginner's techniques; Machine piecing; PatchworkKaliedoscope Quilts BUR1996Kaleidoscope quiltBurns, Eleanor.Quilt in a Day, Inc.1409
KLDMachine piecing; Design; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Symmetry; StarsKaliedoscope Quilts MAD1996Slice up a circleeasy 'geometricks' for patchworkersMadden, AngelaM.C.Q. Publications304
KLDPaper piecingKaliedoscope Quilts MAH2012Kaleidoscope Paper Piecing10 Dynamic Quilt designsMahoney, NancyThat Patchwork Place1786
KLDPatchwork; Strip piecing; Machine piecing; Small projects; Fabric manipulation; AppliqueKaliedoscope Quilts PHI1997WedgeWorksPhillips, CherylPysto, LindaPhillips Fiber Art833
KLDKaleidoscope quilts; PatchworkKaliedoscope Quilts SEB2009Kaleidoscope The Smart WaySebrow, Sharon.American Quilter's Society1746
MDModern; Patchwork; StrataModern Quilts APP2014Color Strataseam, cut & sew abstract quilts with minimal guidelinesAppell, RobRob Appell Designs765
MDModern; PatchworkModern Quilts ARM2012Solids, Stripes, Circles, And Squares16 Modern Patchwork Quilt PatternsArmbrester, Pippa Eccles, 1987-Martingale1131
MDModern; Design; Large scale printsModern Quilts BAL2011Maverick QuiltsUsing Large-scale Prints, Novelty Fabrics & Panels With PanacheBallard, Alethea, 1964-C&T Pub.863
MDModern quilts; Patchwork patternsModern Quilts BAR2010Modern Log Cabin Quilting25 Simple Quilts And Patchwork Projects For SewistsBeal, Susan.Random House670
MDApplique; Contmporary quilt; PatchworkModern Quilts BRA2008Quilting For JoyBrandeburg, Barbara.Christopherson, Teri, 1962-Martingale & Co.130
MDModern; Patchwork; AppliqueModern Quilts BRO2008Fresh And Fabulous QuiltsBrown, Cheryl, 1962-Martingale & Company592
MDModern quilts; Art quilts; Computers and quiltingModern Quilts CAR2011Block Party--the Modern Quilting BeeThe Journey Of 12 Women, 1 Blog & 12 Improvisational ProjectsCarlton, Alissa Haight, 1976-Lejnieks, Kristen, 1980-C&T Pub.1052
MDModern quilts; Patchwork Modern Quilts CAR2011The Modern Quilting Bee Block PartyCarlton, Alissa Haight, 1976-Lejnieks, Kristen, 1980-C&T Pub.1850
MDApplique; ModernModern Quilts DIC2013Modern Appliqué Workbook, TheEasy Invisible Zigzag Method--11 Quilts To Round Out Your SkillsDick, Jenifer.Stash Books1380
MDModern quilt; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecingModern Quilts ELL2011Modern BasicsEasy Quilts To Fit Your Budget, Space, And StyleEllis, Amy, 1977-Martingale & Co.1110
MDModern quilts; Hand quiltingModern Quilts FIE2013Hand Quilted with Lovepatchwork projects inspired by a passion for quiltingFielke, Sarah.Cico1699
MDModern, Design, TechniqueModern Quilts FIT2016Bricks, Cobblestones, and PebblesA Path to Modern QuiltsFitzgerald, GyleenFPI Publishing1829
MDApplique; Modern quiltsModern Quilts GOL2012Appliqué With Attitude From Piece O' Cake Designs10 Projects Featuring Big, Bold StitchesGoldsmith, Becky, 1956-Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C&T Pub.1155
MDScrap quilts; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecingModern Quilts HOO2008Quilts On The DoubleDozens Of Easy Strip-pieced DesignsHooworth, Judy, 1947-Rolfe, Margaret.Martingale & Co.1700
MDModern quilts; PatchworkModern Quilts HOU2010City Quilts12 Dramatic Projects Inspired By Urban ViewsHouse, Cherri.StashBooks/C&T Pub.1742
MDModern quilts; Patchwork; StarsModern Quilts JOH2008Big One-star Quilts By MagicDiamond-free Stars From Squares & Rectangles, 14 Stars In 4 Sizes, 28 Quilting Designs, 4 ProjectsJohnson-Srebro, Nancy.C & T Pub.470
MDModern quilts; ColorModern Quilts LAU2006Hot! Bright QuiltingLaucomer, Kate.House of White Birches.House of White Birches1176
MDModern quilts; Patchwork; Techniques Modern Quilts LEV2011Modern Mix16 Sewing Projects That Combine Designer Prints & Solid Fabrics : 7 Quilts + Pillows, Bags & MoreLevitt, Jessica.Stash Books/C & T Pub.977
MDModern quilts; Techniques; Modern Quilts LEV2012Quilt Blocks Go WildLevie, Eleanor.Leisure Arts1263
MDModern quilting; BlocksModern Quilts MOD2011Modern Blocks99 Quilt Blocks From Your Favorite DesignersAuthor not listedWoods, Susanne (editor)Stash Books: C. & T. Pub.1049
MDModern quilts; Patchwork Modern Quilts MUM2006Debbie Mumm's New ExpressionsMumm, DebbieLeisure Arts1575
MDModern quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Beginner's techniquesModern Quilts PRI2014Accentuate the NegativeMaking the Most of Negative Space in Modern QuiltsPrice, Trisch1868
MDModern; Patchwork; Award winning quilter; DesignModern Quilts RIN2005Modern Quilt WorkshopPatterns, Techniques, and Designs from the Funquilts StudioRingle, WeeksKerr, BillQuarry Books1813
MDModern; Scrap quilts; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingModern Quilts SCH2009Cozy Modern Quilts23 Easy Pieced Projects To Bust Your StashSchaefer, Kim, 1960-C&T Pub.635
MDScrap quilts; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecingModern Quilts SCH2012Bright & Bold Cozy Modern Quilts20 Projects, Easy Piecing, Stash BustingSchaefer, Kim, 1960-C & T Pub.334
MDApplique; Wearables; Modern; HomeModern Quilts SHA2012Stash HappyAppliqué : 25 Fresh Projects For Fabric LoversShaffer, Cynthia.Lark Crafts1152
MDModern quilts; Patchwork Modern Quilts WEI200524-hour QuiltsWeiss, Rita.Sterling Pub.837
MDLMedallion quilt; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingMedallion QuiltsBUR2002Boston common quiltBurns, EleanorQuilt in A Day1418
MDLPatchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; Beginner's techniques; Mariner's compass; Bargello; Medallion Quilts Medallion QuiltsHAW1999Mariner's medallionusing foundation paper piecingHawley, M'LissThat Patchwork Place853
MDLPatchwork; TechniquesMedallion QuiltsMCM2005Bella bella quiltsstunning designs from Italian mosaicsMcMeeking, NorahC&T Publishing, Inc.1498
MDLPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Paper piecing; Seasonal patterns; Small projects; Mariner's compassMedallion QuiltsPOR1999Savannah medallion quiltPorter, LizFons, MarianneFons & Porter, L.C.943
MDLPatchwork; Medallion QuiltsMedallion QuiltsSLO2012Pat Sloan's Focus on the Center8 new looks for medallion quiltsSloan, PatLeisure Arts1140
MNMiniature piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueMiniature Quilts COL1996Small scale quiltmakingprecision, proportion, and detailCollins, Sally, 1946-C&T Publishing, Inc.168
MNMiniature piecing; Crazy quilts; Paper piecingMiniature Quilts ENR1997Tiny treasuresEnright, VirginiaJ.B. Fairfax Press Pty limited770
MNMiniature quilts; Patchwork; Miniature Quilts GAD2002Creative miniature quiltsGadd, Kerry, 1950-Creative House570
MNMiniature quilts; Applique; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; Children's quilts; Small projectsMiniature Quilts GUE1998Little book of little quiltsGuerrier, KatherineWatson-Guptill1476
MNMiniature piecing; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Applique; Paper piecingMiniature Quilts HIC1997Big book of small quiltsHickey, Mary.Oxmoor House948
MNMiniature quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Seasonal patterns; Machine appliqueMiniature Quilts HOL2008Quilts In My Cubicleincludes 24 original projectsHoltzman, Barbara.American Quilter's Society8
MNMiniature quilts; Vintage; Depression-era quilts; 1930's quilts; Friendship quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueMiniature Quilts LIB1999Miniature quilts with vintage styleLibal, Joyce.Chitra Publications1077
MNMiniature quilts; Blocks; Techniques; Miniature Quilts LIB2000Lively Little Quilt Blocks26 Step-by-step PatternsLibal, Joyce.Chitra Publications123
MNMiniature quilts; Postcards; Applique Miniature Quilts MAY2006Clever Banners, Panels & PostcardsMayne, Mary.American Quilter's Society687
MNLog cabin quilts; Miniature piecing; Applique; Fabric_xSurface imprintingMiniature Quilts MCC1998Fun with miniature log cabin blocksfeaturing 20 charming quiltsMcConnell, Donna Fite, 1940-That Patchwork Place771
MNMiniature quilting; Miniature Quilts RIC2010Whip Up Mini QuiltsPatterns And How-to For 26 Contemporary Small QuiltsRicketson, Kathreen.Beisch, Leigh.Chronicle Books789
MNMiniature quilts; Patchwork; TechniquesMiniature Quilts RUG2009Inchie QuiltsRuggles, Nadine.American Quilter's Society352
MNPaper piecing; MiniaturesMiniature Quilts SAN1998Easy Nature Miniaturescelebrate nature with five delightful paper-pieced projectsSandstrom, JudithHouse of White Birches331
MNMiniature quilts; Scrap quilts; Fat Quarters Miniature Quilts SOL2007Bits and Pieces18 small quilts from fat quarters and scrapsSoltys, Karen Costello.Martingale1676
MNMiniature; Paper piecing; Miniature Quilts VOS2007Paper-pieced Mini QuiltsVosters, Wendy.Martingale & Company286
MNMiniature piecing; FlowersMiniature Quilts WHI1997No Big DealMastering The Art Of Miniature QuiltmakingWhite, Deborah L., 1957-That Patchwork Place693
MNMiniature piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Paper piecingMiniature Quilts WIC1998Quick little quiltsthe complete guide to making miniature and lap quiltsWickell, Janet.Stidman, Donna.Quilt Digest Press775
NANative American design; Quiltmakers; Arizona - Quilts; New Mexico - QuiltsNative AmericanDAV1997Hopi QuiltingStitched traditions from an ancient communityDavis, Carolyn O'Bagy.Sanpete Publications387
NANative American; Seminole piecing; Color; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingNative AmericanHAN1997Simply Seminoletechniques & designs in quilt makingHanisko, Dorothy, 1953-Quilt Digest Press472
NANative American designNative AmericanMOR1998Native American designs for quiltingMori, JoyceAmerican Quilter's Society480
NANative American designNative AmericanMOR2005Native American designs 2Mori, JoyceAmerican Quilter's Society290
NANative American design; Women and quilting; Hawaii - Quilts; Stars; Alaska - Quilts; North Carolina - Quilts; South Dakota - Quilts; New York - Quilts; Arizona - Quilts; QuiltmakersNative AmericanTOH1997To honor and comfortnative quilting traditionsAuthor not listedMuseum of New Mexico Press1486
N-OBeginner's techniques; Butterflies; StarsNew Quilts from Old Favorites ANT2003Antique quilts recreated17 quiltsAuthor not listedHouse of White Birches1601
N-OOld Favorite; Patchwork; Small projects; Beginner's techniques; Machine piecing; Borders; Setting; Sampler quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites BAL2006Traditional Quilts With A TwistBall, Maggie.Inc.1206
N-ONew quilts from old favorites New Quilts from Old Favorites BAS2012BasketsNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedLasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1677
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites; Patchwork; Bear's PawNew Quilts from Old Favorites BEA2001Bear's pawAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society1151
N-ONew Quilts from Traditional; Rotary cuttng; Design; Machine piecing; AlphabetNew Quilts from Old Favorites BON2005Tried And TrueNew Quilts From Favorite BlocksBonsib, Sandy, 1950-Martingale & Co.299
N-ONew quilts from old favorites New Quilts from Old Favorites BUR2009Burgoyne SurroundedNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedLasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1762
N-OAward winning quilts; New quilts from traditional patternsNew Quilts from Old Favorites DEL2005Patterns of Historythe challenge winners, 23 quilt designs inspired by our pastDelaney, KathyThe Kansas City Star Co.Kansas City Star Books1670
N-OPatchwork; New quilt from old traditionNew Quilts from Old Favorites DIC2005Grapefruit Juice and Sugarbold quilts inspired by grandmother's legacyDick, JeniferKansas City Star Books748
N-ONew Quilts from Old Tradition; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueNew Quilts from Old Favorites DOU2010Material Obsession 2Modern Quilts With Traditional RootsDoughty, Kathy.Fielke, Sarah.Tabori & Chang705
N-OPatchwork patterns; Quilting patterns; Patchwork quilts competitions USNew Quilts from Old Favorites DRE2006Dresden PlatesNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedAmerican Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society1646
N-ONew Quilts from old Favorites; Exhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contests; Log cabin quilts; StarsNew Quilts from Old Favorites EDI2002Editor's Choice: Double Wedding Ring, Log Cabin, Ohio StarNew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society140
N-OOld Favorite; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Curved piecing; AppliqueNew Quilts from Old Favorites FAB2003Fabulous Quilts From Favorite PatternsFrom Australian Patchwork & Quilting Magazine.Author not listed Soltys, Karen Costello, EditorMartindale816
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorite; Exhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contests; StarsNew Quilts from Old Favorites FEA2003Feathered Starsnew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara, Editor; Hawkins, Shelley, EditorAmerican Quilter's Society1276
N-ONew quilts from old favorites ; Repurposing old quilts New Quilts from Old Favorites FIT2008Quilts: Unfinished Stories with New EndingsFitzgerald, GyleenFPI Publishing1830
N-OOld favorites; Strip piecing; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniques; Paper piecingNew Quilts from Old Favorites GLA1997Variegreat!new dimensions in traditional quiltsGlantz, Linda.American Quilter's Society674
N-OPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Curved piecingNew Quilts from Old Favorites HAL2006Chameleon Quiltsversatile looks using traditional patternsHall, Margrit, 1946-Krause Publications631
N-OOld favorites; Patchwork; Beginner's techniques; AppliqueNew Quilts from Old Favorites HEI1997Heirloom quiltsAuthor not listedLeisure Arts, Inc.827
N-OPatchwork; Classics; AppliqueNew Quilts from Old Favorites KOV2004Mary's favorite 30's quilts11 designs chosen to honor Grandma BuddyKovel, MaryChitra Publications1422
N-OPatchwork; Vintage New Quilts from Old Favorites MAH2006Quilt revivalupdated patterns from the '30sMahoney, Nancy, 1955-Martingale & Company767
N-OPatchwork; Flowers; Wedding ring; VintageNew Quilts from Old Favorites MAH2010Treasures From The '30sCheerful Quilts With Vintage AppealMahoney, Nancy, 1955-Roundhouse distributor1067
N-ONew Quilts from Traditional; Mariner's Compass templatesNew Quilts from Old Favorites MAR1997Mariner's compass quiltsAuthor not listed Faoro, Victoria.American Quilter's Society601
N-OColor; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecingNew Quilts from Old Favorites MAR2009Collaborative Quilts IIMarston, Gwen.Moran, Freddy, 1930-Lark Books330
N-OExhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contests; Art quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites MON2004Monkey wrenchnew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society1629
N-ONew Quilts from old Favorites; Exhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contests; Nine Patch?>>New Quilts from Old Favorites NIN2015Nine Patch New Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedLasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1807
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites; Exhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contests; Log cabin quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites PIN1998Pineapple quiltsNew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society484
N-ONew quilts from old favorites New Quilts from Old Favorites RED2011Red, White, And Sometimes BlueClassics From McCall's Quilting.Author not listed Green, Mary V. (editior)Martingale & Co.714
N-OApplique; Flowers; Award winning quilters; New Quilts from Old Favorites ROS2007Rose Of SharonNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listed Lasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1686
N-ONew quilts from old favorites New Quilts from Old Favorites ROS2013Simply Retro With Camille RoskelleyFresh Quilts From Classic BlocksRoskelley, Camille.Stash Books1384
N-OPatchwork; Exhibitions - Kentucky - Museum of American Quilters Society; Sampler quilts; Setting; DesignQuiltmakersNew Quilts from Old Favorites ROY1997Quilts By Paul D. PilgrimBlending The Old & The NewRoy, Gerald E.Pilgrim, Paul D.American Quilter's Society346
N-ONew quilts from Old FavoritesNew Quilts from Old Favorites SAW2008SawtoothNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedLasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1041
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites; Applique; Exhibitions - Kentucky - Museum of American Quilters Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Design; Quilting contestsNew Quilts from Old Favorites STO2000Storm at seaNew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society991
N-ONew quilts from Old FavoritesNew Quilts from Old Favorites SUN2010SunflowerNew Quilts From An Old FavoriteAuthor not listedLasco, Linda Baxter (editor)American Quilter's Society1036
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites; Exhibitions - Kentucky - American Quilter's Society; Contemporary quilts; Quiltmakers; Quilting contestsNew Quilts from Old Favorites TUM2002Tumbling blocksNew quilts from an old favoriteAuthor not listedSmith, Barbara (editor)American Quilter's Society1242
N-OPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; 1930's quilts; Quilt history; VintageNew Quilts from Old Favorites ZIM2002Granny QuiltsVintage Quilts Of The '30s Made New For TodayZimmerman, Darlene.Krause Publications118
PAApplique; Embroidery; Small projectsPatrioticADA2002Celebration of American lifeapplique patterns honoring a nation and its peopleAdams, Barb.Allen, AlmaKansas City Star Books1359
PAPatriotic quilts; Machine piecing; Applique; EmbroideryPatrioticBON2003Americana quiltsBonsib, Sandy, 1950-Martingale & Company1337
PAPatriotic quilts; Paper piecing; StarsPatrioticCAU2001Patchwork for patriotsCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework192
PAPatriotic quilts; Patchwork; AppliquePatrioticETH2001Glory days quiltsEtherington, MaryTesene, ConnieLeisure Arts, Inc.386
PASmall projects; Patriotic quilts; Dolls and dollmaking; Embroidery; Stars; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPatrioticLIB2001All American quilts and pillowsLibal, Joyce.Chitra Publications342
PAPatriotic quilts; Stars; AppliquePatrioticMCG2002O'gloryAmericana quilt blocks from the Kansas City starMcGinnis, Edie.Kansas City Star Books1253
PAPatriotic; Applique PatrioticMOR2001Collecting AmericanaMorton, JoErickson, CindyPraire Hand Pattterns1182
PAPatriotic quilts; Stars; AppliquePatrioticMUM2002Debbie Mumm salutes America the beautifulMumm, DebbieDebbie Mumm, Inc1241
PAFlags; Patriotic quilts; Applique; PatchworkPatrioticPAT2009Flags of the American RevolutionPatek, JanKansas City Star Books1732
P-LPicture quilts; AppliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsAND1999Focus on Featureslife-like portrayals in appliqueAndersen, Charlotte Warr, 1952-C&T Publishing, Inc.776
P-LPicture quilts; Landscape; SeascapesPicture/Landscape QuiltsAPP2001Making Waves ... Adventures of a Surf Quiltera complete guide to seascape quiltsAppell, RobRob Appell Designs1469
P-LContemporary quilts; Picture quilts; Landscapequilts; Design; Machine embroidery; Fabric - Surface imprinting; EmbellishmentPicture/Landscape QuiltsBEC2006Beautifully embellished landscapes125 tips & techniques to create stunning quiltsBecker, Joyce R.C&T Publishing, Inc.228
P-LPicture quilts; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsBEC2011Quick Little Landscape Quilts24 Easy Techniques To Create A MasterpieceBecker, Joyce R.C&T Pub.1752
P-LPicture quilts; Landscape quilts; AppliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsBRO2011Easy Batik Landscape QuiltsBrown, Patricia L. (Patricia Lee), 1951-American Quilter's Society1674
P-LPicture quilts; Embellishment; Machine embroidery; Fabric selection; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsCRO2000Fabric landscapes by machineCrone, Linda.Krause Pub.1085
P-LPicture quilts; Machine applique; Design; Fabric selection; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsCUS2005Picture Your World In AppliquéCreating Unique Images With FabricCusack, Margaret.Watson-Guptill Publications400
P-LPicture quilts; Landscapes; Photo-inspired quiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsDUR2007Mosaic Picture QuiltsTurn Favorite Photos Into Stunning QuiltsDurbin, Pat.Martingale & Company490
P-LPicture quilts; Applique; Embroidery; Embellishment; Small projects; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsECK2008Accidental Landscapessurprizingly simple quilted scenesEckmeier, KarenThe Quilted Lizard755
P-LPicture quilts; AppliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsECK2009Layered WavesA Fresh New Way To QuiltEckmeier, Karen.The Quilted Lizard807
P-LPicture quilts; Design; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsEND2010Confetti NaturescapesQuilting Impressionist LandscapesEnd¯o, Noriko, 1940-Dragon Threads864
P-LPicture quilts; Landscape; Paper piecing; Fabric manipulation Picture/Landscape QuiltsENG2002Picture piecingcreating dramatic pictorial quiltsEngland, CynthiaEngland Design1270
P-LApplique patterns; Quilting patterns; Picture quiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsFRO2002Enchanted ViewsQuilts Inspired By Wrought-iron DesignsFronks, Dilys A.C&T Pub.1237
P-LMachine applique; Sewing supplies and equipment; Sampler quilts; AlphabetsPicture/Landscape QuiltsGAB2012Quilt Blocks Around The World50 Appliqué Patterns For International Cities & More : Mix & Match To Create Lasting MemoriesGabel, Debra, 1961-C&T Pub.1755
P-LWatercolor quilts; Picture quilts; Applique; Design; Fabric selectionPicture/Landscape QuiltsGEI2006Watercolor landscape quiltsquick, no-fuss "fold & sew" techniqueGeier, CathyKrause Pub.686
P-LPicture quilts; Applique; Embellishment; Embroidery; LandscapePicture/Landscape QuiltsHEA2007Points Of ViewLandscape Quilts To Stitch And EmbellishHearder, Valerie.Martingale1105
P-LPicture quilts; Applique; Picture/Landscape QuiltsHUG2008Dream LandscapesArtful Quilts With Fast-piece AppliquéHughes, Rose, 1956-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.1692
P-LPicture quilts; Machine applique; Applique photosPicture/Landscape QuiltsKIR2001Repliqué quiltsappliqué designs from favorite photosKirsch, Chris Lynn, 1956-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1146
P-LLandscape; Applique; Strip piecing; Design; Colorwash; EmbellishmentPicture/Landscape QuiltsKRE2005Diamond quilts & beyondfrom the basics to dazzling designsKrentz, Jan P., 1955-C&T Publishing, Inc.1609
P-LPicture quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsPUR2000Quilted havenscity houses, country homesPurney-Mark, Susan Greig, Daphne.American Quilter's Society889
P-LPicture quilts; Applique; Sampler quilts; LighthousesPicture/Landscape QuiltsRAN2006Lighthouses Of New EnglandRand, Connie.House of White Birches1703
P-LPicture quilts; Seasonal patterns; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsSHO2003Shoreline quiltsAuthor not listedRymer, Cyndy Lyle (editor)C&T Pub.1344
P-LApplique; Picture quiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsZIE2001Landscape quiltscreate stunning fabric paintingsZieman, Nancy Luedtke.Sewell, Natalie.Oxmoor House1208
PPPaper piecing; Sampler quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingPaper Piecing AND2010Paper Piecing With Alex Anderson7 Quilt Projects, Tips, Techniques.Anderson, Alex.C&T Pub.1748
PPPaper piecing; Log cabin quilts; Small projectsPaper Piecing CAU1999101 log cabin blocks for small projectsquilt layouts and complete instructions for 10 projectsCausee, Linda.American School of Needlework.American School of Needlework63
PPPaper piecing; Log cabin quilts; Flowers; Stained glass quiltingPaper Piecing CAU2000101 log cabin flowersCausee, Linda.American School of Needlework994
PPPaper piecing; music Paper Piecing CAU200224 musical quilt blocksfull-size patterns for foundation piecingCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework1419
PPStars; Paper piecingPaper Piecing CAU200324 Blocks You Never Dreamed You Could Paper PieceCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework1054
PPPaper piecing; FlowersPaper Piecing CAU200524 Flower Quilt BlocksCausee, LindaAmerican School of Needlework163
PPPaper piecing; Beginner's techniques; Seasonal patternsPaper Piecing CAU2005365 foundation quilt blocksCausee, LindaSterling Pub. Co.1474
PPPaper piecing; Beginner's techniques; StarsPaper Piecing CAU2005Teach yourself foundation piecingCausee, LindaLeisure Arts, Inc.1557
PPPaper piecing; BlocksPaper Piecing CAU2009100 paper pieced quilt blocksCausee, LindaLeisure Arts156
PPDesign; Paper piecing; Settings; Flowers; Machine piecingPaper Piecing COM2003Floral illusions for quiltersCombs, Karen.American Quilter's Society1360
PPPaper piecing; Fabric selection; Contemporary quiltsPaper Piecing CRO2006Black & white quilts by designCross, Kay M. CappsAmerican Quilter's Society1607
PPPaper piecing; Flowers; Birds; Paper Piecing DAV2001Paper piece a flower gardenblocks and projects to mix and matchDavis, Jodie, 1959-Martingale & Company125
PPPaper piecing; Birds; Beginner's techniquesPaper Piecing DAV2001Paper-pieced bed quiltsDavis, Jodie, 1959-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1186
PPPaper piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecingPaper Piecing DER2003Traditional quilts to paper piece14 small projectsDerksen, Cori, 1973-Harder, Myra, 1973-Martingale1335
PPPaper piecing; Stars; Flowers; Scrap quilts; Fabric selectionPaper Piecing DOA1999Easy stash quiltsDoak, Carol.Martingale & Company874
PPPaper piecing; Patchwork; Stars; Fabric selectionPaper Piecing DOA200050 fabulous paper-pieced starsDoak, CarolThat Patchwork Place1028
PPPaper piecing; Stars; Flowers; Fabric selectionPaper Piecing DOA200240 bright & bold paper-pieced blocks12-inch designsDoak, Carol.Martingale & Company1269
PPPaper piecingPaper Piecing DOA2004300 paper-pieced quilts blocksDoak, CarolThat Patchwork Place1459
PPPaper piecing; Stars; Sampler quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingPaper Piecing DOA2005Carol Doak's simple sensational 9-patch starsmix & match units to create a galley of paper-pieced starsDoak, CarolC&T Publishing, Inc.1522
PPPaper piecing; Sampler quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; StarsPaper Piecing DOA2007Mariner's Compass Stars24 Stellar Paper-pieced Blocks [&] 9 Easy Quilt ProjectsDoak, Carol.C&T Pub.1006
PPPaper piecing; Sampler quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; StarsPaper Piecing DOA2013Carol Doak's Creative CombinationsStunning Blocks & Borders From A Single Unit - 32 Paper-pieced Units - 8 Quilt Projects.Doak, Carol.C & T Pub.1387
PPPaper piecing; Foundation piecePaper Piecing FOU2002Foundation pieced nature quiltsAuthor not listed Schwartz, Liz, 1971-Zippy Designs Pub.1324
PPPaper piecing; Medallion Quilts; CirclePaper Piecing GRA2011Circle QuiltsCreate Dramatic Medallions From Strip-pieced RingsGranger, Colleen.C&T Pub.1747
PPPaper piecing; Log cabin quilts; Crazy quilts; Curved piecing; Quilt historyPaper Piecing HAL2000Foundation quiltsbuilding on the pastHall, Jane, 1932-Haywood, Dixie.American Quilter's Society1094
PPPaper piecing; Paper Piecing HAL2006experts' guide to foundation piecing, The15 techniques & projectsHall, Jane, 1932-C&T Pub.89
PPPaper piecing; Sewing supplies and equipment; Embellishment; EmbroideryPaper Piecing HUF2000Needles & notionspaper-pieced patterns with a sewing room themeHuff, Jaynette.Martingale917
PPPaper piecing; BirdsPaper Piecing HUF2001For the birdspaper-pieced birdhouses and bird feedersHuff, Jaynette.Martingale1228
PPPaper piecing; Curved piecing; Mariner's compassPaper Piecing KAR2007QuiltmavensPerfect Paper PiecingKarasik, Deb.Mednick, Janet.American Quilter's Society1106
PPPaper piecing; StarsPaper Piecing LUN2007Showstopping Quilts To Foundation PieceLund, Tricia, 1942-Pollard, Judy, 1943-Martingale & Co.1299
PPPaper piecing; Scrap quiltsPaper Piecing MAH2002Rich traditionsscrap quilts to paper pieceMahoney, Nancy, 1955-Martingale1252
PPPaper piecing; Stars; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner techniquesPaper Piecing MAR2003Quick-strip paper piecingfor blocks, borders & quiltsMartin, PeggyC&T Publishing, Inc.1429
PPPaper piecing; DesignPaper Piecing MAR2007Paper Piece The Quick-strip Way12 Complete Projects--create Your Own Designs--paper Piece FasterMartin, Peggy, 1949-C&T Pub. Inc.881
PPPaper piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecingPaper Piecing MCC2007NO-Stress Paper Piecing13 Projects Using Flannel or CottonMcCormick, CarolynKrause Publications1843
PPPaper piecing; Wedding Ring; Paper Piecing MCC2009Wedding Ring, Pickle Dish And MorePaper Piecing CurvesMcCormick, Carolyn.Kansas City Star Books101
PPPaper piecing; Design; Flowers; Symmetry; Picture quilts; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsPaper Piecing MCD2000Pieced flowersMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C&T Publishing, Inc.965
PPPaper piecing; Design; Sampler quilts; Picture quilts; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsPaper Piecing MCD2002Pieced vegetablesMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C&T Pub.1217
PPPaper piecing; Design; Contemporary quilts; Quilters; Picture quilts; Art quilts; FlowersPaper Piecing MCD2003When quilters gather20 patterns of piecers at playMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C&T Publishing, Inc.1618
PPPaper piecing; Sampler quilts; AppliquePaper Piecing MOU2009Flip-flop Paper PiecingRevolutionary Single-foundation Technique Guarantees AccuracyMouton, Mary Kay, 1949-C&T Pub.114
PPPaper piecing; New York BeautiesPaper Piecing NEA2014Quilting Beauties Come in All Shapes & SizesNeary, KarenAmerican Quilter's Society1808
PPPaper piecing; Flowers; Log cabin quilts; Picture quiltsPaper Piecing PAP2001Paper piecing picnicfun-filled projects for every quilterAuthor not listed Koolish, Lynn.C&T Publishing, Inc.1255
PPPaper piecing; Birds; AppliquePaper Piecing PAP2003Paper piecing potpourrifun-filled projects for every quilterAuthor not listed C&T Publishing, Inc.1293
PPPaper piecing; Foundation piecingPaper Piecing SCH2002Fresh Cut FlowersSchwartz, Liz, 1971-Seifert, Stephen, 1970-Zippy Designs Pub.443
PPPaper piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPaper Piecing SOL2003Make it simpler paper piecingeasy as 1 2 3 - a pinless fold and sew techniqueSolomon, Anita GrossmanC&T Publishing, Inc.1355
PPPaper piecing; Flowers; Curved piecingPaper Piecing TOW2001Dutch flower pot quiltsTownrow, Anja.American Quilter's Society1141
PPPaper piecing; Design; Flowers; Picture quiltsPaper Piecing WEL2003Radiant New York Beauties14 Paper-pieced Quilt ProjectsWells, Valori.C&T Pub.426
PRPrecuts; Scrap quilts; Patchwork; Precuts BRA2009Scrap-basket Surprises18 Quilts From 21/2" StripsBrackett, Kim, 1962-Martingale & Co.1046
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts CHA2009Charmed, I'm SureQuilts And More From 5" SquaresChaisson, Lesley, 1976-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.415
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts CRO2007CharmedA Fresh Twist On Charm QuiltsCrowell, Jodi, 1972-Martingale & Company593
PRPrecuts; Scrap quilts;Precuts FRE2011Fresh Fabric Treats16 Yummy Projects To Sew From Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes & More--with Your Favorite Moda Bake Shop Designers.Author not listedWoods, Susanne (editor)Stash Books1745
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts GRO2009Four-patch FrolicQuilts From 5" And 10" SquaresGroves, Barbara.Jacobson, Mary A.Martingale & Company227
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts JUM2011Jump-start Your QuiltingAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)DRG1775
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts KIN2008Strippin' Alongapplique quilts on a rollKinsey, DonnaRocamontes, LindaDesign Originals1739
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts LIN2008Jelly Roll Quiltsthe perfect guide to making the most of the latest strip rollsLintott, Pam.Lintott, NickyDavid & Charles800
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts LIN2009Layer cake, jelly roll and charm quiltsLintott, Pam.Lintott, NickyDavid & Charles217
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts LIN2010Two From One, Jelly Roll Quilts18 designs to make your fabric go furtherLintott, Pam.Lintott, NickyDavid & Charles1712
PRPrecuts; Patchwork; StripsPrecuts MAR2008Rolling AlongEasy quilts from 2 1/2" stripsMartin, Nancy J.Martingale & Co.52
PRScrap quilts; Stars; Patriotic quilts; Alphabets; AppliquePrecuts MIL 2002Super simple squarescreative uses for 6 1/2" squareMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities1365
PRPrecutsPrecuts NEL2010Schnibbles Times TwoQuilts From 5" Or 10" SquaresNelson, Carrie (Carrie L.)That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.1690
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts PLE2008Loose ChangeQuilts from Nickels, Dimes, and Fat QuartersPlett, Claudia, 1949-Weaver, Le Ann, 1960-Martingale & Company150
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts RIC2011Little Bits Quilting Bee20 Quilts Using Charm Squares, Jelly Rolls, Layer Cakes, And Fat QuartersRicketson, Kathreen.Shugg, Robert.Chronicle Books1756
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts ROB2013Cut Above, ATurn Charm Squares, Strips, And More Into Beautiful PatchworkRobinson, Gerri.Martingale1314
PRPrecuts; PatchworkPrecuts SPE2002Nickel Quiltsgreat designs from 5-inch scrapsSpeth, PatThode, CharleneMartingale & Co.1194
PRPrecuts; Scrap quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; DesignPrecuts SPE2004More nickel quilts20 new designs from 5-inch squaresSpeth, PatMartingale1414
P-RTPatchwork; Rectangles; Patchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchBAR2010Spectacular Rectangles12 Quilts From A Simple ShapeBartos, Ilene, 1953-Martingale1364
P-RTPatchwork; Machine piecing; 9 patch; RectanglesPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchFRO2008Radiant Sunshine & Shadow23 Quilts with Nine-Patch SparkleFrost, Helen YoungSkow, CatherineC & T Pub.1877
P-RTPatchwork; Piecing; 9 PatchPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchHER2007Nine By Nine9-patch Quilts, 9 WaysHershey, Cyndi.Martingale1189
P-RTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Scrap quilts; RectanglesPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchHOP2002Triangle-free quiltsHopkins, Judy, 1941-Martingale & Company1278
P-RTPatchwork; Rectangles; Rail fencePatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchLAU2002Beyond the rail fencea quilter's workbookLauder, BillieEasy Made1251
P-RTPatchwork; Beginner's techniques; Scrap quilts; Rectangles; 9 PatchPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchMIC2000101 nine patch quiltsMichell, Marti.ASN Publishing1042
P-RTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Design; Setting; 4 Patch; 9 PatchPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchPOR2001Magical four-patch and nine-patch quiltsPorcella, YvonneC&T Publishing, Inc.1193
P-RTPatchwork; Fabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; 9 PatchPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchSIS20069-patch pizzazzfast, fun & finished in a daySisneros, JudyC&T Publishing, Inc.1633
P-RTPatchwork; Curved piecing; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; RectanglePatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchSIS2008Rectangle PizzazzFast, Fun & Finished In A DaySisneros, Judy, 1942-C&T Pub.408
P-RTPatchwork; Fabric selection; Batiks; Squares; RectanglesPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchWAL2013In Love With Squares & Rectangles10 Quilt Projects With Batiks & Solids From Blue Underground StudiosWalsh, Amy (Amy Simpson)Burke, Janine.C & T Pub.1682
P-SBlock; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Stars; Sampler quiltsPatchwork - StarsAMA2006Amazingly Simple Star QuiltsAuthor not listededited by Jeanne StaufferHouse of White Birches1851
P-SStars; Color; Fabric selectionPatchwork - StarsAND1996Simply starsquilts that sparkleAnderson, AlexC&T Publishing, Inc.240
P-SStars; Paper piecing; Pattern draftingPatchwork - StarsGAR2001Stellar JourneysFlying Geese & Star QuiltsGarber, Gail.American Quilter's Society1178
P-SPatchwork; Machine piecing; Stars; Sampler quiltsPatchwork - StarsJOH2004Stars by magicnew super easy technique!Johnson-Srebro, NancyC&T Publishing, Inc.1461
P-SStars; Strip piecing; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - StarsKRE2001Lone star quilts and beyondstep-by-step projects and inspirationKrentz, Jan P., 1955-C&T Publishing, Inc.1190
P-SStars; Paper piecing; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - StarsKRE2003Hunter star quilts & beyondtechniques & projects with infin ite possiblitiesKrentz, Jan P., 1955-C&T Publishing, Inc.1610
P-SPatchwork; Beginner's techniques; Machine piecing; StarsPatchwork - StarsMAR2001Star happy quiltscomplete patterns for star-studded piece 'n' play quiltsMartin, JudyCrosley-Griffith Publishing Company, Inc1099
P-SFabric selection; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Design; Borders; TessellationsPatchwork - StarsMAT2005Mariner's Compass QuiltsSetting A New Course : New Process, New Patterns, New ProjectsMathieson, Judy.C&T Pub.1055
P-SStars; Hexagon patternPatchwork - StarsMCG2001Star quilts : outside the boxhexagon patterns from the Kansas City StarMcGinnis, Edie.KANSAS CITY STAR BOOKS344
P-SStar quilts; Native American designPatchwork - StarsPAR1997Montana Star QuiltsParker, LindaMontana Quilts, Inc385
P-SStars; Strip piecing; PatchworkPatchwork - StarsPOT2004Endless starsstrip-pieced quilts that sparklePotetz, Jean M.That Patchwork Place1454
P-SPatchwork; Applique; Stars; Punchneedle; HomePatchwork - StarsRAL2005Stars All Around Usquilts and projects inspired by a beloved symbolRalston, CherieThe Kansas City Star Co.Kansas City Star Books1288
P-SPatchwork; Pineapple StarsPatchwork - StarsREX2005Pineapple StarsSparkling Quilts, Perfectly PiecedRexroad, Sharon.C&T Pub.986
P-SStars; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - StarsREY2000Stars a la cartewith magic stack-n-whack bonus projectsReynolds, Bethany S.American Quilter's Society944
P-SStars; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork - StarsSEA2000Sew many starstechniques & patternsSearl, Gail.American Quilter's Society1012
P-SPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Flowers; Setting; StarsPatchwork - StarsSTA2000Star quilts IImore of the legendary Kansas City Star's quilt patternsAuthor not listedStaff of the Kansas City StarKansas City Star Books1047
P-SMachine piecing; Patchwork; StarsPatchwork - StarsSUI2005Crazy eightsfun with 8-pointed starsSuit, Mary SueMartingale & Company1527
P-SCathedral window quilts; Machine piecingPatchwork - StarsSWA2001Machine stitched cathedral starsSwanland, Shelley, 1952-Martingale & Company1164
P-SCScrap quilting; Patchwork;Patchwork - ScrappyBES2002Best Of Scrap Quilting Made Easy., TheAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches481
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork;Patchwork - ScrappyBIG2005Big book of scrap quiltsAuthor not listed Owens, L. Amanda and P. Wilens ( ed)Oxmoor House1472
P-SCScrap quilts; PatchworkPatchwork - ScrappyBON2005Save the scrapsgreat quilts from small bitsBong, GailThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Company1501
P-SCScrap quilts; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; DesignPatchwork - ScrappyBRO2006Simple Strategies For Scrap QuiltsBrown, Lynn Roddy.That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.911
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork - ScrappyCAF1998Scraps to you , tooCaffery, DebbieDebbie's Creative Moments957
P-SCPatchwork; Stash; ScrappyPatchwork - ScrappyCAS2010Stash with Splash QuiltsCasciato, CindyKrause Publications1325
P-SCDesign; Scrap quilts; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; SettingPatchwork - ScrappyCOM2000Combing Through Your ScrapsCombs, KarenAmerican Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society1074
P-SCPatchwork; Classics; ScrapPatchwork - ScrappyCRE2006Creative ScrapsQuilting With Bits & Pieces : [67 Beautiful Quilts To Enjoy]Author not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches1209
P-SCScrap quilts; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork - ScrappyEDW2003Making scrap quilts to use it upEdwards, LynneDavid & Charles1437
P-SCScrap quilts; Strip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Small projectsPatchwork - ScrappyEDW2006Stash-buster quiltstime-saving designs for fabric leftoversEdwards, LynneDavid & Charles580
P-SCScrap quilts; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - ScrappyFER2001Out of the cupboard and onto the bedFerrier, BethApplewood Farm Publications1214
P-SCScrap quilts; PatchworkPatchwork - ScrappyFOR2011Scraptherapy Cut The Scraps!7 Steps To Quilting Your Way Through Your StashFord, Joan, 1961-Taunton Press1165
P-SCPatchwork; Scrap quilts; Stars; SamplerPatchwork - ScrappyGUE2007Scrap Quilt SensationsGuerrier, Katharine.David & Charles363
P-SCScrap quilts; Design; Australian quilts; Quiltmakers; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - ScrappyHOO1999Spectacular scrapsa simple approach to stunning quiltsHooworth, Judy, 1947-Rolfe, Margaret.Martingale959
P-SCScrap quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Design; QuiltmakersPatchwork - ScrappyHUN2016Addicted to Scraps12 Vibrant Quilt ProjectsHunter, BonnieC & T Pub.1834
P-SCScrap quilts; Quilt history; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - ScrappyKIN2008Small Blocks, Stunning QuiltsKinch, Mary Elizabeth, 1958-Storms, Biz, 1955-Martingale & Company595
P-SCPatchwork; Scrap quilts; Antique quiltsPatchwork - ScrappyKIN2012Small Pieces, Spectacular QuiltsPatterns Inspired by Antique QuiltsKinch, Mary Elizabeth, 1958-Storms, Biz, 1955-That Patchwork Place1811
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Seasonal Patchwork - ScrappyLOT2008Lots Of ScrapsIt's Time To QuiltAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches412
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Fabric selectionPatchwork - ScrappyMAR2005treasury of scrap quilts, AMartin, Nancy J.Martingale & Company1567
P-SCScrap quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Log cabin quilts; PatchworkPatchwork - ScrappyMAR2006ScrapsMartin, Judy, 1950-Crosley-Griffith Pub. Co.218
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - ScrappySCH2001Scrap FrenzyEven More Quick-pieced Scrap QuiltsSchneider, Sally, 1945-Martingale & Co.1124
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - ScrappySCH2013Scrap Quilts Fit For A QueenOr A King, Twin Or Lap!Schneider, Sally, 1945-Martingale1680
P-SCScrap quilts; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric - Care and conservationPatchwork - ScrappySCR1997Scrap quilts fast and funAuthor not listedWilens, Patricia (editor)Oxmoor House701
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork patternsPatchwork - ScrappySCR2002Scrap quilt celebrationAuthor not listedBolesta, Karen (editior)Rodale1302
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork - ScrappySCR2003Scrap lap quiltsAuthor not listedHouse of White Birches246
P-SCPatchwork; Scrap quiltsPatchwork - ScrappySQU2009StashblastersSquibb, KathrynJacobs, DeborahGathering Friends Quilt Shop166
P-SCScrap quilts; Patchwork; Patchwork - ScrappyWAL2008Spotlight On Scraps10 Pretty QuiltsWalker, Cyndi, 1970-Martingale & Co.824
P-SCPatchwork; Scrap quilts; AppliquePatchwork - ScrappyWAR2003Warmth & wisdomlegacy of scrap quiltsAuthor not listed Case, Sandra (ed)Leisure Arts, Inc.1402
P-SCScrap quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Design; QuiltmakersPatchwork - ScrappyYAM2011Two Patch Scrap QuiltsYamin, PatAmerican Quilting Society1838
P-SCScrap quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Design; QuiltmakersPatchwork - ScrappyYAM2013Super Simple One-Patch QuiltsYamin, PatLove to Quilt1837
PTPatchwork Patchwork ATK1999Terry's shortcut quilt collectionAtkinson, TerryAtkinson Designs1117
PTPatchworkPatchwork ATK2005Time out quiltsAtkinson, TerryAtkinson Designs165
PTAward winning quilts; Patchwork; Applique; Paper piecingPatchwork AUS2004From the cover15 memorable projects for quilt loversAustin, Mary LemanC&T Publishing, Inc.1546
PTPatchwork patterns; Patchwork BEC2002Best of the best quiltsBeck, LeslieLandauer Books1458
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; DesignPatchwork BEE2009Dancing Dragonfly Quilts12 Captivating Projects--design & Piecing Options--6 Block VariationsBeevers, Sue, 1951-C&T Pub.616
PTPatchwork; Applique; QuiltingPatchwork BES2002Best loved timeless quilts15th anniversary limited editionAuthor not listed Chitra Publications1369
PTSeasonal; Patchwork BES2012Best Wall Quilts From McCall's QuiltingEasy Patterns For Year-round Decorating.Author not listed Martingale1729
PTPatchworkPatchwork BET2005Better Home and Gardensour best quiltsAuthor not listed Kaisand, Heidi (ed.)Meredith Corp.1514
PTPatchwork; Baltimore quiltsPatchwork BON2004Pieces of Baltimorethe ultimate collectionBono, PamLeisure Arts, Inc.1417
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Strip piecingPatchwork BUR2006Quick Trip QuiltsBurns, EleanorQuilt in A Day364
PTPatchwork; AppliquePatchwork CAU2008Blue Ribbon QuiltsCausee, Linda.Weiss, Rita.Sterling1213
PTPatchwork; Fabric selectionPatchwork CHA2003Simple Quilts that look like a milllion bucksChambers, Nicole C.Tiger Lilly Press1521
PTPatchwork; Applique; Flowers; Machine piecing; Log cabin quiltsPatchwork CHR2002Days to rememberChristopherson, TeriBlack Mountain Quilts1169
PTPatchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork CLA2005Classic quiltsby Keystone Quilters.Author not listedMeunier, Christiane.Moon Over Mountain1549
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; AppliquePatchwork COL2001art of machine piecing, Thehow to achieve quality workmanship through a colorful journeyCollins, Sally, 1946-C&T Pub.1084
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Paper piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork COL2003Colorful, casual & comfy quiltsover 20 quilts and projects to warm your homeBolesta, Karen (editor)Rodale Inc1602
PTPatchwork; Applique; Machine piecing; Children's quiltsPatchwork COV2002Celebrations!quilts for cherished family momentsCovey, Mary M.Martingale & Company1503
PTPatchwork; Patchwork CRI2007Double-Dippin QuiltsCribbs, TriciaFriendFolks682
PTPatchwork; SashingPatchwork CRI2008Turning Twenty 5simply sashedCribbs, TriciaFriendFolks622
PTPatchwork; AppliquePatchwork DAN2008Art Of The Handmade Quilt, TheDaniel, Nancy Brenan.Sterling1211
PTPatchwork; Quiltmakers; Award winningPatchwork DES2003Designers and their quiltsAuthor not listed Kaisand, Heidi (ed.)Meredith Corp.1506
PTPatchwork; Fabric selectionPatchwork DIS2003Clever Quilts EncoreDissmore, Susan TeegardenThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale and Company1386
PTSampler quilts; Patchwork; Setting; Beginner's techniques; Machine piecingPatchwork DIS2006Better by the dozen12 blocks, 12 quilts, endless possibilitiesDissmore, Susan Teegarden, 1957-Martingale & Company1581
PTSampler quilts; Patchwork patterns; AppliquePatchwork EDW2000Lynne Edwards' New Sampler Quilt Book.Edwards, Lynne, 1943-David & Charles892
PTPatchwork; Patchwork FAS2010Fast Favorites From McCall's Quilting.Author not listed Green, Mary V. (editor)Martingale1372
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; AppliquePatchwork FON2005Fons & Porter present quilts from The Henry Ford24 vintage quilts celebrating American quiltmakingFons, MarianneLandauer Books1588
PTPatchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork FOW2004Bennie Harper's quilt albuma scrapbook of quilt projects, photos and never-before-told storiesFowler, ErleneHall, MargritC&T Publishing, Inc.1493
PTPatchwork; Hexies; Scrap quiltsPatchwork HAE2006QuiltHaeff, Ruth van.Flew, Janine.Thunder Bay Press1201
PTPatchwork; Row quilts; Embellishment; Patchwork HAW2006M'liss Rae Hawley's Round Robin RenaissanceHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-C&T Pub.1078
PTN Z Patchwork HOF2002Quilts to come home toHoffman, JoyZimmerman, DarleneEZ quilting by Wrights1600
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Birds; Small projects; Beginner's techniques; ChristmasPatchwork JOR2000Quilting from the Heartland'sa slice of quilted spiceJorgenson, SharleneQuilting From The Heartland1343
PTQuilting - patterns; Patchwork - patterns; Lap sized quiltsPatchwork KOV2002Snuggle Up8 Laps Quilts To Warm Your HomeKovich, Beth Merrill, 1967-Warehime, Retta, 1953-Martingale502
PTPatchwork; Children's quilts; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork MAH2004Patchwork showcasesimple quilts with big impactMahoney, NancyMartingale & Company1525
PTPatchwork; Row quilts; PatchworkMAR2000Row by Row10n Easy Bar QuiltsMartin, Terry, 1954-That Patchwork Place1847
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Embellishment; Beginner's techniques; Stars Patchwork MAR2000Time crunch quiltsMartin, Nancy J.Martingale1010
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Alphabets; Sampler quiltsPatchwork MIL2001Hearts aplentyMilligan, Lynda, 1951-Smith, Nancy, 1943 Oct. 17-Possibilities1125
PTPatchwork patterns; Applique patterns; Quilting patternsPatchwork MIL2003Plentiful PossibilitiesA Timeless Treasury Of 16 Terrific QuiltsMilligan, Lynda, 1951-Smith, Nancy, 1943 October 17-C&T Pub.18
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Small projects; FlowersPatchwork MOS2003English cottage quilts10 charming projectsMostek, PamelaMartingale & Company1480
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Small projects; Applique; EmbroideryPatchwork MOS2005Joined at the heartquilting for family and friendsMoscicki, AnneWyckoff-Hickey, LindaMartingale1597
PTPatchwork; Home Patchwork MUM2005Just for funMumm, DebbieLeisure Arts, Inc.1481
PTPatchwork; Stars;Template patternsPatchwork ONE1999Star Quiltsa selection of the legendary Kansas City star quilt patternsThe Staff of the Kansas StarKansas City Star Books1024
PTPatchwork; Vermont - Quilts; U. S. - Quilts - 19th century; Piecing - PatternsPatchwork PAP1996Dear Janethe 225 patterns from the 1836 Jane A. Stickle quiltPapadakis, Brenda Manges, 1943-Quilt House Publishing494
PTPatchworkPatchwork PER200324 quilted gemssparkling traditional & original projectsPerry, GaiC&T Publishing, Inc.671
PTPatchworkPatchwork QUI2002Quilt-lovers' Favorites from Better Homes and GardensVolume 2Author not listed Kaisand, Heidi (editor)Meredith Corp.1785
PTPatchwork; Scrap quiltsPatchwork QUI2003The quilted homeLeisure Arts presents the best of Fons & Porter's For the Love of QuiltingAuthor not listed Case, Sandra (editor)Leisure Arts, Inc.1540
PTPatchworkPatchwork QUI2004Quilt-lovers' Favorites from Better Homes and GardensVolume 4Author not listed Kaisand, Heidi (editor)Meredith Corp.1651
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Bed quiltsPatchwork QUI2006Quick colorful quilts for beautiful bedsAuthor not listedWilkinson, Rosemary (editor)New Hollond Publishers548
PTPatchwork; Piecing; Children's quiltsPatchwork REN2006Quilts from the heartquick projects for generous givingRenaud, Karin.That Patchwork Place1584
PTPatterns; Applique; Sampler quiltsPatchwork ROT2002Reproductions quilts from the civil war period 1850-1865patterns for quilts, blocks and wall pieces from the civil war eraRothermel, JudieSchoolhouse Quilts1322
PTPatchwork; Award winning quilters; HomePatchwork SKI2009Skinny Quilts & Table Runners II15 designs from celebrated quiltersAuthor not listedLevie, Eleanor (ed.)That Patchwork Place1809
PTPatchworkPatchwork SLO200540 Fabulous Quick-Cut QuiltsSloppy, Evelyn, 1949-Martingale1541
PTPatchworkPatchwork SMI2002Favorite Quilts Fast & FunSmith, Nancy.Milligan, Lynda, 1951-Possibilities577
PTPatchwork; Table runnersPatchwork SQU2005Classics...from table runners to quiltsSquibb, KathrynJacobs, DeborahGathering Friends Quilt Shop1544
PTPatchwork; Patchwork STR2004Quilter's bountyextraordinary quilts from ordinary blocksStrobel, RobinMartingale & Company1636
PTPatchwork; Patchwork SUR2006Surprisingly simple quiltsfrom Australian Patchwork & Quilting MagazineAuthor not listed Green, Mary V. (editor)Martingale & Company1611
PTPatchwork; Patchwork TET2006Quilting Through LifeProjects For The Mind, Body, And SoulTeters-Zeigler, Julia.Martingale/That Patchwork Place982
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork THA2009That Patchwork Place Quilt Collection.Author not listedThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Company1741
PTPatchwork; Patchwork TWI2006Twisted ClassicsAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches727
PTPatchwork; Blocks; Wearables Patchwork ULT2002Ultimate Collection Of Classic Quilt Blocks, TheAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches993
PTPatchwork; Strip piecing; Stars; Scrap quilts; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork WAR2003Patchwork memoriesquilts with the charm of yesteryearWarehime, RettaThat Patchwork Place1456
PTPatchwork; Seasonal patterns; Christmas Patchwork WEE2007Weekend Quilting WondersAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches1672
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Quilt history; AppliquePatchwork WEI2005Making Antique QuiltsWeiss, Rita.Sterling Pub.1060
PTPatchwork; Stars; NaturePatchwork WIE2002Take time to quiltWierzbicki, CathyLeisure Arts, Inc.1286
PTPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Fabric selectionPatchwork YEN2001Floral Bouquet Quilts from In the BeginningYenter, Sharon EvansSea-Hill Press, Inc1081
PTPatchwork; Animals; Machine piecingPatchwork ZEH1997Barnyard legendsZehner, JudithMosher, kimberlyAnimas Quilts Publishing679
PTPatchwork; Country; Applique; HomePatchwork ZIM2004Granny quilt decorvintage quilts of the '30s inspire projects for today's homeZimmerman, DarleneKrause Publications230
PT-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; FlowersPatchwork - Pieced Flowers BRA2000Summer roseBrandeburg, BarbaraCabbage Rose1038
PT-FPatchwork patterns; Cathedral windows Patchwork - Pieced Flowers FAR2001Fast-folded FlowersTimesaving Techniques For A Quilted BouquetFarson, Laura.Krause Publications1016
PT-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; FlowersPatchwork - Pieced Flowers LAM2008Gathered From The GardenQuilts With Floral CharmLammon, Cindy, 1954-Martingale & Company209
PT-FPatchwork; Garden; Flowers; Fruit Patchwork - Pieced Flowers MUM2007Debbie Mumm's Greenwood GardensMumm, DebbieLeisure Arts1714
PT-FPatchwork; Flowers; Stained glass quilting; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Machine piecingPatchwork - Pieced Flowers POT2002Potting shed patchwork14 quilted projects fresh from the gardenAuthor not listed Martin, Nancy (compiler)Martingale & Company1439
PT-FPatchwork; Machine piecing; Flowers; Strip piecing; Paper piecingPatchwork - Pieced Flowers WOL2005garden party of quilts, A7 pieced projects for flower loversWolfrom, Joen.C&T Publishing, Inc.410
PT-FPatchwork; FlowersPatchwork - Pieced Flowers YUR2004Fabulous flower quiltsYurkerwich, Bea.Chitra Publications1416
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Small projects; Design; EmbellishmentPatchwork - Log CabinBRO2003Creative Log Cabin PatchworkBrown, Pauline.Guild of Master Craftsman Publications1393
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Design; Color; Machine piecingPatchwork - Log CabinGAD1999Beyond log cabinGadd, Kerry, 1950-Martingale926
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Picture quiltsPatchwork - Log CabinGLO2003new look at log cabin quilts, Adesign a scene block by block plus 9 easy-to-follow projectsGlover, Flavin.C&T Publishing, Inc.1347
PT-LPatchwork; Country; Applique; HomePatchwork - Log CabinJEN2002Cozy cabin quilts from Thimbleberries20 projects for any homeJensen, LynetteC&T Publishing, Inc.1531
PT-LLog cabin; Patchwork patterns; Patchwork - Log CabinMAR2007Judy Martin's Log Cabin Quilt Book.Martin, Judy, 1950-Crosley-Griffith1235
PT-LLog Cabin; Patchwork; Patchwork - Log CabinMIC2006Log cabin ABCsMichell, MartiMarti Michell839
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Patchwork; Applique; Machine piecingPatchwork - Log CabinMIL2005Positively PineappleQuilts for the Pineapple Rule ... and more!Milligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities700
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Small projects; Patchwork; Machine piecing; EmbellishmentPatchwork - Log CabinROT2006Log Cabin Quilts With Attitudea new twist on an old favoriteRotz, Sharon V.Krause1771
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Machine piecing; Stars; SettingPatchwork - Log CabinSLO2002Log cabin feverinnovative designs for traditional quiltsSloppy, Evelyn, 1949-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1185
PT-LLog cabin; Patchwork patterns; Patchwork - Log CabinTAK2001Log Cabin(Japanese text)Takada, SachikoNihon Vogue978
PT-LLog cabin quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; DesignPatchwork - Log CabinWEI2006Log Cabin QuiltsWeiss, Rita.Causee, Linda.Sterling Pub.668
P-TRPatchwork; Maple Leaf; Small Projects Patchwork - TrianglesBAR2008Maple Leaf Quilts12 Projects, 9 Triangle TechniquesBartos, Ilene, 1953-Martingale & Co.355
P-TRPatchwork; Beginner's techniques; Applique; Small projects; ChristmasPatchwork - TrianglesBUR1997Bears in the woods quiltBurns, Eleanor.Quilt in a Day498
P-TRPatchwork; StarsPatchwork - TrianglesHAW2002Flying geese & more!make block or a flockHawley, JoanLazy Girl Designs, LLC1405
P-TRPatchwork; BasketsPatchwork - TrianglesMAH2005Basket bonanza14 quilts from best-loved blocksMahoney, NancyMartingale1596
P-TRSampler quilts; Machine piecing; Setting; Beginner's techniquesPatchwork - TrianglesSYT2002Bear's Paw PlusMake New Tracks With Sampler BlocksSyta, Pat A., 1947-Martingale & Company1667
P-TRBeginner's techniques; Small projects; Applique; Wearable art; Patchwork; Machine piecingPatchwork - TrianglesWAR2003Illustrated Guide To Half-square TrianglesWarner, Jodi G.House of White Birches605
Q-ARExhibitions - Ohio - Quilt National; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsART2005Art quilts; a celebration400 stunning contempory designsAuthor not listedLark Books1492
Q-ARContemporary quilts; DesignArt QuiltsEKL2005Free Expressionthe Art and Confessions of a Contemporary QuilterEklow, Robbi Joy Quilting Arts, LLC1839
Q-ARArt quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsFIN1997Fine art quiltswork by artists of the Contemporary QuiltArt AssociationAuthor not listed Reinstatler, LauraFiber Studio Press736
Q-ARArt Quilts; Award winning artists; SAQUAArt QuiltsFIN2005Fabric Art Gallery43 art quilts by 32 award-winning artistsFinwall, BarbaraJavier, NancyLeisure Arts231
Q-ARArt quilts; Contemporary quilts; QuiltmakersArt QuiltsJAM1998Michael Jamesart & inspirations.James, Michael, 1949-C&T Pub.941
Q-ARArt quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsJOH2006Speaking In Cloth6 Quilters, 6 VoicesJohnston, Ann.Meyer, Jeannette DeNicolis.Publishers525
Q-ARArt quilts; Quiltmaker; Contemporary quilts; EmbellishmentArt QuiltsLIN2007Connecting Quilts, Art & Textiles.Lintault, M. Joan.Dragon Threads1641
Q-ARArt quilt; Quiltmaker; Embellishment; Fabric manipulation; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingArt QuiltsMUR2001In the studio with Judy Murrah12 playful quilted projectsMurrah, Judy, 1943-Martingale & Company1159
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quilts; Wearable art; Fabric - Dyes and dyeing; QuiltmakersArt QuiltsPOR1998Yvonne Porcellaart & inspirationPorcella, YvonneC&T Publishing, Inc.798
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI1997Quilt National, 1997.Contemporary quiltsQuilt National (1997 : Athens, Ohio)Lark Books.Lark Books1023
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI1999Quilt National, 1999.best in contemporary quilts, TheQuilt National (1999 : Athens, Ohio)Lark Books.Lark Books1029
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI2001Quilt National 2001.best contemporary quilts, TheQuilt National (2001 : Athens, Ohio)Lark Books.Lark Books531
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI2003Quilt National 2003the best contempory quiltsAuthor not listedCusick, Dawn (editor)Lark Books1619
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI2007Quilt National 2007Quilt National (2007 : Athens, Ohio)Lark Books.Lark Books1057
Q-ARQuilting contests; Art quilts; Contemporary quiltsArt QuiltsQUI2009Quilt National 2009The Best Of Contemporary Quilts : More Than 80 Inspiring CreationsQuilt National (2009 : Athens, Ohio)Lark Books.Lark Books205
Q-ARArt quilts; Contemporary quilts; African-American quiltsArt QuiltsRIN1998Dancing at the LouvreFaith Ringgold's French collection and other story quiltsRinggold, FaithNew Museum of Contemporary Art (New York, N.Y.)University of California Press559
Q-ARIndividual artist; Machine embroidery; Portraits; Machine appliqueArt QuiltsSCH1998Deidre Schererwork in fabric & threadScherer, Deidre, 1944-C&T Pub.744
Q-ARArt quilts; Contemporary quilts; QuiltmakersArt QuiltsthA2008Masters: Art QuiltsMaster works by leading artistsSielman, Martha.Lark Books868
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quiltsArt QuiltsSTU2009SAQA@20 Art & ExcellenceA sense of humorStudio Art Quilt AssociatesStudio Art Quilt Associates923
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quiltsArt QuiltsSTU2010SAQA: Creative Force 2010Studio Art Quilt AssociatesStudio Art Quilt Associates691
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quiltsArt QuiltsSTU2010SAQA SightlinesStudio Art Quilt AssociatesStudio Art Quilt Associates1233
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quiltsArt QuiltsSTU2011SAQA Portfolio 18the art quilt sourcebookStudio Art Quilt AssociatesStudio Art Quilt Associates1710
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quiltsArt QuiltsSTU2013Portfolio 20the art quilt sourcebookStudio Art Quilt AssociatesStudio Art Quilt Associates1689
Q-ARContemporary quilts; U. S. - Quilts - History - 20th century; Exhibition - California - Museum of San Diego HistoryArt QuiltsVIS1996VisionsQuilt artAuthor not listedRogers, Janet (editor)C&T Pub.485
Q-ARContemporary quilts; U. S. - Quilts - History - 20th century; Exhibition - California - Museum of San Diego HistoryArt QuiltsVIS1998Visionsquilt expressionsAuthor not listed Graves, Stevii Thompson.Rutledge Hill Press1345
Q-ARContemporary quilts; Art quilts; Quilting contestsArt QuiltsWAL2005Contemporary quiltingexciting techniques and quilts from award-winning quiltersWalter, CindyGraves, SteviiKrause Publications1536
Q-ARArt quilts;Art QuiltsWAS2008Fuse-and-tell Journal QuiltsCreate Your Story In ClothWasilowski, Laura, 1952-C&T Pub.1297
Q-ARIndividual artist; Contemporary quiltArt QuiltsWOM1999Women of tastea collaboration celebrating quilt artist and chefsBilik, JenGirls Incorporated.C&T Publishing, Inc.1433
Q-AWAward winning quiltsAward Winning QuiltsAQS2007American Quilter's Society 2007 Catalogue of Show Quiltssemi-finalists in the 23rd annual quilt show & contestBrowning, Bonnie K., 1944-American Quilter's Society1688
Q-AWQuilting contests; Exhibitions - Texas - International Quilt Association; QuiltmakersAward Winning QuiltsWEI2005Winning quiltsThe best of the 2002 and 2003 show from the International Quilt AssociationWeiss, RuthInternational Quilt Association.Sterling Pub. Co.1440
Q-AZIndividual artist; Historic quilt; Native AmericanQuilts Aizona DAV2012Desert TraderThe Life and Quilts of Goldie Tracy RichmondDavis, Carolyn O'Bagy.Sanpete Publications1702
Q-AZArizona - Quilts; Documentation; Arizona ArtistsQuilts Aizona FRO1992Grand Endeavorsvintage Arizona quilts and their makersFrost, Helen Young195
Q-DQuilting; Quilting DesignQuilting DesignsCHO2001Choosing Quilting DesignsAuthor not listed Townswick, JaneRodale Press1103
Q-DQuilting; Machine quiltingQuilting DesignsCRU2002fine line, Atechniques and inspirations for creating the quilting designCrust, Melody.Tewell, Heather Waldron.Quilt Digest Press1307
Q-DQuilting; Free motion designsQuilting DesignsDAY2016365 Free Motion Quilting DesignsDay, Leah1867
Q-DQuilting; Machine quilting; DesignQuilting DesignsFER2011Zen Quilting Workbookinspired by ZentangleFerguson, PatDesign Originals1727
Q-DQuilting patternsQuilting DesignsFLO1996Creative designs for hand and machine quiltingFlorence, JudyEZ International609
Q-DQuilting; Quilting DesignsFRA2007Quilt As Desired[your Guide To Straight-line And Free-motion Quilting]Frable, Charlene C.Krause1656
Q-DMachine quilting; Quilting designsQuilting DesignsFRI2001250 continuous-line quilting designs for hand, machine & long-arm quiltersFritz, Laura Lee.C&T Pub.137
Q-DMachine quilting; Quilting designsQuilting DesignsFRI2008Mindful Meandering132 Original Continuous-line Quilting DesignsFritz, Laura Lee.C&T Pub.572
Q-DQuilting; Machine quilting; DesignQuilting DesignsKRA2012One Zentangle A DayA 6-week Course in Creative Drawing for Relaxation, Inspiration, and FunKrahula, BeckahQuarry Books1824
Q-DQuilting, Sashiko, Applique, EmbroideryQuilting DesignsLIN2009Sophisticated StitchesDesigns for Quilting, Applique, Sashiko & EmbroideryLinn, Don, 1945 August 16-C & T Pub.1791
Q-DQuilting; Machine quilting; DesignQuilting DesignsMAL2012Doodle QuiltingOver 120 Continuous-line Machine-quilting DesignsMalkowski, Cheryl, 1955-Inc.1308
Q-DMachine quilting; Machine quilting patternsQuilting DesignsMAR2007Machine Quilting SolutionsTechniques For Fast & Simple To Award-winning DesignsMaraccini, Christine, 1974-C&T Pub.939
Q-DTechniques; Quilting; Quilting DesignQuilting DesignsMCN2011Zen-sational Stitches for Quiltinginspired by ZentangleMcNeill, SuzanneDesign Originals1728
Q-DQuilting; Machine quilting; Wearable artQuilting DesignsMCT2005Mastering the art of McTavishingMcTavish, Karen C.On-Word Bound Books1566
Q-DQuilting; Quilt DesignsQuilting DesignsMOR2005Around The World Quilting DesignsMori, Joyce.American Quilter's Society560
Q-DQuilting design; Free motion quiltingQuilting DesignsPAT2006Quilting Possibilities-- Freehand Filler PatternsPatten, Sue.American Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society1638
Q-DQuilting; Machine quilting; Quilting designQuilting DesignsPEA2011Modern Quilting Designs90+ Free-motion Inspirations--add Texture & Style To Your Next QuiltPease, Bethany, 1985-C&T Pub.984
Q-DQuilting; Free motion designsQuilting DesignsROC2001Quilting in motion - 2continous motion quilting designs 1876-1950Rocke, Lora A.Self432
Q-DQuilting; Free motion designsQuilting DesignsROC2001Quilting in motion - 3continuous contemporary quilting designsRocke, Lora A.Self1161
Q-DQuilting; Free motion designsQuilting DesignsROC2005Quilting in motion 6continuous line designs in simple shapes and for easy edgesRocke, Lora A.Self158
Q-DDesign; Machine quilting; Applique; Design; Sewing supplies and equipmentQuilting DesignsSAN2007Show Me How To Plan My QuiltingDesign Before You Piece, A Fun, No-mark ApproachSandbach, Kathy, 1945-C&T Pub.921
Q-DQuilting; Quilting designsQuilting DesignsSHA2002Infinite feathersquilting designsShackelford, Anita.American Quilter's Society1294
Q-DQuilting; Quilting DesignQuilting DesignsSMI2008Quilt This!Practical Patterns For Everyday QuiltingSmith, LyndaAmerican Quilter's Society12
Q-DQuilting design Quilting DesignsSQU2002Squire, Helen.American Quilter's Society384
Q-DQuilting designs; Quilting DesignsWAL2010Hari Walner's Continuous-line Quilting Designs80 Patterns For Blocks, Borders, Corners & Backgrounds.Walner, Hari, 1940-C&T Pub.1706
Q-HHand quilting; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Sewing supplies and equipment; QuiltingQuilting - HandAND1998Hand Quilting With Alex AndersonSix Projects For Hand Quilters.Anderson, Alex, 1955-C&T Pub.1659
Q-HQuilting; Hand quiltingQuilting - HandKIM2003Loving stitchesa guide to fine hand quilting, revised editionKimball, JeanaThat Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Company1350
Q-HQuilting; Hand; Big stitchQuilting - HandLAU2002Quilting in the BigStitch StyleLauder, BillieEasy Made1643
Q-HQuilting; Hand quilting; DesignQuilting - HandMAR2014Quilts from Concept to ContestAdvice from a Hand QuilterMarshall, SuzanneAmerican Quilter's Society1802
Q-HQuilting; Sewing supplies and equipment; Fabric - Care and conservation; Teaching; Beginner's techniquesQuilting - HandMCE1998That perfect stitchthe secrets of fine hand quiltingMcElroy, Roxanne.Quilt Digest Press463
Q-MMachine quilting patternsQuilting MachineAND2007Machine Quilting With Alex Anderson7 Exercises, Projects & Full-size Quilting Patterns.Anderson, Alex, 1955-C&T Pub.1660
Q-MQuilting; Free motionQuilting MachineBON2012Beginner's Guide To Free-motion QuiltingProfessional Quality Results On Your Home Machine : 50+ Visual Tutorials To Get You Started : Bonus, 6 Modern Quilt ProductsBonner, Natalia, 1982-Stash Books1180
Q-MMachine quilting; free motionQuilting MachineCAM2013First Steps To Free-motion Quilting24 Projects For Fearless StitchingCameli, Christina, 1976-Stash Books1718
Q-MMachine quilting; Design; Sewing supplies and equipmentQuilting MachineGAU2002Guide to machine quiltingGaudynski, Diane.American Quilter's Society1340
Q-MMachine Quilting: Beginner Through Advanced; Straight line; Free MotionQuilting MachineHAR2004Heirloom Machine QuiltingComprehensive Guide to Hand-Quilting Effects Using Your Sewing MachineHargrave, HarrietC&T Pub.1872
Q-MQuilting; Free motion quilting; Quilting DesignsQuilting MachineLAR2009Free-motion Quilting Made Easy186 Designs From 8 Simple ShapesLarkin, Eva A., 1968-Martingale & Company648
Q-MQuilting; Free motionQuilting MachineLIN2011Free-motion Machine QuiltingFrom Practice To Perfection, Troubleshooting Guide, 50+ DesignsLinn, Don, 1945 August 16-C&T Pub.1726
Q-MQuilting; Machine quilting Quilting MachineMAS2008Foolproof Machine QuiltingLearn To Use Your Walking Foot--paper Cut Patterns For No Marking, No Math--simple Stitching For Stunning ResultsMashuta, Mary.C&T Pub.895
Q-MQuilting; Machine quilting; Sewing supplies and equipmentQuilting MachineNIC2003Machine quiltinga primer of techniquesNickels, Sue.American Quilter's Society1353
Q-MQuilting; Machine quilting; Beginner's techniques; Embellishment; Sewing supplies and equipmentQuilting MachineNOB1998Machine quilting with decorative threadsNoble, Maurine, 1932-Hendricks, Elizabeth, 1949-That Patchwork Place785
Q-MQuilting; Machine quilting; Applique; Design; Sewing supplies and equipmentQuilting MachineSAN2002Show me how to machine quilta fun, no-mark approachSandbach, Kathy, 1945-C&T Pub.1289
Q-MQuilting ; Longarm quilting; Pantographs; Longarm techiquesQuilting MachineTAY2002The ultimate guide to longarm machine quiltingTaylor, Linda V.C&T Publishing, Inc.1245
Q-MQuilting; Free motion quilting; Quilting DesignsQuilting MachineTER2004Pathways to Better Quilting5 Shapes for machine quilt patternsTerry, Sally.AQS 1873
Q-MMachine quilting; Animals; Flowers; BordersQuilting MachineTER2011Pathways From Quilt Top To QuiltedTerry, Sally.American Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society849
Q-MQuilting; Free motionQuilting MachineWAL2014Shape by ShapeFree-motion Quilting with Angela WaltersWalters, Angela, 1979-C & T Pub.1794
Q-MBeginner's techniques; Machine quiltingQuilting MachineWAL2017Free-Motion MeanderingA Beginner's guide to Machine QuiltingWalters, Angela, 1979-Stash Books1864
Q-MQuilting; Free motionQuilting MachineWOO2010Freemotion QuiltingWoodworth, Judy.American Quilter's Society1724
QRFabric selection; Fabric - Care and conservation; Fabric - Dyes and dyeingQuilt Related HAR1997From fiber to fabricthe essential guide to quiltmaking textilesHargrave, HarriettC&T Publishing, Inc.348
QRGroup projects; Group patchwork; quilting; Charity quilts Quilt Related TEU2008Quilting Party!Group Quilting for Celebration, Commemoration & CharityTeufel, Linda ChangDragon Threads82
Q-THSampler quilts; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecingQuilts - Themed CHI2002Elm creek quiltsquilt projects inspired by the Elm Creek quilts novelsChiaverini, JenniferOdom, NancyC&T Publishing, Inc.1502
Q-THSampler quilts; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; ChristmasQuilts - Themed CHI2008More Elm Creek Quilts30+ Traditional Blocks, 11 Projects, Favorite Character SketchesChiaverini, Jennifer.C&T Pub.1257
Q-THPatchwork; Applique; Sports themed; Quilts - Themed KRU2005Quilting For The Men In Your LifeKrush, Pearl Louise.KP Books1210
RRReligious; Applique; Flowers; Quilt history; Mourning quilts; Fabric - ManipulationReligious Related CAR2003Quilting to soothe the soulcreate memories for today, tomorrow, & forever.Carlson, LindaKrause Pub.1620
RRApplique; Flowers; Biblical; ReligiousReligious Related CUR2003Flowers Of The BibleCurtis, Helga.House of White Birches1696
RRReligious; Applique; Fruits; Fabric - Manipulation; Embroidery; BiblicalReligious Related CUR2011Herbs, Spices & Fruits of the BibleCurtis, HelgaHouse of White Birches912
RRBible blocks; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingReligious Related ENG2004Graceful journeymore classic quilts inspired by the bibleEngland, KayeKaye England Publications1467
RRBiblical blocks; Sampler quilts; Theme quilts; ReligiousReligious Related MAK2005More biblical quilt blocksnew inspirational designsMakhan, Rosemary, 1944-Martingale1606
RRReligious; Applique; Crosses; PatternsReligious Related WAT2003Quilted CrossWatts, J. MichelleAmerican Quilting Society1825
S-DFabric dyeing; PatchworkSurface Design - Dyeing BEL2008Hand Dyed QuiltsBell-Johnson, Marquetta.Sterling Pub.779
S-DFabric - Dyes and dyeingSurface Design - Dyeing DEI2001Dyeing in Plastic BagsDeighan, HelenCrossways Patch278
S-DFabric - Dyes and dyeingSurface Design - Dyeing DEI2003Magic dyeing made easyDeighan, HelenCrossways Patch1426
S-DSurface design; Modern quilts; DyeingSurface Design - Dyeing EIC2013Modern ColorAn Illustrated Guide To Dyeing Fabric For Modern QuiltsEichler-Messmer, Kim Lauren, 1979-Stash Books1671
S-DFabric - Dyes and DyeingSurface Design - Dyeing JOH2010Fabric Dyer's Dictionary900+ Colors--specialty Techniques : The Only Dyeing Book You'll Ever Need!Johansen, Linda, 1951-C&T Pub.520
S-DFabric - Dyes and dyeing; Wearable artSurface Design - Dyeing KIN1998Dye & dischargeplaying on fabricKing, Sara NewbergAmerican Quilter's Society721
S-DSurface design; PaintingSurface Design - Dyeing LAW1999Mickey Lawler's SkyDyesA Visual Guide to Fabric PaintingLawler, MickeyC & T Pub.1817
S-DFabric - Dyes and dyeing; Wearable art; Small projectsSurface Design - Dyeing SIM1999Creative marbling on fabrica guide to making one-of-a-kind fabricsSimmons, Judy, 1944-Martingale & Company851
S-DSurface design; Fabric dyeingSurface Design - Dyeing SIM2007Fabric FandangoCombining Hand Dyed And Commercial PrintsSimpson, Gail.American Quilter's Society990
S-GSurface design; Small projects; EmbellishmentSurface Design - GeneralAST2004Fast, Fun & Easy Scrapbook QuiltsCreate A Keepsake For Every MemoryAstroth, Sue, 1957-C&T Pub.424
S-GSurface design; Small projects; Curved piecingSurface Design - GeneralBAK2005Sun-kissed quilts & craftscreate original designs on fabric, paper & moreBaker, Barbara K.Boe, JeriC&T Publishing, Inc.357
S-GSurface design; Felting; Felt workSurface Design - GeneralBAR2006Indygo Junction's needle felting22 stylish projects for home & fashionBarickman, AmyC&T Pub.731
S-GSurface design; Machine quiltingSurface Design - GeneralBLU2008Quilts Of A Different ColorBluhm, Irena.American Quilter's Society514
S-GSurface design; Embellishment; Design; Art quiltsSurface Design - GeneralBOL2008Quilting Arts Book, Thetechniques and inspriration for creating one-of-a-kind quiltsBolton, Patricia.Interweave Press LLC754
S-GSurface design - techniquesSurface Design - GeneralCOZ2010Mixed Media and Colorfabrics quilts canvas papersCozen, ChrisDesign Originals1744
S-GFabric - Dyes and dyeing; Surface designSurface Design - GeneralDAH1997Transforming fabriccolor on fabric and lifeDahl, Carolyn A.American Quilter's Society673
S-GArt quilt; Fabric - surface designSurface Design - GeneralDAI2009Bold And BeautifulDains, Judi.Martingale & Co.373
S-GSurface design; Embellishing; Collage; Stamping; ThreadworkSurface Design - GeneralDAV2007Art Quilt WorkbookExcercises & Techniques to Ignite Your CreativityDavila, JaneWaterston, ElinC&T Pub.1869
S-GSurface design - techniquesSurface Design - GeneralDRU2011The Printed Patterntechniques and projects for inspired printmaking and surface designDrury, RebeccaDrury, YvonneInterweave Press1767
S-GSurface design; Small projects; Flowers; BirdsSurface Design - GeneralECK2000Fabric paintinga simple approachEckley, Ginny, 1955-Martingale & Company1017
S-GSurface techiques; Patchwork patternsSurface Design - GeneralENG2011Some Assembly RequiredMixed Technique QuiltsEngel, Margie.American Quilter's Society1675
S-GSurface techniques; Embellishment; Coloring Surface Design - GeneralEXP2002Exploring textile artsthe ultimate guide to manipulating, coloring, and embellishing fabricsAuthor not listedThe editors of Creative Publishing International, IncCreative Publishing international, Inc793
S-GSurface techiques; Patchwork patterns; Strip piecing; Hand weavingSurface Design - GeneralFAU2008Simply Stunning Woven Quilts11 Easy Techniques, Great ResultsFaustino, Anna, 1955-C&T Pub.455
S-GSurface design; FlowersSurface Design - GeneralFRI2000Flower poundingquilt projects for all agesFrischkorn, Ann, 1961-Sandrin, Amy, 1961-C&T Publishing, Inc.1197
S-GSurface design; Flowers; Basket quilts; Quilt historySurface Design - GeneralGAR2002American Stenciled Quiltsnew projects trom traditional techniquesGarnas, VickieThat Patchwork Place1279
S-GSurface design; Stamping; Stencils; Screen printingSurface Design - GeneralGIL2008Create Your Own Hand-printed ClothStamp, Screen & Stencil With Everyday ObjectsGillman, Rayna, 1941-C&T Pub.16
S-GSurface design; Labels; Small projectsSurface Design - GeneralGRI2007Print Your Own FabricCreate Unique Designs Using An Inkjet PrinterGriepentrog, Linda Turner.Shepler, Missy.KP1246
S-GSurface design; Art quilts; Small quiltsSurface Design - GeneralHAG2008Creating with FabricHaglund, JillTweetyjill Publications, Inc1005
S-GSurface design; Color; Painting; SpongingSurface Design - GeneralKAH2001Creating with PaintNew Ways, New MaterialsKahn, SherrillMartingale & Company1871
S-GSurface design; EmbellishmentSurface Design - GeneralKAH2013Mixed-Media Master Class50+ Surface-design Techniques For Fabric & Paper.Kahn, Sherrill, 1941-C & T Pub.1760
S-GSurface design; Color; Small projects; Fabric - Dyes and dyeingSurface Design - GeneralKEM2001Color movestransfer paints on fabricKemshall, Linda, 1951-Martingale & Company1136
S-GSurface design; Color; Fabric - Dyes and dyeing; Color Discharge; PaintingSurface Design - GeneralKEM2007Painted QuiltPaint and Print Techniques For Color on QuiltsKemshall, Linda, 1951-Kemshall, LauraDavid & Charles1870
S-GFabric surface design; Surface Design - GeneralKYG2012Creative Quilts From Your Crayon BoxMelt-n-blend Meets Fusible AppliquéKygar, Terrie Linn, 1952-Martingale & Company1129
S-GSurface designSurface Design - GeneralLAU1997Imagery on Fabrica complete surface design handbook - 2nd editionLaury, Jean RayC&T Publishing, Inc.311
S-GSurface design; Applique; Embellishment; Machine embroiderySurface Design - GeneralMCC1999Fantasy fabricsTechniques for Layered Surface DesignMcCaffery, Bonnie Lyn, 1954-Martingale884
S-GPortraits; Picture quilts; Painted facesSurface Design - GeneralMCC2005Portrait QuiltsPainted Faces You Can DoMcCaffery, Bonnie Lyn, 1954-Dream Mountain Studios1819
S-GSurface design; StampingSurface Design - GeneralPAG2006Art Stamping WorkshopCreate Hand-carved Stamps For Unique Projects On Paper, Fabric, Polymer Clay And MorePage, Gloria.North Light Books259
S-GSurface design; Embellishment; Small projectsSurface Design - GeneralRIL2009Fabulous Fabric Art With LutradurFor Quilting, Papercrafts, Mixed Media Art : 27 Techniques & 14 Projects Revolutionize Your Craft Experience!Riley, Lesley, 1952-C&T Pub.1707
S-GSmall projects; Embellishment; Surface designSurface Design - GeneralSAB2007Positively PostcardsQuilted Keepsakes To Save Or SendSabel, Bonnie.O'Donnell, Louis-Philippe.Martingale & Company919
S-GSurface design - techniquesSurface Design - GeneralSTA2007Simple StencilingDramatic QuiltsStallebrass, Pam.C&T Pub.1687
S-GSurface design; Stamping; Stencils; Screen printing; painting; color dischargeSurface Design - GeneralSTE2007Fabric Art WorkshopExploring Techniques & Materials for Faric Artists & QuiltersStein, SusanCreative Publishing international, Inc1860
S-GSurface design - techniquesSurface Design - GeneralSTO2005Paintstiks on FabricSimple techniques, fantastic resultsStokes, Shelly G.Cedar Canyon Textiles153
S-GSurface design; RubbingsSurface Design - GeneralSTO2011Rubbing Plate Roundupcreate textured treasures from fabric, paper, clay, metal and paintStokes, Shelly G.Cedar Canyon Textiles1743
S-GSurface design; Small projects; Flowers; Borders; Baskets; BirdsSurface Design - GeneralSTU2007Paint-a-quilt PatternsSturmer, Marie Monteith.American Quilter's Society1120
S-GSurface design; Faux applique; Derwent pencilsSurface Design - GeneralSTU2008Faux AppliquéStubbings, Helen.American Quilter's Society1766
S-GSurface design; EmbellishmentSurface Design - GeneralTHI2007Hot Textilesinspiration and techniques with heat toolsThittichai, KimBatsford1781
S-GSurface design; EmbellishmentSurface Design - GeneralTHI2011Layered textilesnew surfaces with heat tools, machine and hand stitchThittichai, KimBatsford773
S-GArt quilt; Fabric - surface design; Fusible Surface Design - GeneralWAL1996Snippet SensationsFast, Fusible Fabric Art for Quilted or Framed ProjectsWalter, CindyKrause1818
S-GDesign; Contemporary quilts; Art quilts; EmbellishmentSurface Design - GeneralWIL2007Uncommon Quilter, TheSmall Art Quilts Created With Paper, Plastic, Fiber, And Surface DesignWilliamson, Jeanne.Potter Craft1202
S-PSurface design; Design; Applique; Setting; LabelsSurface Design - PhotoBON1999Quilting your memoriesinspirations for designing with image transfersBonsib, Sandy, 1950-Martingale & Company805
S-PSurface design; Design; Applique; Setting; LabelsSurface Design - PhotoBON2001Quilting More MemoriesCreating Projects With Image TransfersBonsib, SandyMartingale and Company1358
S-PSurface design; Applique; Setting; Labels; EmbellishmentSurface Design - PhotoBON2004Memory quilts20 heartwarming Projects with special techniquesBonsib, Sandy, 1950-Creative Pub. International1613
S-PSurface design; Photo fabric; Surface Design - PhotoHAL2008Photo-fabric PlayQuilt & Craft Projects Your Whole Family Will LoveHalligan, Krista Camacho, 1974-C&T Pub.893
S-PPhoto; Fabric - Surface design; SilhouettesSurface Design - PhotoHAN2006Fabric SiilhouettesQuilted Treasures from the Family AlbumHandley, LouiseC & T Pub.1800
S-PComputers and quilting; CopyrightSurface Design - PhotoHAN2008Digital Essentialsthe quilt maker's must-have guide to images, files, and more!Hansen, GloriaThe Electric Quilt Company1331
S-PSurface design; Design; Computers Surface Design - PhotoHAR2009Piecing With PixelsUnique Quilts From Your Own ImagesHart, Sandra G. (Sandra Gail)Campbell, Gudny.American Quilter's Society1033
S-PSurface design; Small projects; PhotoSurface Design - PhotoHES2007Posterize It! Shoot, Enlarge, Print, And SewHesch, Joe, 1963-Seme, Frankie.That Patchwork Place285
S-PPhotos; Surface design; Flowers; Picture quiltsSurface Design - PhotoKRA2004Blending photos with fabrica beautiful new way of combining photography, printing and quiltingmakingKranz, Mary EllenHayes, CherylThe Electric Quilt Company1478
S-PSurface design; Flowers; Picture quiltsSurface Design - PhotoKRA2008Blending Photos with Fabric 2more great ideas to combine photography, printing and quiltmakingKranz, Mary EllenThe Electric Quilt Company558
S-PPhoto; Surface design; Small projects; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingSurface Design - PhotoMIL1997Photo memories in fabricquilts & moreMilligan, LyndaSmith, NancyPossibilities865
S-PSurface design; photoSurface Design - PhotoPHO2004Photo FunPrint Your Own Fabric For Quilts & CraftsAuthor not listedRymer, Cyndy Lyle (editor)C&T Pub.777
S-PPhoto; Surface design; Small projects; AppliqueSurface Design - PhotoRYM2007Innovative Fabric Imagery For QuiltsMust-have Guide To Transforming & Printing Your Favorite Images On FabricRymer, Cyndy Lyle Koolish, Lynn C&T Pub.969
S-PSurface design; Photo fabric; Surface Design - PhotoURQ2003Moment in Time, ATurn your precious memories into quilts to treasureUrquhart, Jan T.Clark, Angela M.Pride Publishing806
S-PPhoto; Fabric - Surface designSurface Design - PhotoZIE2009Artistic Photo QuiltsCreate Stunning Quilts With Your Camera, Computer & ClothZiebarth, Charlotte, 1944-C&T Pub.232
STApplique; Seasonal patterns; Flowers; EmbellishmentStain Glass BEE1999Fabric mosaicsBeesley, Terrece.Boerens, Trice.Martingale857
STStain glass; Applique; Symmetry; Small projectsStain Glass BES2000Rose Windows For QuiltersBesley, Angela.Guild of Master Craftsman Publications356
STStained glass quiltingStain Glass GRE2008Simple Stained Glass QuiltsGreig, Daphne.Mark, Susan Purney.Krause Publications1761
STStained glass quilting; Applique; FlowersStain Glass HIO2004Art glass quiltsnew subtractive applique techniqueHiorta, JulieC&T Publishing, Inc.1452
STMachine applique; Stained glass quiltingStain Glass HUD2002Quick quilts using quick biasHudock, Gretchen K., 1954-Martingale1311
STStained glass quiltingStain Glass LAW2005Stained glass patchwork techniquesLawther, GailTeamwork Craftbooks1496
STStained glass quilting; Machine appliqueStain Glass MOR1999Stained glass techniquesart work in fabricMorel-Seroskie, MarieKatie Lane Quilts877
STMachine piecing; Stained glass quilting; Sampler quilts; Stars; Paper piecingStain Glass SCH2001Paper Pieced Stained Glass Garden StarsSchwartz, LizSeifert, StephenZippy Designs Publishing1231
STRPatchwork; String quiltsString Pieced AUG1999String quilts with styleAug, Bobbie A.Newman, Sharon, 1942-American Quilter's Society79
STRStrip quilts; Patchwork patterns; Quilting designsString Pieced BAK2005Strip-pieced quiltseasy designs from just six fabricsBakker, Maaike, 1958-Martingale & Company1635
STRPatchwork; Strip piecing; Beginner's techniquesString Pieced BUR2003Still Stripping after 25 YearsBurns, EleanorQuilt in A Day399
STRScrap quilts; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Strip piecingString Pieced CAF2001Noodle SoupCaffery, DebbieDebbie's Creative Moments1167
STRStrip piecing; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueString Pieced PER2008StrataVarious Quilts9 Fabulous Strip Quilts From Fat QuartersPersing, Barbara, 1962-Hoover, Mary, 1966-C&T Pub.1002
STRPatchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecing; Applique; FlowersString Pieced SMI2003Super simple stripsSmith, NancyMilligan, LyndaPossibilities1509
STRPatchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingString Pieced THO1997Stripples strikes again!more quilts to make with the bias stripper rulerThomas, Donna Lynn, 1955-That Patchwork Place451
ST-WPatchwork; Machine piecing; Crazy quilts; Small projects; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack ALE2002Stack the deck!crazy quilts in 4 easy stepsAlexander, Karla, 1956-That Patchwork Place1258
ST-WPatchwork; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack ALE2004Stack a new deckmore great quilts in 4 easy stepsAlexander, KarlaThat Patchwork Place1457
ST-WPatchwork; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack ALE2009Color ShuffleNew Quilts From Karla AlexanderAlexander, Karla, 1956-Martingale & Company1721
ST-WPatchwork; Fabric selection; Beginner's techniques; Scrap quilts; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack MAR2008Wonder BlocksStack, Cut, Sew, And GoMartin, Terry, 1954-Martingale & Company77
ST-WPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner techniques; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack MUL2001Cut-loose quiltsstack, slice, switch, and sewMullen, Jan, 1958-C&T Publishing, Inc.1102
ST-WPatchwork; Machine piecing; Stars; Stack and Whack Stack and Whack REY1998Magic Stack-n-whack QuiltsReynolds, Bethany S.American Quilter's Society1149
ST-WPatchwork; Machine piecing; Machine applique; Symmetry; Fabric selection Stack and Whack Stack and Whack REY2001Stack-n-whackier quiltsReynolds, Bethany S.American Quilter's Society501
TETechniques, ReferenceTechnique including BeginnerALL2014All-in-One Quilter's Reference ToolAuthor not listedC & T Pub.1841
TEPatcwork; Special equipment; Curved piecingTechnique including BeginnerAMA2003Let's Make WavesAmaru, Lily Marieinspirations by Lily Marie1087
TEBeginner Techniques Technique including BeginnerAND2001Start Quilting with Alex AndersonAnderson, AlexC & T Pub.1833
TEPatchwork; Beginner's techniques; StarsTechnique including BeginnerAND2005Keep quilting with Alex Anderson7 skill-building piecing techniques, 16 traditional blocks to mix & match, 6 sampler star projects.Anderson, Alex, 1955-C&T Publishing, Inc.1571
TEMachine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Small projects; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerARN2000Pine Tree Quiltsperfect patchwork piecingArnold, Lois EmbreeAmerican Quilter's Society402
TECurves; Technique including BeginnerBAR2007Blendable CurvesStack, Slice & Sew Unique Quilts In A WeekendBarkle, Peggy J., 1959-C & T Pub.641
TETechniques, ThreadTechnique including BeginnerBAT2010ThreadsThe basics & beyondBates, DebbieLiz KettleLandauer Publishing1840
TEBeginner's techniques; Technique including BeginnerBEG2010Beginner-friendly QuiltsAuthor not listedSullivan, Susan White.Leisure Arts1530
TEGuild Authors; Patchwork; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerBID2010Masterful Machine-pieced QuiltsBiddick, Jean.American Quilter's Society745
TESmall projects; Children's quilts; Flowers; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Picture quiltsTechnique including BeginnerBON2003Dear Pam ...Teach ME Your Quick Quilting Techniques.Bono, PamLeisure Arts403
TETechniques; Quilt As You Go; ModernTechnique including BeginnerBRA2014Quilt AS-You-Go Made ModernFresh Techniques for Busy QuiltersBrandvig, JeraStash Books1831
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Children as quiltersTechnique including BeginnerBRO2001Any Body Can Learn To QuiltBrowning, Bonnie K., 1944-American Quilter's Society.American Quilter's Society562
TEDesign, Textile painting, Dyeing, Technique including BeginnerBUR2000Quilt StudioInnovative Techniques for Confident and Creative Quiltmaking and DesignBurbridge, PaulineQuilt Digest Press904
TEFabric Collage; AppliqueTechnique including BeginnerCAR2000Free-Syle QuiltsA "No Rules" ApproachCarlson, Susan E., 1960-C & T Pub.1832
TETechniques; Freezer paperTechnique including BeginnerCAR2010Serendipity QuiltsCutting Loose Fabric CollageCarlson, Susan E., 1960-C&T Pub.1303
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Applique; Paper piecingTechnique including BeginnerCAU2006Quilts A to Z26 techniques every quilter should knowCausee, Linda.Sterling Pub.1580
TETechniques; Fabric collage; quiltingTechnique including BeginnerCAU2009Freezer Paper QuiltingCausee, LindaLeisure Arts1751
TEBeginner's techniques; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerCHA2005Learn to machine quiltChambers, SharonNew Hollond Publishers453
TETechniques; MitersTechnique including BeginnerCLE2009Marvelous Miterslearn this simple technique to miter borders on blocks and quiltsCleveland, Susan K.Pieces Be With You1184
TEMachine piecing; Scrap quilts; Beginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerDAN2004Slice 'em & dice 'em quiltsDaniel, Nancy BrenanLeisure Arts, Inc.1539
TEBeginner's technique; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerDEW2006One stitch quiltingthe basicsDewberry, Donna S.Casciato, Cindy.Krause Pub.567
TEFan quilts; Applique; Flowers; Sampler quiltsTechnique including BeginnerDUN2003Fantastic fansexquisite quilts & other projectsDunsdon, AliceC&T Publishing, Inc.1599
TEBeginner's techniques; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerEAS2012Easy Quilts For Beginners And Beyond14 Quilt Patterns From Quiltmaker Magazine.Author not listed Martingale1160
TEBeinning's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerEDD2003Quilting basicsall you need to know to start making your own fabulous quiltsEddy, Celia.Barron's253
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; DesignTechnique including BeginnerEDD2005Quilter's Recipe Book, TheAll The Ingredients You Need To Create Over 100 Fabulous QuiltsEddy, Celia.Barrons Educational Series42
TEPineapple, TechniquesTechnique including BeginnerFIT2010Trash to TreasurePineapple QuiltsFitzgerald, GyleenFPI Publishing1828
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; DesignTechnique including BeginnerGAR2015You Can Quilt!Building Skills for BeginnersGardunia, LeilaOddie, MarleneAmerican Quilter's Society1806
TEPatchwork; Piecing; Beginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerGOL2007Piecing The Piece O' Cake Way15 Skill-building Projects, 27 Quilts, Today's Guide To Quilting Basics, Color Choices Made EasyGoldsmith, Becky.Jenkins, Linda, 1943-C & T Pub.224
TEBeginner's techniques; Quilt historyTechnique including BeginnerGOR1999ultimate quilting book, Theover 1,000 inspirational ideas and practical tipsGordon, Maggi McCormick.Distributed in the United States and Canada by Sterling Pub. Co.972
TETechnique; TrapuntoTechnique including BeginnerGRA2012Shadow Trapunto QuiltsSimple Steps, Remarkable Results--30 Elegant ProjectsGrama, Geta, 1968-Aneloski, Liz, 1955-C&T Pub.1362
TEPatchwork; String piecing; SelvageTechnique including BeginnerGRI2008Quilts From The Selvage EdgeGriska, Karen.American Quilter's Society888
TEDesign; Quiltmakers; Contemporary quilts; Art quilts; Three dimensional design; Embellishment; Fabric - Surface imprinting; Fabric manipulation; AppliqueTechnique including BeginnerGUE2000Quilting masterclassinspiration and techniques from the expertsGuerrier, KatherineMartingale & Company1030
TEBeginner's techniques; EncyclopediaTechnique including BeginnerGUE2002The encyclopedia of quilting & patchwork techniquesGuerrier, KatherineSterling Publishing Co., Inc417
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Applique; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerHAN2001simple joys of quilting, The30 timeless quilt projectsHanson, Joan, 1950-Hickey, Mary.Martingale & Company1227
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Embellishment; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerHAN2003Cutting cornersquilts with stitch-and-trim trianglesHanson, Joan, 1950-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale1291
TEBeginner's techniques; Fabric selection; Sewing supplies and tools; Pattern drafting; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Setting; Strip piecing; Curved piecing; BordersTechnique including BeginnerHAR2000art of classic quiltmaking, TheHargrave, Harriet.Craig, Sharyn Squier, 1947-C&T Pub.1007
TEPieced applique; Beginner's techniques Technique including BeginnerHAR2008Penny Haren's Pieced Appliqué.Haren, Penny.Landauer Books396
TEPieced applique; Beginner's techniques Technique including BeginnerHAR2009Penny Haren's Pieced Appliquémore blocks & projectsHaren, Penny.Landauer204
TEBeginner's techniques; Machine piecing; Patchwork; Strip piecing; StarsTechnique including BeginnerHUL2005Minute-a-mile quiltsHultgren, SharonLeisure Arts, Inc.1494
TEPaper piecing; Curved piecing; Strip piecing; Design; Picture quiltsTechnique including BeginnerINN1997Innovative piecingAuthor not listedDunn, Sara SacksRodale Press.1109
TETechniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Rotary cuttingTechnique including BeginnerJOH1998Rotary magiceasy techniques to instantly improve every quilt you makeJohnson-Srebro, Nancy.Rodale Press812
TEBeginner's techniques;Technique including BeginnerJOH2006First-time quiltmakinglearning to quilt in six easy lessonsJohnston, BeckyHungerford, LindaLandauer695
TEBeginner's techniques; Applique; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerJON2012Batch Of Quiltsoup, AFun Patchwork And Easy Appliqué PatternsJones, Barbara J., 1951-Martingale1306
TESnowball; Piecing - patterns; EasyTechnique including BeginnerKEL2007Snowball QuiltsCool Designs From An Easy BlockKelly, Tammy.That Patchwork Place925
TEPatchwork patterns, Beginner techniques, Applique patternsTechnique including BeginnerKOU2000Quiltmaking for beginnersa stitch-by-stich guide to hand and machine techniquesKough, Lynn G.Quilt Digest Press997
TETechniques; Diamonds Technique including BeginnerKRE2010Quick Diamond Quilts & Beyond12 Sparkling Projects, Beginner-friendly TechniquesKrentz, Jan P., 1955-C&T Pub.113
TEBeginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerLAU2002Let's make a quiltLauder, BillieEasy Made642
TEBeginner's techniques; Small projects; Applique; Embellishment; Wearable art; Trapunto; SashikoTechnique including BeginnerLAW1997The Complete Quilting CourseLawther, GailQuarto Publishing plc663
TETechniques; Beginner's techmiques; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerLIN2009Square Magic QuiltsLinder, Michelle.American Quilter's Society276
TETechniques; Quiltmakers; Workshops; Piecing; Applique; Picture quiltsTechnique including BeginnerLIN2009The Quiltmakerseight workshops from the very bestLintott, Pam.David & Charles458
TEPatchworkTechnique including BeginnerMAL2010Orphan Block QuiltsMaking A Home For Antique, Vintage, Collectible, & Leftover Quilt BlocksMaloney, Tricia Lynn, 1973-Krause Publication1759
TEPatchwork; Beginner's techniques; Sewing toolsTechnique including BeginnerMAR1997Judy Martin's ultimate rotary cutting referenceMartin, JudyCrosley-Griffith Publishing Company, Inc696
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Sampler quilts; Fabric selection; Color; Setting; BordersTechnique including BeginnerMCC2002Q is for quiltMcClun, Diana, 1934-Nownes, Laura, 1953-C&T Pub.1281
TEThread Painting; Beginner's techniques; Technique including BeginnerMCC2014Thread-Painted PortraitsTurn your Photos into Fiber ArtMcComas, LeaMcComas Fiber Art1866
TETechniques; Piecing; Applique; Picture quiltsTechnique including BeginnerMCD1998Piecingexpanding the basicsMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C&T Pub.725
TEPatchwork; Piecing; Puzzle piecing; Quilting techniquesTechnique including BeginnerMCD2007Ruth B. McDowell's Piecing WorkshopMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-C & T Pub.908
TETechniques; Quilt-as-you-go; Machine embroidery; Crazy quiltsTechnique including BeginnerMCM2007Crazy Shortcut QuiltsQuilt As You Go And Finish In Half The Time!McManus, Marguerita.Raffuse, Sarah.Krause Publications1375
TETechniques; Beginner's techniques; FastTechnique including BeginnerMIC1998Quilting for people who still don't have time to quiltMichell, Marti.American School of Needlework.American School of Needlework1019
TETechnique; Wearable art; Crazy quilts; Embroidery; Embellishment; Small projects; Wearable artTechnique including BeginnerMON2001crazy quilt handbook, TheMontano, Judith.C&T Publishing, Inc.1239
TEColor; Design; Patchwork; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerMOR2006Collaborative QuiltingMoran, Freddy, 1930-Marston, Gwen.Sterling Pub.1731
TETechniques; Free form circles Technique including BeginnerMUL2006Free & Eazy CirclesMagic Ballz & Other Foundation FolliesMullen, Jan, 1958-C & T Pub.788
TETechniques; Award-winning; Individual quilterTechnique including BeginnerNAY2008Quilting in the Limelightthe life, art & techniques of an award-winning quilterNaylor, PhilippaDragon Threads1764
TEPatchwork patterns; Quilting patterns; Kaleidoscope quilts; One fabricTechnique including BeginnerNIC2007Wonderful 1-fabric QuiltsNickols, Kay.American Quilter's Society928
TEWatercolor quilts; Flowers; Applique; Embellishment; Machine quiltingTechnique including BeginnerPAP1999Quick watercolor quiltsthe fuse, fold, and stitch methodPappas, Dina, 1962-Martingale906
TEWatercolor quilts; Flowers; Applique; Machine quiltingTechnique including BeginnerPAP2001More Quick Watercolor QuiltsPappas, Dina, 1962-Martingale & Company430
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerPAR2010More Favorite Traditional Quilts Made EasyParrott, Jo, 1937-Martingale & Company1368
TEPatchwork; Australian; Technique including BeginnerPAT2003Patchwork Basicswith Australian Patchwork & Quilting MagazineMoran, Lorraine (editor)Craftworld Book296
TEMachine Applique; Beginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerPED2008Machine Appliqué For The Terrified QuilterPederson, Sharon, 1943-Martingale & Company1226
TETechniques; Native American design; Design; Small projectsTechnique including BeginnerPHI2012Quilts Without CornersPlatinum Edition (20th anniversary)Phillips, CherylPhillips Fiber Art1073
TEApplique; Design; Technique; Openwork; Curves; DimensionTechnique including BeginnerPIG2006Quilting By ImprovisationExploring Curves, Openwork & DimensionPignatelli, Vikki.Dragon Threads846
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingTechnique including BeginnerQUI1996Quick quilts to make in a weekendAuthor not listedWilkinson, Rosemary, EditorHenry Holt and Company658
TEBeginner's techniques; Applique; Sewing tools and equipment; Fabric - Care and conservationTechnique including BeginnerQUI1997quilters ultimate visual guide, Thefrom A to Z--hundreds of tips and techniques for successful quiltmakingAuthor not listedPahl, Ellen.Rodale Press390
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; AppliqueTechnique including BeginnerQUI1997weekend quilter, Thefabulous quilts to make in a weekendAuthor not listedThe Reader's Digest Association672
TEBeginner's techniques; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Scrap quiltsTechnique including BeginnerQUI1999Quick quilts from your scrap bagAuthor not listedWilens, Patricia (editor)Leisure Arts1015
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; StarsTechnique including BeginnerQUI2002Quick and easy projects for the weekend quilter26 bright new designs for every homeAuthor not listedNew Hollond Publishers1346
TEBeginner's techniques; Technique including BeginnerRAS2012Quilting 101What Every Quilter Should KnowRasmussen, Suewww.SueRasmussenQuilts.com1865
TEBeginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerROL2004Magic Of Quiltmaking, TheA Beginner's GuideRolfe, Margaret.Bowker, Jenny.Martingale842
TEPatchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selection; One block wonderTechnique including BeginnerROS2005One-block WondersOne Fabric, One Shape, One-of-a-kind QuiltsRosenthal, Maxine, 1944-C&T Pub.1648
TEPatchwork; Machine piecing; Fabric selection; One block wonderTechnique including BeginnerROS2017One Block Wonders of the WorldNew Ideas, Design Advice, A Stunning Collection of QuiltsRosenthal, Maxine, 1944-Bardes, LindaC&T Pub.1863
TETechniques; Curve piecing Technique including BeginnerSCH2005Piec-liquecurves the new waySchamber, SharonAmerican Quilt Study Group1491
TETechniquesTechnique including BeginnerSCH2010Rule-breaking QuiltsSchmidt, Kathryn, 1950-American Quilter's Society1730
TEQuilting; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; Machine quilting; Flowers; AnimalsTechnique including BeginnerSCO2001Quilting back to frontfun & easy no-mark techniquesScouler, Larraine, 1948-C&T Publishing, Inc.1162
TEQuilting; Quilting technique; Technique including BeginnerSCO2011Bobbin Quiltin' & Fusin' FunScott, Michele, 1967-American Quilter's Society1701
TETechniques; ScallopsTechnique including BeginnerSER2007Scallops Sew EasyLove To Quilt--Seroskie, MarieAmerican Quilter's Society1411
TETechnique; Applique; Trapunto; Whole cloth quilts; Quilting - PatternsTechnique including BeginnerSHA1997Surface texturesShackelford, Anita.American Quilter's Society653
TEBeginner's techniques; Fabric selection; Fabric - History; Patchwork; Machine piecing; BatiksTechnique including BeginnerSHI2001Batik beauties18 stunning quiltsShifrin, Laurie J., 1960-Martingale & Company1175
TEBeginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Applique; DesignTechnique including BeginnerSIM2015Beginner's Guide to QuiltmakingSimon, JeriLandauer Pub1801
TETechnique; Applique; Machine piecing; Frayed edgeTechnique including BeginnerSLO2002Frayed-edge fun10 cozy quiltsSloppy, Evelyn, 1949-That Patchwork Place1243
TETechniques; Applique; Seasonal patterns; Embellishment; Beginner's techniques; Small projectsTechnique including BeginnerSLO2004Learn to applique with Pat SloanSloan, PatArts, LeisureLeisure Arts, Inc.1432
TEPatchwork; Single block quiltTechnique including BeginnerSLO2006Sew One And You're DoneMaking A Quilt From A Single BlockSloppy, Evelyn, 1949-That Patchwork Place, Inc.Martingale & Co.332
TEPatchwork; Machine piecing; Beginner's techniques; Paper piecingTechnique including BeginnerSOL2004Perfect blocks in minutes - the make it simpler wayrevolutionary technique, one-piece paper foundations to fold & sew, 60 traditional blocksSolomon, Anita GrossmanC&T Pub.599
TETechniques; Patchwork; Stars; TrapuntoTechnique including BeginnerSTU2005Easy & elegant lone star quiltsall the wow without the workStutz, ShirleyC&T Publishing, Inc.1526
TEBeginner's techniques; Machine piecing; Stars; Patchwork; Machine piecingTechnique including BeginnerSUI1999new twist on triangles, ASuit, Mary SueThat Patchwork Place1329
TEBeginner's techniques; Machine piecing; Drunkard's path; PatchworkTechnique including BeginnerSUI2002new turn on drunkard's path, ASuit, Mary Sue, 1952-Martingale & Company1244
TE3-D TechniquesTechnique including BeginnerVAN2014Wild and Wonderful 3-D QuiltsVaneecke, MaryEl Sol Quilting Studio1820
TEQuilting; Machine quilting; Trapunto; Sewing supplies and equipmentTechnique including BeginnerWAL1996Trapunto by machineWalner, Hari, 1940-C&T Publishing, Inc.529
TETechniques; Flowers; Fabric - Surface imprinting; AppliqueTechnique including BeginnerWAL2000Flower patternsto appliqué, paint, and embroiderWaldman, Joan Sjuts.American Quilter's Society932
TEFlowers; Applique; Beginner's techniques; VintageTechnique including BeginnerWAL2002Basic applique1930's quilt patterns created with traditional and contemporary techniquesWalter, CindyRowe, Gail BakerKrause Publications1424
TEArt quilts; Fusing; Applique Technique including BeginnerWAS2005Fusing Fun!Fast Fearless Art QuiltsWasilowski, LauraC&T Publishing, Inc.809
TETechniques; Thread paintingTechnique including BeginnerWHI2008Thread Painting Made EasyWhite, Terry, 1956 June 5-American Quilter's Society43
TETechniques; Thread paintingTechnique including BeginnerWIE2007Thread PaintingSimple Techniques To Add Texture And DimensionWiener, Leni Levenson.Krause Publications1669
TESmall projects; Beginner's techniquesTechnique including BeginnerZIE2008Quilt With ConfidenceZieman, Nancy Luedtke.Krause Publications1750
TE Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Technique including BeginnerHUL 2009Patchwork 4 WaysHulett, Kathleen.American Quilter's Society273
W-BWearables; Bags; Wearables, Bags, Purses ARC2005Fast, fun & easy fabric bags10 projects to suit your styleArcher, PamC&T Publishing, Inc.1519
W-BWearables; Fat Quarter; Bags Wearables, Bags, Purses BRI2009Fabulous Fat Quarter BagsA gorgeous gathering of bags for every dayBriscoe, Susan.David & Charles258
W-BWearable art; Techniques - Paper piecingWearables, Bags, Purses DOA2008Easy Reversible Vests(Revised Edition)Doak, Carol.Martingale & Company1127
W-BWearable art; Machine piecing; Applique; Embroidery; EmbellishmentWearables, Bags, Purses DRE1997Dressed by the BestWearable art projects by 10 well-known designersAuthor not listedThat Patchwork Place468
W-BWearables; Jackets; PatchworkWearables, Bags, Purses EAS2009Easy patchwork jacketsAuthor not listedStauffer, Jeanne (editor) & Hatch, Sandra L. (editor)House of White Birches144
W-BWearables; Bags; Patchwork Wearables, Bags, Purses HAL2010Lunch Bags!25 Handmade Sacks & Wraps To Sew TodayHaley, Ann.Bix, Cynthia Overbeck.Stash Books1143
W-BWearable art; Fabric - ManipulationWearables, Bags, Purses HOL1997Variations in chenilleNannette Holmberg's techniques for creating faux chenille.Holmberg, Nannette, 1948-That Patchwork Place460
W-BWearables; Chenille; EmbellishmentWearables, Bags, Purses HOL2009Re-inventing ChenilleFresh Sewing Techniques And ProjectsHolmberg, Nannette, 1948-Krause Publications1064
W-BWearable art; Embroidery; EmbellishmentWearables, Bags, Purses KIM2001Art to wear with Asian flairKimura, Stephanie Masae.Krause Publications1113
W-BWearables; TechniquesWearables, Bags, Purses MCG2000Linda McGehee's Simply Sensational BagsMcGehee, Linda F.Krause Publications1051
W-BWearable artWearables, Bags, Purses MUR1996More jazznew shapes & great ideas for wonderful wearable artMurrah, Judy, 1943-That Patchwork Place433
W-BWearable art; Embellishment; Patchwork; Machine piecingWearables, Bags, Purses MUR2003Judy Murrah's jacket jackpotMurrah, Judy, 1943-Martingale1398
W-BWearables; Purses; Bags; PatchworkWearables, Bags, Purses PUR2012Purses, Bags & TotesMoya's Workshop.1694
W-BWearable; Country; Wearables, Bags, Purses SMI1998Decorating denim bluesSmith, KerryMilligan, LyndaPossibilities930
W-BWearables; Home; African; Wearables, Bags, Purses STE2007African Accents On The Go!Designing Accessories With Cultural StyleStewart, Lisa Shepard.Cultured Expressions98
W-BWearable art; Applique; Patchwork; Machine piecing; Strip piecingWearables, Bags, Purses TRU1997True stylepieced jackets with distinctive appliquéTrue, Peggy, 1946-That Patchwork Place764
APApplique, flowers, hearts garlandsAppliqueJON2011Flowers Hearts & Garlands quiltsJones, Liz1878
Q-DQuilt in a day, Mountains quiltsQuilting DesignsBUR2001Delectable Montains QuiltsBurns, Eleanor1879
Q-Dpatchwork, appliqueQuilting DesignsSMI2000Divide & ConquerQuilt your waySmith, Nancy & Milligan, Lynda1880
N-ONew quilts from old favorites New Quilts from Old Favorites BAX2009Burgoyne SurroundedNew quilts from an Old Favoriteaxter Lasco, Linda, editor1881
PA 911, rememberancesPatrioticBRE2002America from the HeartQuilters remember Spetember 11, 2001Bresenhan, Karey1882
P-Llandscapes, perspectivePicture/Landscape QuiltsMAD1997Pieceful ScenesEasy Perspective for PatchworkersMadden, Angela1883
Q-Mquilting patternsQuilting MachineREA2003Quilting MotifsA collection of quilting patterns from more that 20 years of QUILTMAKERReardon Capp, Maria, editor1884
P-Llandscapes, portraits, picture quiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsNOR2000One Quilt, One MomentQuilts that changed LivesNorton, Alissa editor1886
H-CChristmas ProjectsHolidays - ChristmasLEK2015Winter's Song17 Christmas ProjectsLeko, Doug1887
W-BhandbagsWearables, Bags, Purses DUN2015Style and Swing12 structured handbags for beginners and beyondDunlop, Susan1888
P-Spatchwork, starsPatchwork-StarsROB2005Seeing Stars16 Quilted ProjectsRobson, Shelley Lynn1889
F-Mfabric boxesFabric ManipulationJOH2004Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Boxes8 Great designs - unlimited possibilitiesJohansen, Linda1890
F-Mfabric bowlsFabric ManipulationJOH2003Fast Fun & Easy Fabric Bowls5 reversible shapes to use and displayJohansen, Linda1891
BLpatchwork, blocksBlocksOLS200215 Two-Block Quiltsunlock the secrets of secondary patternsOlson, Claudia1892
BApatchwork, piecing, childBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toTHO1999Stitch a Child's QuiltThomas, Vivki M. A.1893
Hpenguins, snowflakesHolidaysMUM1998Winter FolliesMumm, Debbie1894
N-Opatchwork, portraits, women's historyNew Quilts from Old Favorites ENG1998Voices of the PastA History of Women's Lives in Patchwork, Vol.IIEngland, Kaye1895
P-Lmachine applique, wall hanging, tree skirtPicture/Landscape QuiltsHUT2004The Spirit of ChristmasHutchings, Letitia1896
Q-AWAmerican QuiltsAward Winning QuiltsLEM1999American QuiltsCelebrating 100 years of the art of quiltmakingLeman Austin, Mary, editor1897
CECeltic quilting; Patterns QuiltingCelticWIL2000Celtic uiltsA new look for Ancient DesignsWilliams, Beth Ann.1898
BRpaper pieced, bordersBorders, Finishes & LabelsLIB2001Paper Pieced Border BonanzaLiby, Shirley1899
BLcats, frogs, lady bug patternsBlocksJOR1999The Nature of ThingsQuilting from the HeartlandJorgenson, Sharlene1900
MNpaper-pieced, miniatureMiniature Quilts DOA1998Easy Paper-pieced MiniaturesDoak, Carol1901
Q-Mmachine quilting, embellishmentQuilting MachineSTA1997Magical Machine Quilting & EmbellishmentStangness, Lorraine1902
HMpatchwork, appliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects KAT1997Two-hour Mini Quilt ProjectsOver 111 appliqued & peiced designsKate, McKenzie1903
Q-ARapplique, animalsArt QuiltsMAL2003The dog lady goes wildMalec, Sharon1905
Q-ARapplique, dogsArt QuiltsMAL2000The dog lady speaksMalec, Sharon1906
Q-Mapplique, machine appliqueQuilting MachineFER2002Hand Applique by MachineFerrier, Beth1907
STRstained glass, flowersStained GlassHEN1998Stained Glass Flower GardenHenning, Brenda1908
PPpaper piecing, nature, foundation piecedPaper Piecing 2002Foundation piecing Nature QuiltsSchwartz, Liz, editor1909
Q-ARcolor, convergenceArt QuiltsTIM2003icky Tims' Convergence QuiltsMysterious, magical, easy and funTims, Ricky.1910
P-Lwindows, applique, embellishmentPicture/Landscape QuiltsLAB1998Quilts with a ViewA Fabric AdventureLabanaris, Faye.1911
A-FLflowers, appliqueApplique - FlowersBAR1999Flower PowerBarber, Barbara1912
A-FLflowers, applique, embroideryApplique - FlowersOGL2000Wildflower AlbumApplique & Embroidery PatternsOglesby, Bea1913
BLpaper piecing, flowers, heartsBlockDAV1997Hearts and FlowersQuilt Block DesignsDavis, Jodie, Hampton Schiffer, Linda1914
DEblocks, australian animals, patchworkDesign / LayoutROL2000Quilt a KoalaAustralian animals and birds in PatchworkRolfe, Margaret1916
CEceltic cords, celtic designsCelticMAD2001Celtic ReflectionsA complete new approach to Celtic cords, adding butterflies, birds, and beastiesMadden, Angela1917
STstained glassStained GlassWHA2000Stained Glass Quilts made easyWhalen Helmkamp, Amy1918
C-Fapplique, embroidery, folk artCountry / FolkBEC2002Come Listen to my QuiltsPlayful projects Mix & Match designsBecker, Kristina1919
BLfoundation piecingBlockDAV1998Quilting Made EasyMore than 150 paterns and inspiring ideas for creating beautiful quilt blocksDavis, Jodie, Hampton Schiffer, Linda1920
PPpaper piecing, Paper Piecing BAK2000Cups and Saucerspaper-piecing kitchen designsBakker, Maaike1921
PPNecktieNew Quilts from Old Favorites COP2014Necktie Quilts reinvented16 Beautifully traditional projectsCopenhaver, Christine1922
H-CChristmas QuiltsHolidays - ChristmasBRE2016Christmas Quilts, Christmas MemoriesPatterson Bresenhan, Karey editorBryant Puentes, Nancy , editor1923
Q-Dquilting, applique, patchworkQuilting DesignsSTA2003The Ultimate Quilting and Patchwork CompanionStanley, Isabel1924
Q-DMachine quilting-Patterns, GridsQuilting DesignsSEI2016The Grid Design WorkbookSeitz-Krug, Cindy1926
Q-Dcharted patterns, states, countriesQuilting DesignsNAN1998Watercolor WondersEasy charted patterns for 17 pictorials, all 50 states, 18 countriesNangle, PatSteinmetz, Becky1927
E-Gpaper, fabric, embellishmentEmbellishment - General TAY2002Mixed Media ExplorationsBlending paper, fabric and embellishment to create inspired designsTaylor, Beryl1928
A-BLminiature, BaltimoreApplique - BaltimoreBUE1997Miniature Baltimore Album Quilts28 embroidered and embellished block designsBuechel, Jenifer1929
C-FGee's Bend, architectureCountry / Folk2006Gee's Bend; The Architecture of the QuiltArnett, Paul editor1930
Q-AZMigrant Quilt Project, Evelyn GeorgeQuilts - ArizonaMCC2018Quiltfolk, issue 06McCormick, Michael editor1931
PTLeaders, EndersPatchwork - ScrappyHUN2009Adventures with Leaders & EndersMake more quilts in less time!Hunter, Bonnie1932
P-SScrapsPatchwork - ScrappyHUN2012String FlingScrappy, Happy and Loving It!Hunter, Bonnie1933
PTpatchworkPatchworkROW2002Rowan Patchwork and QuiltingBook Number 4no author listed1934
CRVcirclesCurvesPAK2004Circle PlaySimple Designs for Fabulous FabricsPakusich, Reynola1935
A-GRapplique, garden, flowersApplique - GardenSAS2000The Quilted GardenDesign & Make Nature-Inspired QuiltsSassaman, Jane1936
ST-Wcrazy blocksSatck and WhackALE2004Stack a New DeckMore great Quilts in 4 Easy StepsAlexander, Karla1937
Q-Dvillages, collageQuilting DesignsECK2010Happy Villagesstep into a fabric collage adventureEckmeier, Karen1938
PTlog cabin, pinwheelPatchworkHAL1999Sizzling Quilts from a simple blockHallock, Anita1939
PT-Fflowers, hexagon quiltsPatchwork - Pieced Flowers WRA1997Garden PartyGrandmother's flower garden quilts and moreKinsley Wray, Dorothy1941
PTpatchwork, seasons, calendarPatchworkCOM20043 quilters celebrate the 4 seasonsCombs, KarenReynolds, Bethany; Shay, Joan1942
S-Gapplique, patchworkSurface Design - GeneralBEL2010Bloom Creek QuiltsBellino, Vicki1943
Q-DembroideryQuilting DesignsHAY2001Latte QuiltHay, Kerrie1944
PTapplique, patchwork, blocksPatchworkWIL1998Relax and QuiltWilens, Patricia editor1946
PTpatchwork, fabric choicePatchworkCHA2005More Simple Quilts with Splash, dash & panacheChambers, Nicole C.1947
Q-Dapplique, fusible interfacingQuilting DesignsHOL2012No Sewing until you quilt itHolmes, Ann1948
PPpaper piecingPaper Piecing Cadence CourtA block-of-the month patternno author listed1949
HMtable runners, felted wool, appliqueHome/Gifts/Small Projects WAL2005Top it with a runnerWaldschmitt, Elaine1950
BLlazy angle, blocksBlocksHAW2001Lazy and Lovin' itstep by step guide to 250 lazy angle blocksHawley, Joan1952
PTrotary cutter, Pam BonoPatchworkWAY2001Big Book of Quick Rotary Cutter QuiltsWyatt, Nancy Fitzpatrick, editor1954
PTReversible quilts; PatchworkPatchworkPED2004More Reversible QuiltsPederson, Sharon1955
PTpatchwwork, machine quiltingPatchworkALY2010Flip Flop Block QuiltsAlyce, Kathie1956
HChristmas, interHolidaysYEN2011Quilts of the Winter SolsticeYenter, Jason1957
Q-THSampler quilts; Applique; Beginner's techniques; Patchwork; Machine piecing; ChristmasQuilts-ThemedCHI2004Return to Elm CreekMore quilt projects inspired by the Elm Creek Quilts novelsChiaverini, Jennifer1958
P-Spatchwork, quiltingPatchwork - StarsJOH2008Big One-star Quilts By MagicJohnson-Srebro, Nancy1959
Q-Dpatchwork, quiltingQuilting DesignsCOL2010Drafting for the Creative QuilterEasy techniques for designing your quilts, your wayCollins, Sally, 1946-1960
P-SCpatchwork, accuquiltPatchwork - Scrappy2013Go! Scrapping with AccuQuiltGo! And Go! Baby friendlyVagts, Carolyn S. editor1961
F-Mpatchwork, rotary cuttingFabric ManipulationGRO2010Rotary cutting RevolutionNew one-step cutting1962
PTjelly roll, patchwork, precutPatchworkLIN2012Jelly Roll Dreams12 new designs for jelly roll quiltsLintott, Pam & Nicky1963
P-Lapplique, quilting, photographyPicture/Landscape QuiltsSTE2010Picture This!Applique pictorial quilts - from photo to fabricStein, Marcia1964
PTapplique, patchwork, seasonsPatchworkBER2004A Passion for PatchworkOver 100 quilted projects for all seasonsBergene, Lise1965
Q-ARart quilts, still life, machine piecedArt QuiltsPAS2011Inspirations in Designfor the Creative QuilterPasquini Masopust, Katie1966
S-Gembellish, paint, printSurface Design - GeneralKAH2010Creative Mixed MediaPaint, Print, Stitch, Stamp, EmbellishKahn, Sherrill1967
PTpatchwork, patternsPatchworkATK2004Dealer's ChoiceAtkinson, Terry1968
P-RTpatchwork, patterns, childrenPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchLAR2000Quilts from the Quiltmaker's Gift20 traditional paterns for a new generation of generous quiltmakersLarsen Line, JoanneLoving Tubesing, Nancy1969
S-Gtextile craft, textile designSurface Design - GeneralREZ2013Fabric Surface DesignRezendes, Cheryl1970
STfoundation piecing, Stain Glass SCH2000Foundation pieced Stained Glass QuiltsSchwartz, LizSeifert, Stephen1971
BLTRIMplates, foundation piecingBlocksMAT2009A New Light on Storm at Sea QuiltsOne block - an ocean of design possibilitiesMathson, Wendy1972
KLDdiamonds, starsKaliedoscope Quilts MAL2010Blocks to DiamondsKaleidoscope star quilts from traditional blocksMalkowski, Cheryl, 1955-1973
PTstripsPatchworkSLO2003Strips and Strings16 sparkling QuiltsSloppy, Evelyn, 1949-1974
PRjelly roll, patchwork, precutPrecutLIN2009Jelly Roll InspirationsLincott, PamLincott, Nicky1975
H-Cchristmas, triangles, thanglesHoliday - ChristmasHAY2007Glad YuleQuilted Goods for the Holiday HomesHayes Eichler, Wanda1976
PTpatchwork, fabric choicePatchworkSAS2012Patchwork Sassaman StyleRecipes for Dazzling QuiltsSassaman, Jane1977
DEseasonal, yoyos, flowers, redwork, embroideryDesign / Layout2003Quilting to goStauffer, Jeanne and Hatch, Sandra editors1978
Q-Mmachine quiltingMachine QuiltingWAL1999Exploring Machine TrapuntoNew Dimensions Walner, Hari, 1940-1979
Q-Dblocks, patchworkQuilting DesignsHER2007Sukoku QuiltsHershey, Cyndi.1980
BLseasonal, rag quiltsBlocksCLA2003A Year of Rag Quilts12 wall quiltsClapp, Annis1981
TEpatchwork, piecing, block designTechnique including BeginnerHAR2004Big Book of QuiltingHundreds of tips, tricks, & techniquesHarer, Michele Morrow1982
P-SCscraps, strings, appliquePatchwork-ScrappyHAR2015Every Last Piece12 beautiful design inspirations using scraps, strings and appliqueHarris, Lynn1983
D-FpatchworkDesign-Fabric SelectionWAL2011Colorful Quilts for fabric lovers10 easy-to-make projects with a modern edgeWalsh, Amy Burke, Janine.1984
Q-DpiecingQuilting DesignsCLE2011Precision & Panachefine workmanship, fabulous details, outstanding quiltsCleveland, Susan K.1986
DEgalleryDesign / LayoutCRO2007Crossroads; constructions, markings, and structuresCrow, Nancy1987
PTpatchwork, PatchworkMIL2003Toppers 2Milligan, LyndaSmith, Nancy1988
C-Fquiltmakers, quiltmakers fictionCountry / Folk2001This Old Quilta heartwarming celebration of quilts and quilting memoriesAldrich, Margret editor1989
C-Fquiltmakers, traditionsCountry / Folk2000Great American Quilts, book 6Leisure Arts PresentsCleveland, Susan Ramey editorWamble, Rhonda Richards1990
PTsquare in a squarePatchworkBAR2005the 10th anniversary edition of The Square in a Square TechniqueBarrows, Jodi1991
PTpatchwork, hand piecing, stars art quiltsPatchworkHam2017Millefiori QuiltsHammerstein, Willyne1992
PPpaper piecing, flowers gardensPaper Piecing BAK2013A Paper-piecing garden27 mix-and-match blocks plus unique quiltsBakker, MaaikeMaarse, Francoise1993
APraw edge applique, flowers, seasonalAppliqueSIT2013Seasonal Silhouettes12 inspirational quilt blocks featuring raw-edge appliqueSitar, Edyta1995
DEnature, blocks, cabin, woodsDesign / LayoutSMI2003Welcome to my CabinSmith, NancyMilligan, Lynda1996
P-Lforest blocks, animals, treesPicture/Landscape QuiltsDER2001All through the woodsQuilted projects from the north countryDerksen, CoriHarder, Myra1997
C-Ffolk artCountry / FolkSLO2002Folksy FavoritesSloan, Pat1998
Q-ARindividual journals made of quilts, Art QuiltsBRE2002Creative QuiltingThe Journal Quilt ProjectBresenhan, Karey Patterson1999
QDmemory quilt, minnesota,patchworkQuilting DesignsTHO2004Minnesota MemoriesThorn, Helen2000
Q-AWjuried quiltsAward Winning Quilts2011Quilt National 2011The Best of Contemporary Quilts(no author)2001
Q-THsampler blocks African American historyQuilts - Themed BUR2003Underground Railroad SamplerBurns, EleanorBouchard, Sue2002
BLrotary-cut, block organizationBlockHOP2000Aound the Block AgainMore Rotary-cut blocksHopkins, Judy2003
PTflowers. Folk art, PatchworkJEN2000A Thimbleberries Housewarming22 Projects for QuiltersJensen, Lynette2005
PTpanels, bordersPatchworkDIS2002Clever QuiltersMaking the most of panels, borders, and theme printsTeegarden Dissmore, Susan2006
HMChristmas, quick projects, patchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects 2001Weekend Quilts & ProjectsQuick-to-stitch(no author)2007
HMlog cabin, applique, patchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects 2003Quilt CollectionA delightful coolection of our very favorite quilts and gifts to give(no author)2008
H-CChristmasHolidays - ChristmasHAL2000The Night Before ChristmasArt to HeartHalvorsen, Nancy2010
CLpatchwork, color, valueColorBAR2011The Quilter's Color ClubSecrets of value, temperature & special effectsBarnes, Christine.2011
DEbraid, log cabin, colorDesign / LayoutHAR2009French Braid ObsessionNew ideas for the imaginative quilterHardy Miller, Jane2012
PThouses, buildings, appliquePatchworkWAL2011Welcome HomeSurround yourself with country warmthWall, Cheryl2013
H-Cholly, candy canes, Holidays - ChristmasCLA2006Merry Christmas Quilting7 projects to celebrate the holiday seasonClayton, Barbara2014
PRstrip sets, shattered anglesPrecutPUR2011Accent on AnglesEasy strip-set quiltsPurney Mark, Susan2015
HMhooked rugs, wool applique, autumnHome/Gifts/Small Projects 2013Primitive Quilts and Projects15 cozy new projects(no author)2016
TEprecuts, color, hexiTechnique including Beginner2015MOD Blockthe color issue(no author)2017
DEocean, seaside, beachDesign / Layout2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. Block(no author)2018
PTblock constructionPatchworkLAU2002Quick Quilt Trips, 2nd editionLauder, Billie2019
PPpiecing, neckties, traditional quiltsPaper Piecing Elw1996*Ties, Ties, TiesTraditional quilts from NecktiesElwin, Janet2020
DEcomplex fabrics, patchwork, piecing, kaleidoscopicDesign/LayoutNAD2016FabricadabraSimple Quilts, Complex FabricsNadelstern, Paula2021
CRpatchwork patterns, embellishingCrazy QuiltsALL2011Allie Aller's Crazy QuiltingModern piecing & embellishing techniques for joyful stitchingAller, Allison2022
MNpatchwork, applique, miniatureMiniature Quilts 1999The Best of miniature QuiltsVolume 22023
Q-Mpatchwork, quilt-as-you-go, Quilting MachineCOT2008Cotton Theory Quilting 2Traditional BlocksCotton, Betty2024
N-Ovintage quilts, patchworkNew Quilts from Old Favorites THO2007Quilts through the camera's eyeThompson, Terry Clothier2026
Q-Dhistoric style, country style, ethnic style, contemporary styleQuilting DesignsSTA2001The Practical encyclopedia of Quilting & quilt designStanley, IsabelWatson, Jenny2027
Q-Mquilt-as-you-go, bordersQuilting MachineMIC2004Machine Quilting in SectionsMichell, Marti2028
PT-Llog cabin, foundation piecingPatchwork - Log Cabin2010101 log cabin blockswith full-size patterns for paper or foundation piecing(no author)2029
BLfoundation, templates, quilt blocksBlocksCAU20121000 any-size quilt blocksCausee, LindaWeiss, Rita.2030
S-Ptextile painting, textile printing, quiltingSurface Design - PhotoSCH2010Digital Quilting - from Camera to quiltSchwarz Smith, LuraSmith, Kerby C.2031
PTpatchwork patterns, quilting - patterns, shapesPatchworkJON2012Shape workshop for quilters60 blocks + dozen quilts and projectsJones, KatyGreenberg, Brioni; Bruecher, Tacha; Adams, John Q.2032
PTpatchworkPatchwork2012Patchwork comforters, throws & Quilts(no author)2033
S-Part quilts, photographySurface design - photoWIE2014Pictorial art quilts GuidebookSecrets to capturing your photos in fabricWiener, Leni Levenson.2034
E-Bbeadwork, embellishmentsEmbellishment - BeadsATK2012Beading Artistry for quiltsbasic stitches & embellishments add texture & DramaAtkins, Thom2035
S-Gpatchwork designSurface design - generalKOL2010Designing quilts is easy!play with blocks & color to create quilts you loveKollinger, Wayne2036
PTpatchwork, fabric designPatchworkMOS2010SuperStrata Quiltscelebrating the colors of BaliMostek, PamelaNelsen, Susan.2037
HMequipment, fleece, machine quiltingHome/Gifts/Small Projects ZIE200010-20-30 minutes to quiltZieman, Nancy Luedtke.2039
Q-Hhoopless hand quilting, hoop or frameQuilting - HandBON1999Lap Quilting Lives!Bonesteel, Georgia2040
PTapplique patterns, textured woven fabricsPatchworkSCH2011Quilts from textured solids20 rich projects to piece & appliqueSchaefer, Kim2041
DEquilting, patchworkDesign/Layout2002Drafting & design simplified(no author)Rodale Press2042
APapplique, patchworkAppliqueTOW2000Artful AppliqueThe Easy WayTownswick, Jane2043
N-Opatchwork, US history, Civil WarNew Quilts from Old Favorites BRA2012Civil War Sampler50 quilt blocks with stories from historyBrackman, Barbara2044
PTtabletops, carry-alls, pillowsPatchworkMCC2013A Quilting LifeCreating a handmade home 19 projectsMcConnell, Sherri2045
BAapplique patterns, quilting patternsBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toLOS2000Special delivery quiltsLose, Patrick.2047
PRpatchwork patternsPrecutEIN2010Jelly Roll quilts & MoreEinmo, Kimberly2048
PPPaper Piecing BEL2014English Paper Piecing IIBellino, Vicki2049
HIapplique, patternsHawaiian QuiltsPOA2001Hawaiian quilt cushion Patterns& Designsvolume threePoakalaniSerrao, John2050
MDpatchwork patterns, quilting patternsModern Quilts DUB2010Fresh quiltingfearless color, design & inspirationDubrawsky, Malka2051
MDpatchwork patterns, quilting patternsModern Quilts HAR2012Modern Patch Work12 quilts to take you beyond the basicsHartman, Elizabeth2052
MDpatchwork, quiltingModern Quilts HAR2010The Practical Guide to patchworkNew basics for the modern QuiltmakerHartman, Elizabeth2053
TEbatting,needles, markers,Technique including Beginner2005Teach yourself to machine-quilt(no author)Leisure Arts2054
MDpatchwork patternsModern Quilts BIS2012Modern designs for classic quilts12 traditionally inspired patterns made newBiscopink, KellyJohnson, Andrea2055
HXhexagonsHexie; English paper piecingRHO2013Quick & easy hexie quiltsRhodes, PeggyWood, Julia2056
BAappliques, bibs, fleece projectsBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toGIL2002Baby Quilts and more18 projectsGillum, Linda2058
BAbaby quilts, patchworksBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toHIC2009Warm Welcomecozy quilts for babyHickey, Mary.2059
PTChristmas, patriotic, holidaysPatchworkNEP2000Special timesNephew, Sara2062
PT-Llog cabinPatchwork - Log Cabin2004Creative Log Cabin Quilting(no author)2063
PTpatchwork, quilted framesPatchwork2008Quilting for Busy Boomers(no author)2064
CLcolor, Fat QuarterlyColorBru2014Quilt Colour WorkshopBruecher, TachaGreenberg. Brione: Goldsworthy, Lynne; Adams, John2065
PRjelly roll, charm pack, layer cake, sweet sixteenPrecutsZIE2008Already Cut, Ready to quiltZieman, Nancy Luedtke.2066
DElandscape, design elements, abstractionDesign/layoutMEE2012Connecting design to stitchMeech, Sandra2067
PTpatchwork - patterns, Neckties, household linensPatchworkBOT*1994Daddy's Tiesquilts, keepsakes & projects to make from TiesBotsford, Shirley2068
PT-Fquilting - patterns, gardens in art, appliquePatchwork - Pieced Flowers WEL2001Along the Garden Pathmore quilters and their gardensWells, JeanWells, Valori.2069
N-Oquilt history, heirloom quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites MOR1999Worth doing TwiceCreating quilts from old topsMorris, PatriciaMuir, Jeannette2071
Q-ARmixed media, collage, textile craftArt QuiltsMEI2009Fabric art Collage40+ mixed media techniquesMeier, Rebekah2072
APapplique patterns, artisans-Egypt-Cairo-Pictorial worksAppliqueBRO2013The Ancient Art of Appliquepatterns from the tentmakers of CairoBrowning, Bonnie K., 1944-2073
PTquilt blocks, patchworkPatchworkMOR1999Create a Quiltnew, fast, easy design method for blocks and quiltsMori, Joyce.2074
D-Ftextile printing, textile designDesign- Fabric LayoutKIG2011A Field Guide to Fabric DesignKight, Kimberly2075
F-Mtextile design, patterns, technology for digital printingFabric ManipulationBOW2012Digital textile designsecond editionBowles, MelanieIsaac, Ceri2077
JAJapan2006Ivory, Milky, Sand, Jasmine2079
JAJapan2009Nostalgic Japan Quilts2080
PPpaper-piecing patterns, patchworkPaper Piecing McM2013Bella Bella sampler QuiltsMcMeeking, Norah2081
PPpatchwork, Mosaic floorsPaper Piecing McM2005Bella BellaStunning designs from Italian MosiacsMcMeeking, Norah2082
HIappliqueHawaiian QuiltsROO2001Menehune Quiltsthe Hawaiian WayRoot, Elizabeth2083
APdecoration and ornament - plant form, coverletsAppliqueWIN2000Colonial AppliqueInspirations from early americaWintle, Sheila2084
PT-Llog cabin, patchworkPatchwork - log VabinKAU2010Folded Log Cabin Quiltscreate depth in a classic block from traditional to contemporaryKaufman, Sarah2085
C-Fhistorical quiltsCountry / Folk1999The Twentieth Century's Best American QuiltsCelebrating 100 years of the art of quiltmaking2087
P-SCscrap quilts, patchworksPatchwork - ScrappyNYB2012Sunday Morning QuiltsSort, store and use every last bit of your treasured fabricsNyberg, Amanda JeanArkison, Cheryl2088
Q-ARpatchworkArt Quilts2000Great American Quilts, book 82089
PTcross-stitch, patchworkPatchworkMAR2001Fast Fusible QuiltsCross-stitch quilts made easyMartin, Terry2090
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects MAL2006sew it in minutes24 projects to fit your style and scheduleMalone, Chris2091
AP-Mpiecing, appliqueApplique - MachineSEE2010I Can't believe it's not PiecingSeely, AnnStewart, Joyce2092
BLquilt block, patchwork, bordersBlocks1997101 full-size quilt blocks and borders2094
PTpieced square, four-patch, piano key borderPatchworkBUR1997Jewel Box QuiltBurns, Eleanor2096
PT-Llog cabin, patchwork, Patchwork - Log CabinBUR1998make a Quilt in a dayLog Cabin PatternBurns, Eleanor2098
TEpatchwork, scrap, appliqueTechnique including BeginnerFON2000Quilter's Complete Guiderevised editionFons, MariannePorter, Liz2099
TEtools, hand piecing, machine piecing, appliqueTechnique including Beginner2002Complete Guide to QuiltingBetter Homes and Gardens2100
Q-AWvintage quilts, contemporary quiltsAward Winning QuiltsMAR2001The Art of the QuiltMarler, Ruth2101
Q-Dpatchwork - patterns, quilting patternsQuilting Designs2001quilts for guys15 fun projects for your favorite fella2103
QRquilting studioQuilt Related HAL2005Creating your perfect quilting spaceSewing-room makeovers for any space and any budgetHallock, Lois L,2104
HMpillows, table runners, Home/Gifts/Small Projects JEN2007Making your house a homeJensen, Lynette2105
Q-Dquilt patterns, pieced, appliqueQuilting designs2001Encyclopedia of classic quilt patterns101 all-time favorites2106
JAmachine quiltingJapanROS1988Sashiko for machine sewingJapanese-style quilting classic to contemporaryRostocki, Janet2107
TEblock-pieced, samplers, quilted garmentsTechnique including Beginner1997The Quilting BibleOver 30 complete quilt projects2108
1-AMcrib quiltsAmishSMU2003Amish Crib Quilts from the midwestThe Sara Miller CollectionSmucker, Janneken, Cox Crews, Patricia2109
Q-AWAward Winning QuiltsBER2003Wild By DesignTwo huundred years of innovation and artistry in American QuiltsBerlo, Janet CatherineCox Crews, Patricia2110
JAgrid patternsJapanALL1992Sashiko Made SimpleJapanese quilting by machineAllen, Alice2111
P-RTrotary cuttingPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchPOS1999The Quilter's guide to rotary cuttingnew shapes, new quilt designsPoster, Donna2112
APhand applique, machine appliqueApplique2000The ultimate Sunbonnet Sue collection24 quilt blocks recapture the charm of yesterday's sweetheart2114
PTfoundation piecing, embroideryPatchworkREY2002Ladybug HugsTenderberry stitchesReynolds, Sharon2116
BApatchwork, colorBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toFON2002Color-Bright Quilts for KidsFons, MariannePorter, Liz2117
PT-LPatchwork - log cabinMEU1999Log Cabineasy traditional quiltsMeunier, Christiane2119
C-Ft-shirt quilts, signature quilts, photo transfer, embellishmentCountry / FolkRIC1999Memory Quilts in the makingRichards, Rhonda2122
PPpatchwork - patterns, machine quiltingPaper Piecing DER2001Down in the ValleyPaper-pieced houses and buildingsDerksen, CoriHarder, Myra2123
Q-AWcrayon box scrap quiltsAward Winning Quilts2001Great American Quiltsbook nine2124
DEpatchworkDesign/LayoutCRA2001Setting solutionsCraig, Sharyn2125
P-SCbaby quilts, applique, patchworkPatchwork - Scrappy2004Weekend Scrap Quilting2126
H-Cwearables, gifts, placenats, table runnerHolidays - Christmas1997Treasury of Christmas Quilting2129
PTmedallion, star, pinwheelsPatchwork2002Quilts of Thimble Creek18 spectacular quilting projects from Thiimble Creek's talented teacher/designers2130
BLgarden, animals, starsBlocks2002365 fun-to-stitch quilt blocks2131
P-SCpatchwork patterns, rectangles in artPatchwork - ScrappyTUR2002Successful scrap quiltsfrom simple rectanglesTurner, JudyRolfe, Margaret.2132
DEsampler, applique, patchworkDesign/LayoutBUR2000Town Square samplerQuilt in a dayBurns, Eleanor2133
PT-FPatchwork - Pieced Flowers BUR1999Easy Strip TulipQuilt in a dayBurns, Eleanor2134
BLpatchworkBlocksJOH2003Block Magic, tooover 50 new blocks from squares and rectanglesJohnson-Srebro, Nancy2135
QRworkshop-design and construction, quilting-equipment and suppliesQuilt Related WOO2011Organizing solutions for every qiulterAn illustrated guide to the space of your dreamsWoods, Carolyn2136
H-CstarHolidays - ChristmasHEN2002Christmas Star in Stained GlassHenning, Brenda2137
D-Fjournaling as art, Design-Fabric SelectionHIN2007Simply Silk12 creative designs for quilting and sewingHiney, Mary Jo.2139
D-FApplique patterns, flannelDesign-Fabric SelectionGOL2004Curl-up quiltsFlannel applique & more from Piece O' Cake DesignsGoldsmith, BeckyJenkins, Linda, 1943-2140
Q-THDiary inspired, Civil warQuilts-ThemedYOU2005The Civil War Diary Quilt121 stories and quilt blocks they inspiredYoungs, Rosemary2142
Q-THLove letters, Civil WarQuilts-ThemedYOU2007The Civil War Love Letter Quilt121 quilt blocks inspired by love and warYoungs, Rosemary2143
Q-THphoto, appliqueQuilts-ThemedYOU2012The Civil War Anniversary Quilts150 blocks to commemorate 150 yearsYoungs, Rosemary2144
HMholidays, decorating ideasHome/Gifts/Small Projects PAN2000Stitched with LoveA Mother's Quilting LegacyPandolph, Robyn2145
C-FMichigan quiltersCountry/Folk2018Quiltfolkissue 082146
C-FLouisiana quiltersCountry/Folk2018Quiltfolkissue 072147
C-FTennessee quiltersCountry/Folk2017Quiltfolkissue 042148
C-FVermont quiltersCountry/Folk2019Quiltfolkissue 102149
C-FUtah quiltersCountry/Folk2018Quiltfolkissue 092150
P-RTPatchwork-Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchYOU*1991Nine Patch WondersYoung, BlancheFrost, Helen Young2152
QRhistoric quilts, valuesQuilt Related RUB2001How to compare & value American QuiltsTreasure or Not?Rubin, Stella2153
Hseasonal designsHolidaysDIE2007Simple SeasonsStunning Quilts and Savory RecipesDiehl, Kim2154
Q-Hbatting,needles, markers,Quilting - HandMOR2001Perfecting the Quilting StitchThe ins & outsMorris, Patricia2155
CLpatchwork patterns,ColorHAW2005Get Creative!A beginner's guide to color & design for quiltersHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2156
A-FLapplique, flowersApplique- FlowersMAK2000Floral AbundanceApplique designs inspired by William MorrisMakhan, Rosemary, 1944-2157
Q-Hquilting patternsQuilting - HandLEO2000Fine Hand Quilting2nd editionLeone, DianaWalter, Cindy2158
Q-HpatchworkQuilting - Hand1999Flawless Hand QuiltingRodale's successful quilting library2159
APApplique2005teach yourself to machine-appliqueBetter Homes and Gardens2160
DEfussy cutting, floralDesign/LayoutPER1997Impressionist PaletteQuilt color & DesignPerry, Gai2161
Q-HQuilting - HandBLA2002Tiny StitchesTechniques for improving hand quiltingBlackberg, Cindy2162
HMtable runners, place matsHome/Gifts/Small Projects DAV2008Top This!Davis, Nona2163
QRQuilt Related 2010Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 32nd annual quilt show2167
QRQuilt Related 2011Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 33rd annual quilt show2168
QRQuilt Related 2012Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 34th annual quilt show2169
QRQuilt Related 2013Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 35th annual quilt show2170
QRQuilt Related 2014Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 36th annual quilt show2171
QRQuilt Related 2015Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 37th annual quilt show2172
QRQuilt Related 2016Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 38 th annual quilt show2173
QRQuilt Related 2017Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 39th annual quilt show2174
QRQuilt Related 2018Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 40th annual quilt show2175
QR Quilt Related2019Quilt Fiesta!Tucson Quilters Guild 41st annual quilt show2176
CFKentucky quiltersCountry/Folk2019Quiltfolkissue 122177
CFSouthern California QuiltersCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolkissue 112178
CFIowa quiltersCounytry / Folk2017Quiltfolkissue 022179
CFEastern Massachusetts quiltersCountry / Folk2017Quiltfolkissue 052180
Q-AWlinearAward Winning Quilts2017Curated Quilts - Linear2181
Q-ARMary Elmusa, Katherine K. AllenArt Quilts2012Art Quilting Studio2182
Q-AWlog cabinAward Winning Quilts2017Curated Quilts - Log Cabin2184
APfairies in artAppliquePOO2006Quilted Fairie TalesPoole, Linda M.2185
P-LpanelsPicture/Landscape Quilts2018Create with Fabric Panels2186
S-GshadowsSurface design - generalWIS2005Casting ShadodwsCreating Visual dimension in your quiltWise, Colleen2187
N-Ohistorical quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites BRI2009Quilts of the Golden WestMining the history of the gold and silver rushBrick, Cindy2188
CRembroidery motifs, historyCrazy QuiltsBRI2008Crazy QuiltsHistory, techniques, embroidery motifsBrick, Cindy2189
CFredworkCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolk patterns 0062190
CFrevival quilt, Giuseppe RibaudoCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolk pattern 0042191
CFhistorical quiltsCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolk pattern 0052192
CFfox and geese variationsCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolk pattern 0032193
CFstar quiltsCountry / Folk2019Quiltfolk pattern 0072194
PRcharm packsPrecutsGRO20113 times the charm!7 quick & easy designs - 21 unique looksGroves, Barbara.Jacobson, Mary2195
W-Bbags, accessoriesWearables, Bags, Purses SER2010Media FrenzyBags & acessoriesSerendipity Studio2196
Q-AWmuseum collections, antique quiltsAward Winning QuiltsOLI1997Enduring GraceQuilts from the Shelburne Museum CollectionOliver, Celia Y.2197
DEcabbage roseDesign/LayoutBRA2002Season SamplerCabbage RoseBrandeburg, Barbara2198
A-BLapplique, embroidery, inking, trapuntoApplique - BaltimoreVER2015Baltimore Album of RosesElegant motifs to mix & matchVerroca, Rita2199
APapplique patternsAppliqueMAR2008Adventure & AppliqueTraveling The World With Award Winning Quilter Suzanne MarshallMarshall, Suzanne2200
TEquestions, problemsTechnique including BeginnerTAL2000The Quilting answer bookSolutions to every problem you'll ever face, answers to every question you'll ever askTalbert, Barbara Weiland2201
HMsewing - Japan, decoration and ornament - JapanHome/Gifts/Small Projects COL2009I "love" patchwork21 iresistible Zakka projects to sewColeman-Hale, Rashida.2202
DEstrip piecingDesign / LayoutERL2018StripologyMixologyErla, Gudrun2204
TEtriangles, bias strips, draftingTechnique including BeginnerHAR2011Quilter's Academy, Vol.3 - junior yearA skill-building course in QuiltmakingHargrave, HarrietHargrave, Carrie2205
TEtriangles, bias strips, draftingTechnique including BeginnerHAR2009Quilter's Academy, Vol.1 A skill-building course in QuiltmakingHargrave, HarrietHargrave, Carrie2206
TEtriangles, bias strips, draftingTechnique including BeginnerHAR2009Quilter's Academy, Vol. 2A skill-building course in QuiltmakingHargrave, HarrietHargrave, Carrie2207
F-Mtextile painting, colorwashes, painted quiltsFabric Manipulation / PaintingWAL2011Fabric Painting with Cindy WalterWalter, Cindy2208
SPCscrap quilt, bordersSpecial CollectionsYOU1983The Boston Commons QuiltYoung, BlancheYoung, Helen2209
SPCpatchwork, Irish chain variation, nine patchSpecial CollectionsYOU1994Country LanesYoung, Blanche2210
SPCtrianglesSpecial CollectionsYOU1983The Flying Geese QuiltYoung, BlancheYoung, Helen2211
BLcurves, curved two-patchBlocksMUR1999Drunkard's Path made EasyMurphy, Anita2212
BLpatchwork, curvesBlocksCOR199865 Drunkard's Path Quilt DesignsCory, Pepper2213
PSstars, strip-piecedPatchwork-StarsBAK2009Oh My Stars14 different ProjectsBaker, Marci2214
PT-Fapplique-patterns, quilts-Japan, Flowers in artPatchwork-pieced flowers(no author)2002A Bouquet of Quiltsgarden-inspired projects for the home2215
PThunter's star, pineapple, nine patchPatchworkPAR2008Favorite Traditional Quilts Made EasyParrott, Jo, 1937-2216
E-GembellishingEmbellishment - General HAW2003Everyday Embellishments8 fun quilts to stitch and embellishHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2217
PPfoundation piecing,PatchworkHIN1999Beautiful Foundation-Pieced quilt blocksHiney, Mary Jo.2218
CEapplique patterns, designs- InterlaceCelticDUR2003Celtic Quilt Designs IIThe Children of LirDurcan, Philomena2219
P-RTpatchwork patterns, quilting patternsPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchMAR2000Time-Crunch QuiltsCD-ROM includedMartin, Nancy J.2220
JAsashiko patterns, traditional patternsJapanLID1992*The Changing SeasonsQuilt patterns from JapanLiddell, Jill.Patchwork quilt Tsushin2221
N-OSacagaweaNew Quilts from Old Favorites THO2004Lewis & Clark, Volume TwoQuilts inspired by Bird WomanThompson, Terry Clothier2222
A-RVapplique patternsApplique - Reverse AppliqueMAT1998Molas!Patterns techniques projects for colorful appliqueMathews, Kate2223
Q-AWQuilts - United States - CatalogsAward Winning QuiltsBRE2004Celebrate Great Quilts!circa 1825-1940Bresenhan, Karey PattersonPuentes, Nancy O'Bryant2224
Q-AWdesignersAward Winning Quilts & Quilters(no author)2003Designers & their Quilts2225
Q-Dstencil work, quilting patternsQuilting DesignsCOR1999Mastering Quilt MarkingCory, Pepper2226
KLDKaliedoscope Quilts (no author)1999KaleidoscopeNew quilts from an Old Favorite2227
PRstrip quiltsPrecutsHEN2014Strip Therapy 13NostrumHenning, Brenda2228
C-Fpatchwork, applique, quilted goodsCountry / FolkMUM1998Quick Country Quilts for Every RoomMumm, Debbie2229
PRstrip quilt, patchworkPrecutsHEN2014Strip Savvy2 1/2" strip quilting designsHenderson, Kate2230
PRstrip quilt, patchworkPrecutsHEN2016Striking Strip Quilts16 amazing patterns for 2 1/2" strip loversHenderson, Kate2231
PTtemplates, appliquePatchworksWAR2002Illustrated guide to Points & CurvesWarner, Jodi G.2232
MDLstar, spiralMedallion QuiltsPHI1997WedgeWorkswedge tool includedPhillips, CherylPysto, Linda2233
STRstrip piecing, stash busterString Pieced COW2011Colorful Stash Busters10 new projects from Mary's Cottage QuiltCowan. Mary2234
C-Fcharm quilts, single-patch designCountry / FolkDON1997Charm Quiltsor too much fun with a stack of squares and one templateDonaldson, Beth2235
MDcolorful, strip piecingModern Quilts WOO2015The Improv Handbook for Modern QuiltersA Guide to creating, Quilting & Living CourageouslyWood, Sherri Lynn2236
Q-ARmachine quilting, fabric manipulationArt QuiltsBOL2011The Best of Quilting ArtsYour Ultimate Resource for Art Quilt Techniques & InspirationBolton, Pokey2237
P-RTapplique, points & circles, family album quiltsPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patch(no author)2000Favorite Techniques from the Experts2238
P-SCstrip quilts, applique, Patchwork - ScrappySIT2010Friendship Strips & Scraps18 beautiful quilting projectsSitar, Edyta2239
S-GT-shirts quiltsSurface design - generalSCH2007Fabulous Tee Shirt QuiltsSchuetz, Caryl2240
PPstars, strip-piecedPaper Piecing MCC2013A Flock of Feathered StarsPaper Pieced for PerfectionMcCormick, Carolyn Cullinan2241
S-GpaintingSurface design - generalBES2014Gelli Plate Printingmixed-media monoprinting without a pressBess, Joan2242
CRCrazy QuiltsCAU1997An Encyclopedia of Crazy Quilt Staitches and MotifsCausee, Linda2243
TEtools, techniques, templatesTechnique including BeginnerBUT200690-minute quilts15+ projects you can stitch in an afternoonButler, Meryl Ann2244
MNpatchworks, appliqueMiniature Quilts BRI2011130 Mini Quilt BlocksA collection of exquisite patchwork blocks using ready-made fabric bundlesBriscoe, Susan.2245
D-FpatchworkKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2016Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in Italy20 designs from Rowan for patchwork and quiltingFassett, Kaffe2246
PRsnowball sampler, star sampler, basket samplerPrecuts (jelly roll ,strips)LIN2011Jelly Roll Sampler Quilts10 stunning sampler quilts to make from over 50 patchwork blocksLintott, Pam & Nicky2247
S-Gfabric printingSurface Design - GeneralKRA2014Intentional PrintingSimple Techniques for Inspired Fabric ArtKrawczyk, Lynn2248
MDcircles and vurves, diamonds and hexagons, pictorialModern Quilts GRI2016Lines By Design Quilts17 projects featuring the innovative designs of each house quiltsGrifka, Debbie2249
BRGpatchwork, strip quiltingBargelloEDI1998A New Slant on Bargello QuiltsEdie, Marge2250
MDModern Quilts (no author)2012Modern Quilts from the Blogging Universe2251
P-RTapplique, country stylePatchwork - Rectangles, squares(no author)2000Favorite QuiltsPattern sheet includes2252
W-Bpurses, totes, bagsWearables, Bags, Purses KHA2010Quilted Bags with style25 patchwork purses, totes, and bagsKharade, Ellen2254
TEpatchwork, rotary cuttingTechnique including BeginnerTHO2014Quiltmaking Essentials 1Cutting and piecing skillsThomas, Donna Lynn, 1955-2255
S-Pphotography, abstract, machine quiltingSurface Design - PhotoKNA2011Point, Click, Quilt!turn your photos into fabulous Fiber ArtKnapp, Susan Brubaker2256
S-Gapplique, paintingSurface Design - GeneralPOO2013Painted AppliqueA New ApproachPoole, Linda M.2257
MDabstract quilts, digitalModern Quilts JIN2010Quilting line + colorTechniques and designs for abstract quiltsJinzenji, Yoshiko2258
D-Fsolid color fabricDesign - Fabric Selection(no author)2013Simply SolidA twist on the traditional use of solid fabrics2260
TEtechniques, patternsTechnique including Beginner(no author)2010Simple stitches quilting18 projects for the new quilted2261
DEusing spacersDesign / LayoutHOU2013Quilting a circle of nine12 stunning and creative new quilts - one versatile settingHouts, JanetWright, Jean Ann2262
DEblock placementDesign / LayoutWAR2008On-Point QuiltsDesigns on the diagonalWarehime, Retta2263
Q-ARstory quilts, appliqueArt QuiltsWEI2009Out of the boxunleash your creativity through quiltsWeidman, Mary Lou2264
HMcards, mailHome/Gifts/Small Projects MAL2008Quilt-o-grams8 creative keepsakes to stitch & sendMalkowski, Cheryl, 1955-2265
PRjelly rolls, charm packs, fat quartersPrecutsROS2010Simplify with Camille Roskelleyquilts for the modern homeRoskelley, Camille.2266
Q-AWFrance, Germany, Netherlands, Scandinavia, Switzerland, United KingdomAward Winning Quilts & QuiltersLAP2000Quilts from EuropeProjects and InspirationLaporte, Gul2267
P-RTnine patch, square-in-a-square, half squarePatchwork - Rectangle, SquaresLAS2014Red, White & QuiltedLasco, Linda Baxter2268
S-GT-shirts quiltsSurface design - GeneraldeL2008Terrific TeesI can't believe it's a t-shirt quilt!deLuz, Roberta2269
S-Pphotography, Surface design - photoLAU1997The Photo transfer handbookSnap it, Print it, Stitch itLaury, Jean Ray2270
Q-Thbreast cancer, Quilts - Themed (no author)2002Threaded TogetherA pink ribbon quilt project2271
PTstraight piecing, curve piecing, circle applique, paper piecingPatchworkWEL2007Simple start stunning finishfabric secrets, easy piecing, quilting solutionsWells, Valori.2272
S-Pphotographs on cloth, computer artSurface design - photoWHE2009Next steps in Altered Photo artistryCD includedWheeler, Beth2273
Q-Theducational gamesQuilts - Themed HIR2004Quilters playtimeGames with FabricsHire, Dianne S.2274
A-Bapplique, birds, flowersApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsOGL2003Birds & flowers albumOglesby, Bea2275
Q-AWfamous quiltersAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)2001MAQS Quilts: The Founders Collection2276
S-Gcrazy quilts, photosSurface design - GeneralHAG2011Crazy-Quilted MemoriesBeautiful embroidery brings your family portraits to lifeHaggard, Brian2277
MNtechniquesMiniature Quilts (no author)2002Marvelous MiniaturesRodale's successful quilting library2278
D-KpatchworkKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2014Kaffe Fassett's Quilts in MoroccoFassett, Kaffe2279
P-SCscraps, Patchwork - ScrappyHUN2008Scraps & ShirttailsReuse, re-purpose, recycle! The art of "Quilting Green"Hunter, Bonnie K2280
PTapplique, piecing, patchworkPatchworkDOU2016Mixing quilt elementsa modern look at color, style & designDoughty, Kathy.2281
Q-ARportraits; Painted facesArt QuiltsPRA2008Mixed-Media Self-portraitsinspirations & techniquesPrato, Cate Coulacos2282
STRstash-busting, fabric stripsString Pieced EWB2011String Quilting todayEwbank, Connie2283
AP-Minvisible machine applique, satin stitch, blanket stitchApplique - MachineHAR2001Mastering Machine Applique, 2nd editionHargrave, Harriet2284
PRstrips, color, patterns, stashPrecutsGUZ2015All About Stripscolorful quilts from strips of many sizesGuzman, Susan2285
DEpatchwork, piecingDesign / LayoutBOW2003Dancing quilts from straight piecesBowles, Debbie2286
TEcolor, fabric selectionTechnique including Beginner(no author)1997Creative Guide to color & fabricRodale's successful quilting library2287
Crembellishments, applique, foundation piecingCrazy QuiltsWIL2009Crazy PatchworkWilhoit, Alice2288
Q-ARpaintingArt QuiltsMAS2008Design exploration for the creative quiltereasy-to-follow lessons for dynamic art quiltsMasopust, Katie Pasquini 2289
E-Bcrazy quiltsEmbellishment - BeadsGOR2005beaded crazy quiltingGordon, Cindy2290
P-SCscrap quilts, applique, Patchwork - ScrappyBRI2014Scrappy Bits appliquefast & easy fusible quilts, 8 projects, foolproof techniquesBrinkley, Shaannon2291
P-SCscrapsPatchwork - Scrappy(no author)2013Devoted to scrapscreative ideas to turn fabric bits into beauties2292
DEModa All-StarsDesign / Layout(no author)2015All in a Row24 Row-by-row quilt designs2293
Q-AWart quilts, landscapes, portraits, abstractAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)2010The Art Quilt CollectionDesigns & inspiration from around the world2294
P-SCstars, scraps, nine-patchPatchwork - ScrappySCH2009Crazy for Scraps19 favorite quiltsSchneider, Sally, 1945-2295
MDnature in artModern Quilts MAY2014Modern Quilts Nature-inspiredmake 25 beautiful projects - no rulers or templates requiredMayr, Bernadette2296
BLflying geeseBlocksMcN2012Five-Minute Quilt BlocksOne-seam flying geese block projects for quilts, wallhangings and runnersMcNeill, Suzanne2297
P-SCpatternsPatchwork - Scrappy(no author)2011Scrappy Quilts (Better homes and Gardens)29 favorite projects2298
MDModern Quilts KNA2013Modern Quilt Perspectives12 patterns for meaningful quiltsKnauer, Thomas2299
S-Gflowers, landscapeSurface design - generalWAL2000More Snippet Sensations 2nd in a seriesWalter, Cindy2300
Q-Mmodern quiltingQuilting machineRED2017Modern Machine QuiltingMake a perfectly finished quilt on your home machineRedford, Catherine2301
MDmodern quilting, Missouri StarModern Quilts (no author)2016Mod BlockForm & function2302
NApatchworkNative AmericanBRA*1990Basic Seminole PatchworkBradkin, Cheryl Greider2303
Q-AWcrayon box scrap quilts, quilts across AmericaAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)2001Great American Quilts 20022304
Q-AWThrifty Thirties,Quilts across AmericaAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)2003Great American Quilts 20042305
P-RTinstructions for childrenPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchJON2001Uncovering Traditional QuiltsAdventures in piecingJones, Joyce2307
N-OKansas City Star, history of quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites BRA2004Women of Design:Quilts in the NewspaperBrackman, Barbara2308
N-Ohistoric patternsNew Quilts from Old Favorites ENG2002Somewhere in TimeEngland, Kaye2309
P-SCscrappy quiltsPatchwork - ScrappyCAF2000Open a can of wormsCaffrey, Debbie2310
F-MflowersFabric ManipulationFAR2002Ragged-Edge FlowersFast-folded ways to make textured quiltsFarson, Laura.2311
Q-AWpatchworkAward winning quilts and quiltersREN2001OxymoronsAbsurdly Logical QuiltsRenegades2312
P-RTpatchworkPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchHAR2002The Essential guide to Practically Perfect PatchworkEverything you need to know to make your first quiltHarer, Michele Morrow2313
Q-AWpatchwork, applique, ArizonaAward winning quilts and quilters2012100 Years - 100 QuiltsArizona Centennial Quilt Project2314
Q-ARplaying cards, spades, hearts,diamonds, clubs, jokersArt QuiltsPIE*1994Art Quilts: Playing with a Full DeckPierce, SueSuit, Verna2315
P-SCPatchwork patterns, starsPatchwork - StarsKRE2009Quick Star Quilts & Beyond(copy #2)Krentz, Jan P., 1955-2316
PTsamplers, repeat blocksPatchworkBUR2015Go! SamplerMix and Match Blocks and QuiltsBurns, Eleanor2317
nspatchworkArt QuiltsMcM1997The Art QuiltMcMorris, PennyKile, Michael2318
P-RTlattice, garden, quilt in a dayPatchwork- Rectangles, squaresBUR2002Garden Lattice QuiltsBurns, Eleanor2319
BLblock design,design variations, assembling the blocksBlocks(no author)2004Quilter's mix and match blocks, a comprehensive handbookover 200 project ideas2320
NAappliqueNative AmericanBAS1998Quilting & Applique with Southwest Indian DesignsBass, Charlotte2321
HMpillows, table runners, lap quiltsHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)1996Weekend Quilt Projects2322
S-Ddyeing, painting, fabric designSurface Design - Dyeing WAL2002Dyeing and Painting fabricWalter, CindyPriestley, Jennifer2324
Q-ARQuilt San Diego, modern quiltsArt Quilts(no author)2006The Art QuiltQuilt Visions 2006 (CD included)2325
Q-ARsurface design techniques, dyeing, printingArt QuiltsDAV2009Art Quilts at PlayDavila, JaneWaterston, Elin2327
W-Bapplique, trapunto,Wearables, Bags, Purses AVE*1982Quilts to WearAvery, Virginia2328
Q-ARartistsArt Quilts(no author)2007A Sense of PlaceArtists working in series (or SAQA Creative Force)2329
E-Gembroidery, machine-patternsEmbellishment - General HUG2020Thread Painting, A garden QuiltA step-by-step guide to creating a realistic 6-block projectHughes, Joyce2330
E-Gembroidery, applique-patterns, art quiltEmbellishment - General HUG2019Creating Art Quilts with PanelsEasy thread painting and embellishing techniquesHughes, Joyce2331
MDLspirals, templatesMedallion QuiltsMER2015Simply Amazing Spiral Quilts, 2nd editionMerrill, RaNae2333
MDLspirals, templates, mandalaMedallion QuiltsMER2015Magnificent Spirals Mandala QuiltsMerrill, RaNae2334
NASeminole indians-costumes, texile industry, fabricsNative AmericanRUS*1982The Complete Book Of Seminola PatchworkRush, Beverly2335
CRVmariner's compass, sunburstCurvesCAR1998Navigating Compass DesignsCaron, Barbara Ann2336
P-RTsmall designs, unitsPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares, 9 patch, 4 patchWIE2006Twosey-Foursey QuiltsGreat designs from 2-inch and 4-inch unitsWierzbicki, Cathy2337
Q-Mmachines sewing, embellishmentQuilting Machine(no author)2012More creative sewing techniques by machineFiedler, Nancy editor2338
Q-ARart quilt - designsArt QuiltsBAR2013Inspirations in DesignBarton, Elizabeth2339
PTrecipes, exchange friendly blocksPatchworkDIE2017Simple Friendships14 quilts from exchange-friendly blocksDiehl, KimMorton, Jo2340
W-BpatternsWearables, Bags, Purses (no author)2003Quilting Coates & Totes8 dynamite coat and matching bag ensembles2341
P-SCgardenPatchwork - Scrappy(no author)2004Quilting Scrappy Garden Quilts2342
PRcharm packs, patchworksPrecutsGRO20133 Times the charm, book 2Groves, BarbaraJacobson, Mary2343
P-SCquilt in a day, Patchwork-StarsBUR2009Orion's Star QuiltBurnes, Eleanor2344
A-Bapplique, home projects, birds, patchworkApplique- FlowersLAR2016Here comes SpringFresh and fun quilted projects for your homeLarge, JeanneWicks, Shelley2345
D-Fpatchwork, colorDesign - Fabric SelectionBRO2012Quilt Batik!Brown, Cheryl2346
H-Cpatchwork, ChristmasHolidays - ChristmasHIC2007Comfort and Joy14 quilts for ChristmasHickey, Mary.2348
DEpatchwork, reversibleDeisgn/LayoutPED2002Reversible QuiltsTwo at a TimePederson, Sharon2349
PRstrips, blocks, patchworksPrecutsSTO2011Strip Sixsix blocks from 2 1/2 strips and a world of possibilitiesStout, Daniela2350
P-SCstripsPatchwork - ScrappyBRA2011Scrap-Basket SensationsMore great quilts from 2 1/2" stripsBrackett, Kim, 1962-2351
P-Lanimal landscapesPicture/Landscape QuiltsZIE2004Landscape Quilts for KidsZieman, Nancy Sewell, Natalie2352
PTmale designsPatchwork(no author)2008Quilts for Menfrom crib to dorm to den2353
P-SCpatchwork patternsPatchwork - ScrappyHAW2008M'Liss Rae Hawley's Scrappy QuiltsLet the Fabric tell your storyHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2354
PRstrip, jelly rollPrecutKIN2008Strip HappyQuilting on a RollKinsey, Donna2355
W-BwellWearables, Bags, Purses (no author)2006Quick & Easy Quilted Sweatshirts2356
Q-ARfree-motion, quilting patternsArt QuiltsMCD2005Fabric JourneyAn inside look at the quilts of Ruth B. McDowellMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-2357
P-Lfabric pictures, Machine appliquePicture/Landscape QuiltsBEC2003Luscious LandscapesSimple Techniques for Dynamic QuiltsBecker, Joyce R.2358
P-Lhorizontal quiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsZIE2007The Art of Landscape QuiltingZieman, NancySewell, Natalie2359
TEpatchworkTechnique including BeginnerFAL2006Quilting for Dummies, 2nd editionFall, Cheryl2360
HMapplique, patchworkHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)2009Patchwork Table RunnersStauffer, Jeanne and Hatch, Sandra editors2361
Hpaper piecing, patchworkHolidaysNES2007Crazy Snow DaysNesbitt, Janet2363
H-Cmini quilts, runners, wall quiltsHolidays - Christmas(no author)2012Quilting for Christmas17 projects 2365
N-OQuilt in a day, New Quilts from Old Favorites BUR2016Quilts from El's AtticBurnes, Eleanor2366
PRstrips, squares, fat quartersPrecutsSCH2013Precut Patchwork PartyModern projects to sew and craftSchmidt, Elaine2367
FQBURFat Quarters(no author)2015Fat QuartersSmall fabrics, more than 50 big ideas2368
P-SQuilt in a day, starsPatchwork - starsBUR2014All Star QuiltsBurnes, Eleanor2369
HMChristmas, SpringHome/Gifts/Small Projects MAL2015Seasonal Table Toppers20 quick-to-stitch projectsMalone, Chris2370
Q-THrecipes, kitchen block party, Quilt in a dayQuilts - Themed BUR2013Quilts from El's KitchenBurnes, Eleanor2371
PT-LpatchworkPatchwork - log cabin(no author)2011Log CabinsLearn 7 log cabin techniques2372
C-Fquilt patternsCountry / FolkBON1998Quilts from Skunks Hollowten easy patterns inspired by country lifeBong, Gayle2373
H-Ctable toppers, runnersHolidays - ChristmasJEN2011A Creative ChristmasJensen, Lynette2374
HMplacemats, table runners, recipesHome/Gifts/Small Projects BON2002Quilts a la CarteBono, Pam2375
BLrecipes, patchwork patternsBlocksBON2007Sweet Treats10 delicious dessert recipesBonsib, Sandy2376
PRcharm packs, paper piecingPrecuts(no author)2017Just Charm Quilts11 charm-friendly projects2377
FQtable runners, aprons, bibs, bagsFat Quarters(no author)20105-10-15+ Fat Quarterscreate 45 + projects2378
TEmachine quilting, hand quiltingTechnique including BeginnerEHRL2011The Complete Idiot's Guide to Quilting BasicsEhrlich, Laura2380
TEpatchwork, applique, blocksTechnique including Beginner(no author)2017Quilting Step by Step2381
P-RTrotary cuttingPatchwork-Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchFON1999Basic Guide to Rotary cut QuiltsFons, MariannePorter, Liz2382
TEpatchwork, equipment, fabricsTechnique including BeginnerEHRL1998The Complete Idiot's Guide to QuiltingEhrlich, Laura2383
PTrulers, guidesPatchwork (points, curves)JOH1999Measure the Possibilities with OmnigridJohnson-Srebro, Nancy2385
HMapplique, flannel, folk-artHome/Gifts/Small Projects SUL2016A Change of SeasonsFolk-Art Quilts and Cozy Home AccessoriesSullivan, Bonnie2386
NANative AmericanBRA*1980The Seminole Patchwork BookGreider Bradkin, Cheryl2387
P-RTflannel, English paper piecingPatchwork-Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patch(no author)2003Quick Cozy Flannel Quilts2388
BAFiction, children's storyBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toLIN2003More Quilts from The Quilt makers GiftLine, Joanne Larsen2389
PPfoundation piecingPaper Piecing (no author)2001The Foundation Piecer2390
HIcushionsHawaiian QuiltsPOA2003Hawaiian quilt cushion Patterns& DesignsVolume 4PoakalaniSerrao, John2391
S-Gshadow quilts, layeredSurface design - generalMAG2000Shadow QuiltsEasy-to-design Multiple Image QuiltsMagaret, Patricia MaixnerSlusser, Donna Ingram2393
S-Gpatchwork designSurface design - generalNEW*1996A Painter's Approach to Quilt DesignNewman, Velda2394
BAspecial collectionsBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toGOR*1995Sweet DreamsHeirloom Quilts for BabiesGordon, DeborahFrost, Helen 2396
PRlayer cakePrecutsSTO2008Layer Cake Recipe BookFast and Easy Quilts for 10" squaresStout, DanielaBirren, Kara2397
P-RTrecipesPatchwork-Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchWIE2004Coffee-time QuiltsSuper Projects, Sweet RecipesWierzbicki, Cathy2398
PT-LPatchwork-log cabinDEC2013Hill & ValleyLog CabinDeCarli, Robert2400
E-GembroideryEmbellishment - General BLA2010Piece in the Hoop20 quilt projects + 40 machine embroidery designsBland, Larisa2401
PT-FpatchworkPatchwork - Pieced Flowers BRA2000Winter RoseBrandeburg, Barbara2402
A-FLApplique - FlowersARM1998WildflowersArmstrong, Carol2403
PTholidaysPatchwork (points, curves)CHR2002The Best of Black Mountain QuiltsChristopherson, Teri2404
C-FOregon quiltsCountry/Folk(no author)2017QuiltfolkVolume one, Oregon2405
JAKamon quilts, indigo-dyed fabricsJapanLID*1988Japanese QuiltsLiddell, Jill.Watanabe, Yuko2406
JAInternational Quilt FestivalJapan(no author)*1990Beauty in Japanese Quilts2407
S-Dcolor in textile craftSurface Design - Dyeing MAS2000Ghost Layers & Color WashesThree steps to spectacular quiltsMasopust, Katie Pasquini 2408
JAapplique, patchworkJapanTAK*1993Sashiko and BeyondTechniques and projects For quilting in the Japanese styleTakano, Saikoh2409
JApatternsJapanMAT*1990Japanese Country QuiltingSashiko Patterns and projects for beginnersMatsunaga, Karen Kim2410
W-Bclothing, techniquesWearables, Bags, Purses ERI*1992The Great Put OnSew something smashingEricson, LoisWakefield, Linda2411
S-Gblueprint fabricsSurface design - generalHEW*1995Blueprint on FabricInnovative uses for cyanotypeHewitt, Barbara2412
S-Ptransfer methodsSurface design - photoSIM*1993Creating Scrapbook QuiltsSimms, Ami2413
JApatterns and their meaningsJapanMEN*1991SashikoBlue and White Quilt Art of JapanMende, KazukoMorishige, Reiko2414
PAstars, types of quiltingPatrioticLEM*1993Star Spangked Sampler QuiltsThe Art of the StatesLeman, Bonnie2416
PPpatchwork - patternsPaper Piecing ROZ*1995Freedom in DesignNew directions in foundation paper piecingRozmyn, Mia2418
MNpatternsMiniature Quilts JOH*1990Miniature to MasterpiecePerfect piecing secrets from a prizewinning quiltmakerJohnson-Srebro, Nancy2419
PTcrazy quilts, sunbrustPatchwork (points, curves)NEW*1995Quilts from NecktiesNewman, Sharon2420
PTsamplersPatchwork (points, curves)ELW*1996Necktie, sampler blocksElwin, Janet B.2421
Q-ARpeople, architecture, tessellationsArt QuiltsMCD*1996Art & InspirationMcDowell, Ruth B., 1945-2423
Q-Dfabric grids, framingQuilting DesignsRAF*1991Back ArtOn the flip sideRafalovich, DanitaPellman, Kathryn Alison2424
PTpatchworkPatchwork (points, curves)WAT*1993Round About QuiltsUnique designs using wege-shaped piecesWatt, J. Michelle 2425
Q-AWapplique, embroidry, Hawaiian, AmishAward winning quilts and quiltersPFE*1990Quilt MasterpecesPfeffer, Susanna2426
PT-Fpatchwork, appliquePatchwork - Pieced Flowers BUR*1992Fantasy FlowersPieced flowers for quiltersBurbank, Doreen Cronkite2427
Q-ARpatchworkArt QuiltsMEU2000Easy Art QuiltsAmazing designs based on traditionMeunier, Christiane2428
Q-MpatchworkQuilting MachineMAD2013Quilting Wide Open SpacesMadsen, Judi2429
E-Gembroidery, recycleEmbellishment- GeneralHOL2006Creative Recycling in EmbroideryHolmes, Val2430
P-Shunter star, medallionsPatchwork - StarsTUC2015Hunter's Star Hidden TreasuresTucker, Deb2431
P-Sdiamonds, stars, pinwheels, cubesPatchwork - starsCLI2015Amazingly Simple Triangle StarsDeceptively Easy Quilts from One BlockCline, Barbara H.2432
H-CChristmasHolidays - ChristmasHOL2018Vintage ChristmasHolt, Lori2433
MDpatchwork, negitive spaceModern Quilts RIN2010Quilts Made ModernKeys for Success ith color & designRingle, WeeksKerr, Bill2434
PPpinwheel, flying geesePaper Piecing MAH2016Learn to Paper PieceA visual guide to piecing with precisionMahoney, Nancy2436
MDgeometry, quilting patternsModern Quilts RUS2014Simple Shape QuiltsRussi, KatherynSchutte, Rose2437
Q-Mmachine quilting-PatternsQuilting MachineAND2009One Line at a Time24 Geometric Machine-quiltingAnderson, Charlotte Warr2438
CRstitching techniques, patchworkCrazy QuiltsCLO2013Foolproof Crazy QuiltingVisual Guide, 25 stitch mapsClouston, Jennifer2439
P-RTdiamonds, circles, squares, blocksPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares, 9 patch, 4 patchWIE2010Geometric GemsQuilts from diamonds, circles, and squaresWierzbicki, Cathy2440
CRembroidery patternsCrazy QuiltsSAM1999Treasury of Crazy Quilt StitchesSamples, Carole2441
CRmotifs, threadsCrazy QuiltsMIC2002Motifs for Crazy QuiltingTechniques for embroidering and embellishingMichler, J. Marsha.2442
Q-Mfree-motion, quilting patternsQuilting MachineBUR2018180 more Doodle Quilting Designsfree-motion ideas for blocks, borders and cornersBurnes, Karen M.Johanson, Amelia2443
S-Gcolor, imagery, textureSurface Design - GeneralSTE2011The Complete Fabric Artist's WorkshopStein, Susan2444
W-Bbeach tote, bucket bag, messenger bagWearables, Bags, Purses HER2017Cute & Clever Totesmix & match 16 paper-pieced blocksHertel, Mary2445
BRGstrip setsBargelloWRI2009Twist-and-turn Bargello QuiltsWright, Eileen2446
Q-MfeatherQuilting MachineHOL2012Create Your Own Dream FeathersHolt, Peggy2447
MDpatchwork - patternsModern Quilts GER2012Quilting Moderntechniques and projects for improvisational quiltsGering, JacquiePedersen, Katie2448
MDart quiltsModern Quilts MAR2014Minimal QuiltmakingMarston, Gwen.2449
A-FLembellishment, gardenApplique - FlowersDOC2006Birds 'n' RosesApplique masterpiece seriesDocherty, Margaret2450
CRVapplique patternsCurvesPIG2001Quilting CurvesAn innovative technique for machine-quilting curves with incredible easePignatelli, Vikki.2451
Q-ARquilt designArt QuiltsWEL2012Journey to Inspired Art QuiltingMore intuitive color & designWells, Jean2452
APflowers, birdsAppliqueDOC1999Little brown bird patternsApplique masterpiece seriesDocherty, Margaret2453
A-ANcats, embroidery, appliqueApplique - AnimalsASH2003Claire's CatsAshton, Darcy2454
P-SPatchwork - StarsSIT2019Patches of Stars17 quilt patterns and a gallery of inspiring antique quiltsSitar, Edyta2455
P-SPatchwork - starsHEN2013Stars 'n Strips foreverHentsch, Carl2456
BRGstrip setsBargelloWRI2013More Twist-and-Turn Bargello QuiltsStrip piece 10 new projectsWright, Eileen2457
PT-LpatchworkPatchwork - Log CabinMAR2013Extraordinary Log Cabin QuiltsMartin, Judy2458
Q-Mpantographs, stencils, templatesQuilting machineTER2008Hooked on Feathersclever, no backtracking techniqueTerry, Sally.2459
Q-Hmachine quilting, motifsQuilting - Hand(no author)2014502 new Quilting Motifsdesigns for hand or machine quilting2460
Q-Hmachine quilting, motifsQuilting - Hand(no author)2011501 Quilting Motifsdesigns for hand or machine quilting2461
S-Pphotographs on clothSurface design - PhotoBER2007Photo Album QuiltsBerns, Wendy Butler2462
W-Bhandbags, tote-backpack, satchelWearables, Bags, Purses MAL2014The Better Bag MakerAn Illustrated Handbook of Handbag DesignMallalieu, Nicole2463
S-Ptransfer-printing, textile printingSurface design - photoRYM2005More Photo FunExciting new ideas for printing on fabric for quilts & craftRymer, Cyndy Lyle Koolish, Lynn2464
S-Pquilting artSurface design - PhotoBOW2006Amazing Chenilled! Quilted PhotographyExploring Fabric, color & 4 terrific textured techniquesBowser, Tammie2465
E-GadornmentsEmbellishment - General BAR2008Button [ware]the art of making creative adornments and embellishmentsBarickman, Amy2466
W-Bapplique patterns, patchwork patternsWearables, Bags, Purses HIN2005Quilted Bags & PursesHiney, Mary Jo.2467
S-Ptextile painting, textile printingSurface design - photoSMI2010Secrets of Digital Quilting from Camera to quiltembellish with paints, inks & moreSmith, Lura SchwarzSmith, Kerby C.2468
S-Ddyes and dying domestic, textile fibersSurface Design - Dyeing KOO2008Fast Fun & easy Fabric DyeingCreate colorful fabric for quilts, crafts & wearablesKoolish, Lynn2469
W-Bpurses, totes, bags, origami bagsWearables, Bags, Purses HAW2008Fabulous Fat Quarter BagsHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2470
S-PEmbroidery, machine patterns, photographySurface design- photoWIE2009Photo -Inspired Art QuiltsFrom composition to finished pieceWiener, Leni Levenson.2471
Q-AWart quiltsAward winning quilts and quiltersGIL2009Quilting ArtInspiration, ideas & innovative works from 20 contemporary quiltersGillespie, Spike2472
N-Oprairie historyNew Quilts from Old Favorites THO2002The people of the plains quilts & stories1890-1920Thompson, Terry Clothier2473
PRstrip quiltingPrecuts (jelly roll ,strips)MIL2014French Braid Quilts with a twistNew variations for vibrant strip-pieced projectsMiller, Jane Hardy, 1950-2474
S-Gdyes and dyeingSurface design - generalBRA2006The Surface designer's handbookDyeing, printing, painting and creating resists on fabricBrackmann, Holly2475
N-O1830-1860, 1860-1890, 1890-1920, 1920-1950New Quilts from Old Favorites (no author)2002Grandma's Best full-size Quilt Blockpieces of the past for today's quilter2476
KLDKaliedoscope Quilts MIC2007Kaleidoscope ABCs14 step-by-step patternsMichell, Marti2477
P-TRPatchwork - TrianglesSMI2006Super Simple TrianglesSmith, NancyMilligan, Lynda2478
P-RTblocksPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresJON201425 patchwork quilt blocksVolume 2Jones, Katy2479
Q-Mpatterns, longarmQuilting MachineDON2007Add-a-line Extreme Quilting patternsDonaldson, Janie2450
Q-Mpatterns, longarmQuilting machineDON2002Add-a-line continuous quilting patternsDonaldson, Janie2451
TEtriangles, strips, prairie points, curvesTechnique including BeginnerERL2015Learn to Quilt-as-you-go14 projects you can finish fastErla, Gudrun2452
BLfolded techniqueBlocksEDW2008Cathedral Window Quiltsthe classic folded technique and a wealth of variationsEdwards, Lynne2453
E-Ghandkerchiefs, Embellishment - General SIN2005Hooked on HankiesSinema, LaureneCarruth, Janet2454
BLpatternsBlocksLOI2003Nearly InsaneLois, Liz2455
N-OIrish chain, appliqueNew Quilts from Old Favorites BEN2001Antique Quilting DesignsBenvin, Roberta2456
Q-Mquilting designs, patternsQuilting machineBRI2003Simply Continuous Boys to MenBright, Anne2457
Q-AWAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)2000Leisure Arts presents Great American QuiltsBook Eight2458
MDfabric selectionModern Quilts RIN2011Transparency Quilts10 modern projectsRingle, WeeksKerr, Bill2459
F-Mstorytelling quilts, haiku quiltsFabric ManipulationPIN2012Quilts from the house of Tula Pink20 fabric projects to make,use, & lovePink, Tula2460
PRstrip sets, braid in artPrecutsMIL2011French Braid transformation12 spectacular strip-pieced quiltsMiller, Jane Hardy, 1950-2461
APsashiko patterns,AppliquePIP2009Paradise StitchedSashiko & Applique QuiltsPippen, Sylvia2462
P-RTPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresEIN2016Clever Combo QuiltsEinmo, Kimberly2463
A-ANbaby quiltsApplique - AnimalsLEF2014Animal ParadeAdorable applique quilt ppatterns for babiesLeffler, Cheri2464
Q-ARquilting - techniquesArt QuiltsSTE2012The complete photo guide to Art QuiltingStein, Susan2465
P-RTpiecing, daisy chainPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresCOR2015Irish Chain QuiltsContemporary Twists on a classic designCorry, Melissa2466
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites CAR2002Trip to IrelandQuilts combining two old favoritesCarlson, Elizabeth Hamby2467
S-Dpictorial fabricsSurface design - GeneralTUR2013Big-Print PatchworkQuilt patterns for large-scale printsTurner, Sandy2468
ST-WKaleidoscope quilts; PatchworkStack and Whack ROS2008One-Block Wonders encore!New shapes, multiple fabrics, out-of-this-world quiltsRosenthal, Maxine, 1944-Pelzmann, Joy2470
KLDpatchwork patternsKaliedoscope Quilts NAD2010Kaleidoscope QuiltsThe workbookNadelstern, Paula2471
ST-Wcubes, applique, EscherStack and Whack ROS2010One-Block Wonders Cubed!Rosenthal, Maxine, 1944-Pelzmann, Joy2473
P-RTmathPatchwork - Rectangles, squaresANN2018Revised Patchwork Minus MathworkAnnie2474
N-Oalbum quilts, union stars quiltsNew Quilts from Old Favorites TRA2011The Civil War Sewing CircleQuilts and sewing accessories inspired by the eraTracy, Kathleen2475
BLrag technique, appliqueBlocksHEL2006Simple Chenille QuiltsBlock by blockHelmkamp, Amy Whalen2476
Q-Rlap quilts, honor quilts, environmental quiltsQuilt Related MUM2009I Care with QuiltsSewing to make a differenceMumm, Debbie2477
Q-AWfriendship quilts, biographiesAward winning quilts and quiltersLIP1997Remember MeWomen & their friendship quiltsLipsett, Linda Otto2478
HMtextile craft,Home/Gifts/Small Projects SHR2008Pretty Little PotholdersShrader, Valerie Van Arsdale2479
C-FAfrican, Australian, Japanese, AsianCountry / FolkWIL2003A World of Quilts10 projects using ethnic fabricsWilliams, Beth Ann.2480
C-FAfro-American quiltsCountry / FolkMAZ1998Spirits of the ClothContemporary African American QuiltsMazloomi, Carolyn2483
APcolor in textile craftAppliqueERR2012Impressionist AppliqueExploring value & design to create artistic quiltsErrea, GraceOsterfeld, Meridith2484
A-RVpatterns, machine appliqueApplique - Reverse AppliqueFRO2010Dual image appliqueFronks, Dilys A.2485
F-Mstrip quiltingFabric ManipulationTIM2003Ricky Tims' Convergence quiltsMysterious, magical, easy and funTims, Ricky.2486
D-KKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS1999Welcome HomeFassett, Kaffe2487
STRfoundation piecing, paternsString Pieced MAR2003Liberated String Quilts20 foundation-free projectsMarston, Gwen2488
Patchwork - Triangles(no author)2003Triangle TricksOne easy unit, dozens of gorgeous quilts2489
D-KKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2013Kaffe Fassett's Quilt Grandeur20 designs from Rowan for patchwork and quiltingFassett, Kaffe2490
E-GembroideryEmbellishment - General WAT2003Beginner's Guide to Machine EmbroideryWatt, Pam2491
W-Bbaskets,pursesWearables, Bags, Purses BRE2006It'sA WrapSewing fabric purses, baskets and bowlsBreier, Susan2492
C-Fapplique patterns, Africa in artCountry / FolkWIL2004Quilt AfricaWilliamson, JennyParker, Pat2493
E-Gfancy workEmbellishment - General CRU2005Quilt ToppingsFun and fancy embellishment techniqueCrust, Melody.2494
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects HEL2003Magic Pillows, Hidden QuiltsHellaby, Karin2495
D-Ktablecloths, quilting patternsKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2013Shots and StripesKaffe Fassett QuiltsFassett, KaffeLucy, Liza Prior2496
Q-Mquilts designQuilting MachineFRI2008Creative Classics250 playful continuous-line quilting designsFritz, Laura Lee.2497
P-SCcolor in artPatchwork - ScrappyCIE2011Scrap Republic8 quilt projects for those who love colorCier, Emily2498
P-RTcolor in art, patchwork - patternsPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresWIL2004Super Quick Colorful quiltsWilkinson, Rosemary2499
P-RTcolor in art, patchwork - patternsPatchwork - Rectangles, squaresWIL2003Quick Colorful QuiltsWilkinson, Rosemary2500
P-SCpatternsPatchwork - ScrappyCAF2006Another Can of WormsCaffrey, Debbie2501
PRfour-patch, hexagon, twisted braidPrecutsLIN2011More Layer cake, jelly roll and charm quiltsLintott, PamLintott, Nicky2502
PRPrecutsBUR2008Lover's Knot QuiltEasy Strip PiecingBurns, Eleanor2503
FQOregon TrailFat QuartersSTO2010Fat Quarters AnonymousStout, Daniela2505
D-Kpatterns, crosses, chevronsKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2005Kaffe Fassett's Quilt RoadFassett, Kaffe2506
BRpatternsBorders, Finishes & LabelsHER2012Skip the BordersEasy Patterns for Modern QuiltsHerman, Julie2507
BLBlocksWIL2006The Melon BlockA fresh look at a classic favoriteWilson, Elisa2508
PRhunter's star, lattice, chainsPrecuts(no author)2010A Baker's Dozen13 quilts from jelly rolls, layer cakes, and more2509
D-Kattic window, birds in the airKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2002Rowan Patchwork and QuiltingBook number 4Fassett, Kaffe2510
D-Kstriped triangle, dark starKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS1999WestminsterPatchwork and quilting book number 1Fassett, Kaffe2512
FQpatternsFat QuartersHAW2007M'Liss Rae Hawley's Fat Quarter Quiltsfabric choices, easy piecing, quilting ideasHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2514
BRBorders, Finishes & LabelsNEV2006Over EasyCreative Ideas for Pieced quilt backsNevaril, Lerlene, 1938-2515
FQFat QuartersPLE2010More Loose Change14 quilts from nickels, dimes, and fat quartersPlett, Claudia, 1949-Weaver, Le Ann, 1960-2516
D-KKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2003A Colorful JourneyPatchwork and quilting book number 5Fassett, Kaffe2517
BABaby / Children quilts: Kid How toDIE2004Growing up with quilts15 projects for babies to teensDietrich, MimiSchneider, Sally2518
HMmachine sewingHome/Gifts/Small Projects WEL2006Pillows29 projects for stylish livingWells, JeanWells, Valori.2519
S-Gcolor theorySurface design - generalRIN2002Quiltmaker's color workshopFunquilts' guide to understanding color and choosing fabricsRingle, WeeksKerr, Bill2520
D-Kquilting patternsKaffe Fassett DesignsFAS2010Kaffe Fassett's Quilts en ProvenceFassett, Kaffe2521
P-RTHawaii, Alaska, IslandsPatchwork - TrianglesSPE1999Travels with Peaky and SpikeSpeckmann, Doreen2522
FQpatternsFat QuartersHAW2004Phenomenal Fat Quarter QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2523
ST-WpatternsStack and Whack ALE2006New cuts for new quiltsMore ways to stack the deckAlexander, Karla2524
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, issue 22525
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, issue 12526
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, Issue 42527
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, issue 62528
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, issue 52529
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 4, issue 32530
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2018Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 5, issue 32531
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2018Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 5, issue 22532
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2018Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 5, issue 12533
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 42534
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 32535
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 22536
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 52537
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 62538
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 2, issue 12539
DEblocksDesign / Layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 2, issue 22540
Q-MlongarmQuilting MachineEAR2006Meandering MagicEarley, Suzanne R.2541
Q-MlongarmQuilting MachineEAR2007More Meandering MagicEarley, Suzanne R.2542
S-Gsilk painting, wax patterns, nature's patternsSurface design - GeneralDAH2004Transforming Fabric30 creative ways to paint, dye, and pattern clothDahl, Carolyn A.2543
Q-AWQuilts - United States - HistoryAward winning quilts and quilters(no author)1997Contemporary QuiltsQuilt National 19972544
QMlongarmQuilting MachineBRI2003Simply Continuous Flora & FaunaBright, Anne2545
APmachine applique, hand appliqueAppliquePIT2006AppliqueThe basics and beyondPittman, Janet2546
QMtrapuntoQuilting MachineMcT2006The Secrets of Elemental QuiltingMcTavish, Karen C.2547
S-Gnature prints - techniqueSurface design - GeneralDAH2002Natural ImpressionsTaking an artistic path through natureDahl, Carolyn A.2548
Q-Mfree-motion, quilting patternsQuilting machineMER2017Free-MotionMastery in a MonthMerrill, RaNae2553
Q-Dquilting patternsQuilting DesignsSQU201975 Quilting PatternsThe Best of Helen's HintsSquire, Helen.2554
TEtechniques, stitches, bindingTechnique including BeginnerCOT2006Cotton Theory Quilting book 1Quilt First - Then AssembleCotton, Betty2555
TEtechniques, stitches, bindingTechnique including Beginner(no author)1999Best All-Time Tips for QuiltersRodale's Successful Quilting Library2556
BRbinding, bordersBorders, Finishes & Labels(no author)1999Fantastic FinishesRodale's Successful Quilting Library2557
APmachine applique, hand appliqueApplique(no author)1998Applique Made EasyRodale's Successful Quilting Library2558
MDpiecing, negative spaces,monochromaticModern Quilts CAR2012Modern Minimal20 Bold & Graphic QuiltsCarlton, Alissa Haight, 1976-2559
MDquilt showModern Quilts (no author)2005Quilt National 2005The Best of Contemporary Quilts2560
MNpatternsMiniature Quilts (no author)2006Traditional Mini Quiltsthe Moon Over Mountain Quilters2561
QRquilting studioQuilt Related BOW2020Love your Creative Space A visual guide to creating an Inspiring & organized studio Bowman, Lilo2562
N-OpatternsNew Quilts from Old Favorites SHA2003Ohio CollectionShackelford, Anita.2563
Q-AWquick-method quilting, bee quiltersAward Winning Quilts(no author)1998Great American QuiltsBook 62564
PPpineapple, kaleidoscope, New York beautyPaper Piecing AND2002Paper Piecing with Alex AndersonAnderson, Alex2565
W-BJackets, vestsWearables, Bags, Purses ECK2012Wearable WavesDelightful designs for quilted jackets and vestsEckmeier, Karen2566
PTpink, breast cancerPatchworkDIE1999Pink Ribbon QuiltsA Book because of Breast CancerDietrich, Mimi2567
Q-ARpainting, coloringArt QuiltsSTU2003Quilt Art: More Quilts to ColorStuart, Trish2568
PTPatchworkDIE2010Simple GracesCharming quilts and companion projectsDiehl, Kim2569
Q-Doceans, forest, dogs, birds, flowersQuilting DesignsMIN2011Quilting Designs from NatureMinkkinen, Lone. J.2570
TEfabrics, designs, patchwork projectsTechnique including BeginnerSCH2005Denyse Schmidt Quilts30 colorful quilt and patchwork projectsSchmidt, Denyse2571
W-Bsatchel, handbag, backpackWearables, Bags, Purses BRI200621 Sensational patchwork bagsBriscoe, Susan.2572
QRvintage quilts, quilt collecting, valueQuilt Related AUG2002Vintage QuiltsIdentifying, Collecting, Dating, Preserving & ValuingAug, Bobbie A.Newman, Sharon, 1942-2573
Q-ARquilt across America, Bee quiltersAward Winning Quilts(no author)2002Great American QuiltsBook Ten(no author)2574
CRfoundation piecing, embellishmentCrazy QuiltsCAU2001101 Crazy Quilt BlocksCausee, Linda2575
PT-Lfoundation piecingPatchwork - Log CabinCAU2003How to make Log Cabin Flannel Quiltswith Foundation PiecingCausee, Linda2576
A-Binsects in art, patterns for applique, wildflowers in artApplique - Birds, Bees, Butterfly and BugsARM2002Butterflies & BloomsDesigns for Applique & QuiltingArmstrong, Carol2577
D-Fquilting patterns, patchwork patterns, appliqueDesign - Fabric SelectionWOR2001Quilts for Chocolate LoversWorley, Janet Jones2578
Q-THcats, embroidery, appliqueQuilts - Themed FOX2000Cats on QuiltsFox, Sandi2579
P-RTflowers, cross stitchPatchwork - Rectangles. SquaresBUR2000Cross Stitch QuiltsBurnes, Eleanor2580
P-Spatchwork patterns, starsPatchwork - StarsPAR2001Dazzling StarsA galaxy of block patternsParlato, CarleenStuart, Victoria2581
BLblocks, patchwork, 3-DBlocksNEP2001Big Book of Building Block QuiltsNephew, Sara2582
MNmini quilts, miniatureMiniature Quilts (no author)2013101 Fabulous Samll Quilts(no author)2583
PTBuggy BarnPatchworkNES2010Positively CrazyNesbitt, Janet Rae2584
PPNew York Beauty, flying geesePaper Piecing HEN2017New York Beauties & Flying Geese10 dramatic quilts, 27 pillows, 31 block patternsHentsch, Carl2585
S-Gpiecing, color, shapeSurface design - generalPIN2016Quilt with Tula & AngelaPink, TulaWalters, Angelas2586
AP-Mapplique, machine quiltingAppliquePER2016Appli-QuiltingApplique & quilting at the same timePerkes, Gina2587
BRGBargelloBER2017Braided Bargello QuiltsSimple process, dynamic design, 16 projectsBerry, Ruth Ann2588
DEgeometric shapesDesign / LayoutBER2020Stunning 3-D quilts simplifiedBerry, Ruth Ann2589
PPfussy cutting, foundation piecingPaper Piecing FRI2016Intentional PiecingFriend, Amy2590
MDcurves, strips, slabsModern Quilts BAL2019Inspiring ImprovExplore creative piecing with curves, strips, slabs and moreBall, Nicholas2591
Q-Mfree-motion, quilting patternsQuilting MachineRIG2020The Building Blocks of Free-Motion Qiltingcombining 8 easy designs into knock-out custom quiltingRiggins, Kathleen2592
PTalphabetPatchworkFIE2019Stitch your storysix complete alphabets to quilt your own wordsFielke, Sarah2593
HXfussy cutting,Hexies: English Paper PiecingKNA2018Flossie Teacakes' guide to English Paper PiecingKnapp, Florence2594
Q-ARCherrywood ChallengeArt Quilts(no author)2017Van GoghThe Cherrywood Challenge 2017(no author)2595
NApatternsNative American(no author)1989*Contemporary Sounthwestern Quilts(no author)2596
MDlarge scaleModern Quilts CAI2015Go Big Go Boldlarge-scale modern quiltsCain, Barbara2597
BAappliqueBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toDeB2006Row by Row Seasonal QuiltsDeBono, Linda Lum 2598
BAcuddly quiltsBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toWIL2006Quick Colorful Quilts for Babies and ToddlersWilkinson, Rosemary, editor2599
PAPatrioticOEH2008Liberty & Justice for allQuilts celebrating our American service men and womenOehlke, Vicki Lynn2601
BAsports, fantasy, animalsBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toBON2000Pam Bono Designs Quilts it for KidsBono, Pam2602
CLelements of designColorTHO2011A Fiber Artist"s Guide to Color & DesignThe basics & beyondThomas, Heather2603
HXfussy cutting, triangles, hexagonsHexies: English Paper PiecingYAM2001Look What I See QuiltsYamin, Pat2604
BRedges, rail fence, Amish basketsBorders, Finishes & LabelsAND2004Finish It with Alex AndersonAnderson, Alex2605
BLpatchwork, appliqueBlocksBRA2001Create Your Family Quilt using state blocks and symbolsincludes CDBrackman, Barbara2606
BAapplique, muppet show, sesame streetBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toHEN2000Quilting with the Muppets15 fun and creative patternsthe Jim Henson Company2607
PTtheme quiltsPatchworkOLS2006Two-Block Theme QuiltsOlson, Claudia2608
TEapplique, crazy quilts, patternsTechnique including BeginnerDOB2005QuiltingInstant ExpertDobson, Jenni2609
MNreproduction fabricsMiniature Quilts TRA2016Small & Scrappypint-size patchwork quilts using reproduction fabricsTracy, Kathleen2610
PPholidays, block-of-the-monthPaper Piecing MAX2008A Year of paper piecing12 sensational seasonal designsMaxwell, Beverly A.2611
Q-Dcurves, patchworkQuilting - DesignsFLA2009Moon DanceA Quilter's Creative JourneyFlanagan, Cary2612
N-Ofarm lifeNew Quilts from Old Favorites MCG2010Across the Wide MissouriA quilt reflecting life on the frontierMcGinnis, Edie.Patek, Jan2613
E-Gapplique, couched fabricEmbellishment - General HUG2010Exploring Embellishmentmore artful quilts with fast-piece appliqueHughes, Rose2614
APpatchwork, appliqueApplique-1998Quilt FavoritesMountain Mist(no author)2615
N-OstarsNew Quilts from Old Favorites HAG2010Piecing the PastVintage quilts recreated by Kansas TroublesHagmeier, Lynne2616
CRapplique, machine embroideryCurvesHOR2003Sewing in CirclesEasy machine applique quiltsHorras, Pennie2617
H-CstockingsHolidays - ChristmasTER2005Fast, Fun & easy Christmas StockingsFestive Fabric projects to stir your imaginationTerry, Susan S.2618
PTpatternsPatchworkBEY2010Golden Album Quilt20 patchwork patternsBeyer, Jinny2619
PTredPatchworkKEN2014Rubies, Diamonds and Garnets, Too…A sparkling Block-of-the-Month quiltKent, Bernadette2620
HMpillows, wall hangingsHome/Gifts/Small Projects MUM2003Decorating with Quick & Easy QuiltsMumm, Debbie2621
QRdating fabricsQuilt Related TRE1998Dating Fabricsa color guide 1800-1960Trestain, Eileen Jahnke2622
PTnecktie, piecingPatchworkCOP2014Necktie Quilts reinventedCopenhaver, Christine2623
QRpatterns, historyQuilt Related BRA2020Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patternsthird editionBrackman, Barbara2624
P-RTpatternsPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresTRA2020Schoolgirl Sampler72 simple 4" blocks and 7 charming quiltsTracy, Kathleen2625
PTnecktie, piecingPatchworkJOH*1996Threads & Ties that BindExquisite Quilts from Tie FabricsJohnson, Jean2626
P-RTwine in artPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresRYM2003Wine Country QuiltsCyndy Lyle RymerJennifer Rounds2627
APflowersAppliqueAND2010Applique WorkshopMix & Match 10 tecniques to unlock your creativityLaurel Anderson2628
Q-AWQuiltmakers, west biographies, quilting west history 19th centuryAward Winning Quilts and QuiltersDAL2004The Quilt that Walked to GoldenWomen and quilts in the mountain westSandra DallasNanette Simonds2629
A-BLapplique, patchwork, album quiltsApplique - BaltimoreSIE2010Beloved Baltimore Album QuiltsElly Sienkiewicz2630
TEpatchwork, applique, quiltingTechnique including BeginnerCLE2011The Quilter's BibleThe indispensable guide to patchwork, quilting and appliqueLinda Clements2631
P-SClap quilts, dresden dish, table runnersPatchwork - ScrappyDIE2017Simple HarvestA bounty of scrappy quilts and moreKim Diehl2632
Q-Mgrids, patternsQuilting MachinePER2016The Guide to GridsGina Perkins2633
E-Gtools, stamping, dry airEmbellishment - General KAH2007Creative Embellishmentsfor paper, jewelry, fabric, and moreSherrill Kahn2634
APtools, techniques, templatesAppliqueKIN2011Folk quilt applique20 irresistible projects to brighten your homeClare Kingslake2635
Q-Hpatchwork - patternsQuilting - HandBEY2003Quiltmaking by HandSimple stitches exquisite quiltsJinny Beyer2636
Q-MpatternsQuilting MachineBON2018free-motion designs for Allover Patterns75+ designsNatalia BonnerChristina Cameli2637
P-Lmachine quilting, patchworkPicture/Landscape QuiltsLOU2007Luminous LandscapesQuilted visions in paint & threadGloria Loughman2638
Q-Mquilting patterns, patchwork patternsQuilting MachineSQU2008Quilting UFOs with Helen's hintsHelen Squire2639
Q-Mpatchwork patterns, quilting patternsQuilting MachinePAT2010Adaptable Quilting DesignsSue Patten2640
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)2011Bags, pillows, & pincushions35 quick and easy projects(no author)2641
Q-Dquilting patternsQuilting DesignsSQU2002Helen's Copy & use quilting patternsDear Helen series, book 6Helen Squire2642
AP-Happlique patternsApplique - HandLEI2010Hand Applique with EmbroiderySandra Leichner2643
DEDesign/LayoutTIM2007Ricky Tims' Super Quilt SeminarsRicky Tims Alex Anderson2644
A-FLembroidery, floral, leafAppilque - FlowersENV2013Stitched Blooms300 floral, leaf & border motifs to embroiderCarina Envoldsen-Harris2648
A-SMmonogramsApplique - Sampler(on author)2006500 Simply Charming designs for embroidery(no author) 2649
Q-Mfree-motion, quilting patternsQuilting MachineSNY2013Get Addicted to free-motion quiltingGo from simple to sensationalSinclair Snyder, Sheila 2650
CLcolorColorMEN2004colorworkThe crafter's guide to colorDeb Menz2651
Q-Mfree-motion, quilting patternsQuilting machineWAL2012Free-Motion QuiltingChoose & Use quilting designs for Modern QuiltsAngela Walters2652
PPPaper Piecing DAL2011New English Paper PiecingA faster approach to a traditional favoriteDaley, Sue2653
BLNavajo Quilt projectBlocks(no author)2021Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol 8, issue 4(no author)2654
CLneutral colorsColorAND2007Neutral EssentialsAnderson, Alex2655
Q-AWsizeAward Winning Quilts(no author)2012A Sense of Scale(no author)2656
E-GEmbellishment - General BUR2011Needle Painting EmbroideryFresh Ideas for BeginnersBurr, Trish2657
HMvintage, small projectsHome/Gifts/Small Projects ZIM2011Fresh from the clotheslinequilts and small projects with vintage appealZimmerman, Darlene 2658
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)2010Best of Fons & Porter Tabletop Quilts34 quick designs(no author)2659
P-Spaper piecingPatchwork - StarsJOH2003Split-Diamond DazzlersQuilts to paper pieceJohnston, Pauline 2660
DEDesign / LayoutFIS2012Easy Grid Quiltscopy #2 Fisher, Karen2661
BLsquare upBlocks(no author)2014Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 1, issue 2(no author)2662
E-Gdecorative stitchesEmbellishment - General LOU2022Machine Magic22 fun flowers to sew Louie, Deborah2663
HMtowels, pillow casesHome/Gifts/Small Projects AND2015Camp NanaProjects to quilt & sewAnderson, Leanne 2664
P-SCvintage, patternsPatchwork - scrappySIT2016Little Handfuls of Scrapsplayful little quilts to fall in love withSitar, Edyta 2665
SP-CSpecial CollectionsDAV*1990Pioneer QuiltmakerThe Story of Dorinda Moody SladeO'Bagy Davis, Carolyn ,2666
P-RTstripsPatchwork - Rectangles, SquaresBUR1999Double Pinwheel QuiltBurns, Eleanor2667
Q-Dcompetition, ribbonsQuilting DesignsMcT2007Quilting for ShowA Practical guide to successful competition quiltingMcTavish, Karen C.2668
N-O99 quilt blocksNew Quilts from Old Favorites HIR2015The Farmer's Wife 1930's Sampler QuiltInspiring letters from farm women of the Great Depression Hird, Laurie Aaron2669
H-CChristmasHolidays - ChristmasJEN2000Holiday CollectionClassic CountryJensen, Lynette2670
HautumnHolidayCHR2002Willow CreekChristopherson, Teri2671
PTPatchworkJEN2001Sunwashed QuiltsJensen, Lynette2672
Q-ARArt QuiltsKHO2010Innovative RepurposingA resource guide to unconventional materialsKhorover,Natalya2673
Q-Dfabric paintsQuilting DesignsBLU2013Quilt First-Paint LaterFabric Paints on dark background fabricsBluhm, Irena.2674
MNsmall quiltsMiniature Quilts JEN2003Pint Size TraditionsJensen, Lynette2675
H-CHolidays - ChristmasYEN2013A Winter Wonderland of Quilts and ProjectsYenter, Jason2676
E-BbeadingEmbellishment - BeadsKET2012First-Time Beading on Fabriclearning to bead in nine easy lessonsKettle, Liz2677
P-SCscrapsPatchwork - Scrappy(no author)2013Super Scrap Quilts(no author)2678
H-CChristmas quiltsHoliday - ChristmasWIL2008Warm and Cozy Christmas quiltsMerry and Bright Christmas QuiltsWillms, Elissa Willms, Heather2679
H-CHoliday - ChristmasHAL2011Jingle All the WayHalvorsen, Nancy2680
P-RTquilt in a dayPatchwork - Rectangle, SquaresBOU2015Modern Migration QuiltBouchard, Sue2681
P-RThourglassPatchwork - Rectangle, SquareaHAH2016Rock the Quilt BlockhourglassHahn, Linda J.2682
PTPatchworkBUR2001Delectable Mountains QuiltBurns, Eleanor2683
MDpiecing, line quiltingModern Quilts SHE2017Improv PatchworkDynamic Quilts made with line & shapeShell, Maria2684
DEblocksDesign/Layout(no author)2019Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 6, issue 1(no author)2685
DEblocksDesign/Layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. Block Ideas Book, V0l. 2, issue 6(no author)2686
DEblocksDesign/Layout(no author)2018Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 5, issue 6(no author)2687
DEblocksDesign/Layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. Block Fall, Vol. 2, issue 5(no author)2688
DEblocks, modern quiltsDesign/Layout(no author)2018Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol.4, issue scale issue(no author)pattern included2689
MDpatchwork, modern, Modern Quilts GIL2017Create your own improv quiltsModern quilting with no rules & no rulersGillman, Rayna, 1941-2690
MDpatchwork - design, improvisation in artModern Quilts GRI2021Adventures in Improv QuiltsMaster color, design & constructionGrisdela, Cindy2691
MDart quiltsModern Quilts BLE2018Modern Art QuiltsDesign, Fuse & Quilt-as-you-goBleiweiss, Sue2692
Q-Dpatchwork patterns, strip quilting - designsQuilting DesignsTIM2007Ricky Tims' Rhapsody QuiltsInspiring, amazing - create your own!Tims, Ricky.2693
PTpatchwork, quilting patternsPatchworkCAM2017Wedge Quilt WorkshopStep-by-step tutorials, 10 stunning projectsCameli, Christina, 1976-2694
MNpatchworkMiniature Quilts PER2001Do-it-yourself Framed QuiltsFast, Fun & easy projectsPerry, Gai2695
ST-Wrotar cuttingStack and Whack REY2003Magic Quilts by the SliceReynolds, Bethany S.2696
MDLCompass in artMedallion QuiltsHAW2006Mariner's Medallion QuiltsHawley, M'Liss Rae, 1956-2697
APAppliqueDAV2002Raw-Edge Applique14 fast and fun frayed quilt projectsDavis, Jodie2698
PTgrids, patternsPatchworkGED2015Ten Quilts for Ten SistersGeddes, Carmen2699
Q-Dquilting patternsQuilting DesignsAND2003Beautifully Quilted with Alex AndersonAnderson, Alex2700
PTstripsPatchworkMEU2004Strip EasyMeunier, Christiane2701
QRPatchwork quilts, patchwork patternsQuilt Related KAV2001Community QuiltsHow to organize, design & make a group quiltKavaya, KarolSkemp, Vicki2702
A-FLapplique patternsApplique - flowersLAB2005Applique Rose GardenVintage Album PatternsLabanaris, Faye.2703
APembroidery - patternsAppliqueARM2003Applique Inside the lines12 quilt projects to embroider & appliqueArmstrong, Carol2704
D-Ffabrics, designs, patchwork projectsDesign - Fabric SelectionSCH2018The Art of Mixing Textiles in Quilts14 projects using wool, silk, cotton & home décor fabricsSchmitt, Lynn2705
TErotory cutting, rulersTechnique including BeginnerMUR2020The ultimate guide to Rulerwork quiltingMurphy, Amanda2706
C-FMaryland, Eastern Shore, Southern PlainsCountry / Folk(no author)2021QuiltfolkIssue 21(no author)2707
C-FTexas Hill CountryCountry / Folk(no author)2022QuiltfolkIssue 22(no author)2708
C-FNorth CarolinaCountry / Folk(no author)2022Quiltfolkissue 23(no author)2709
C-FNorthern FloridaCountry / Folk(no author)2021QuiltfolkIssue 19(no author)2710
C-FIdahoCountry / Folk(no author)2021Quiltfolkissue 20(no author)2711
HMtable runners, table toppersHome/Gifts/Small Projects LEK2020Tabletastic!Leko, Doug2712
BAsmall quilts, appliqueBaby / Children quilts: Kid How toMUM2001Debbie Mumm's Project KidsMumm, Debbie2713
CRVCurvesCurvesPED2015One Wonderful Curve12 Contemporary quiltsPedigo, JennyRobinson, Helen2716
CRVQCR MiniCurvesPED2018Mini wonderful curves16 seasonal quilt projects using the QCR MiniPedigo, JennyRobinson, Helen2717
MNMiniature Quilts THO2018teeny-tiny Quilts35 miniature projectsThomas, Donna Lynn, 1955-2718
HMcoasters, rugs, table runners, wall hangingsHome/Gifts/Small Projects BUR2006Primitive GatheringsQuilts and AccessoriesBurkhart, TerryMeacham, Rozan2719
MDapplique, string quilts, abstract quiltsModern Quilts MAR2016A Common Threada collection of quiltsMarston, Gwen2720
N-Oquilt in a dayNew Quilts from Old Favorites BUR2011Tales of First Ladiesand their quilt blocksBurns, Eleanor2721
BLpatchwork, simple blockBlocksMAL2007Fun with one block quilts12 projects in multiple sizes from 1 simple blockMalkowski, Cheryl, 1955-2722
HMbags, kitchen mates, pillows, pin cushionHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)2013Sew Gifts!25 handmade gift ideas from top designers(no author)2723
BLwall hanging. BarnsBlocksBUR2010Quilt blocks on American BarnsBurns, Eleanor2724
H-Capplique, ChristmasHolidays - ChristmasGOL1997Welcome to the North PoleSanta's Village in AppliqueGoldsmith, BeckyJenkins, Linda, 1943-2725
CLmachine quilting, free motionColorHEI2001Color FusionFiberworks byHeine, Laura2726
MDscrap quiltsModern Quilts JEF2022Bold Improv Pieced QuiltsMod scrap adventuresJeffrey, Marianne2727
MDtriangles, curves, linesModern Quilts ROD2022Improv QuiltingDancing with the wallRoderick, Irene2728
N-OhistoryNew Quilts from Old Favorites KOR2008Wisconsin QuiltsHistory in the Stitches, 2nd editionKort, Ellen2729
C-FMinnesotaCountry / Folk(no author)2019Quiltfolkissue 13(no author)2730
C-FSouth CarolinaCountry / Folk(no author)2020Quiltfolkissue 14(no author)2731
Q-THtreesQuilts - Themed PRI2015Tree of Life Quilts9 timeless projects, innovative techniquesPrice, Trisch2732
S-Grubber stampingSurface design - generalKAH2003Creative Stampingwith mixed media techniquesKahn, Sherrill2733
P-RTfour patchPatchwork - rectangles, squares; 9 patch, 4 patch(no author)1999Easy Four-patch quilting(no author)2734
MNdoll quiltsMiniature Quilts TRA2004American Doll Quilts16 little projects that honor a traditionTracy, Kathleen2735
P-RTtablerunnerPatchwork - Rectangles, squares; 9 patch, 4 patchBOU2004Tennessee Waltz QuiltEasy traditional pattern, no curved piecingBouchard, Sue2736
HMdenimHome/Gifts/Small Projects KRU2004Easy quilting with Denim27 easy projects to makeKrush, Pearl Louise.2737
Q-MlongarmQuilting MachineWAT2013Fundamentals of freehand longarm quiltingWatson, Terri L.2738
KLDtesselationsKaliedoscope QuiltsBEY1999The Secrets of interlocking patternsDesigning TessrllationsBeyer, Jinny2739
PPPaper Piecing WAR2004Illustrated Guide to English Paper PiecingWarner, Jodi G.2740
PTPatchworkLAV2017Quilt Traditions12 striking projects, 9 skill-building techniquesLavigne, Devon2741
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites DIE2006Simple Traditions14 quilts to warm your homeDiehl, Kim2742
Q-ARstitching, painting, drawingArt QuiltsMEE2006Creative Quilts From Your Crayon BoxInspiration, texture & StitchMeech, Sandra2743
H-MHome/Gifts/Small Projects (no author)2012Quilt Lover's Gifts55+ projects to give friends and family(no author)2744
P-TRflying geesePatchwork - TrianglesNIE2010Geese Migrationby Quiltworx.comNiemeyer, JudyNiemeyer, Judel2745
BLBlocksMAL20035500 Quilt Block DesignsMalone, Maggie2746
Q-AR uilts10 striped(no author)2010SAQA Creative Force 2010(no author)2747
PPPaper Piecing (no author)2011Foundation-Pieced Quilts14 favorites from Quiltmaker magazine(no author)2748
PPPaper Piecing McC2008Quilts for RosiePaper Piecing Patterns from the 40'sMcCormick, Carolyn Cullinan2749
P-RTPatchwork - Rectangles, squares; 9 patch, 4 patchADA2002Off Center PatchworkAdams, Cheryl A.2750
P-Sstrip-piecedPatchwork - StarsFRO2010All-Star Quilts10 strip-pieced lone star sparklersFrost, Helen YoungYoung, Blanche2751
Q-AWrose of sharonAward winning quiltsPED2010The Rose of Sharon Block BookWinning designs from the EQ6 challengePederson, Sharon2753
N-OslaveryNew Quilts from Old Favorites BRA2006Unraveling the History of Quilts & SlaveryFacts & FabricationsBrackman, Barbara2754
SP-Clone starSpecial CollectionsYOU*1989The New Lone Star Quilt HandbookYoung, BlancheFrost, Helen 2755
CRCrazy QuiltsMON2001The Crazy Quilt handbook, revised12 step-by-step projectsMontano, Judith Baker2756
TETechnique including BeginnerHAR2000The Art of Classic QuiltmakingHargrave, HarrietCraig, Sharyn Squier, 1947-2757
P-SCPatchwork - ScrappyGAU2017Rainbow Quiltsfor scrap loversGauthier, Judy2759
PTPatchworkANG2012Surprise Yourself!..share simple steps to makingfabulous quiltsAngotti, CharlotteCaffrey, Debbie2760
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites HEN2016Preserving HistoryPatchwork patterns inspired by antique quiltsHendricksen, Julie2761
BRbatting, backing, binding, bordersBorders, Finishes & LabelsHAR2021The Ultimate quilt finishing guideHargrave, HarrietHargrave-Jones, Carrie2762
APAppliqueAND2009Alex Anderson's Hand & Machine AppliqueAnderson, Alex2763
TETechnique including BeginnerAND2015All Things QuiltingFrom first step to last stitchAnderson, Alex2764
BLlarge scaleBlocksKRA2009Super size "em22 quilts from oversized blocksKratovil,Debby2765
F-MsilkFabric ManipulationHIN2007Simply Silk12 creative designs for quilting and sewingHiney, Mary Jo.2766
Q-ThhousesQuilts - ThemedBUR2017I love house blocks14 quilts from an All-Time Favorite BlockBurns, Karen M compiled by2767
P-SCscrapsPatchwork - ScrappyCAR2012Twice as NiceQuilts with scrap-saving bonus projectsCarr, Kari M2768
TErotary cuttingTechnique including Beginner(no author)2005Teach yourself to rotary-cutBetter Homes and Gardens(no author)2769
TETechnique including BeginnerFAR2003The Big Book of QuiltingEverything you need to create beautiful quilts, decorative accessories, apparel and moreFarkas, Cassie B. editor2770
E-Gmachine embroideryEmbellishment - General GRE2003Raising the Surfacewith Machine EmbroideryGrey, Maggie2771
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects LEB2022Adorable Appliquesewing projectsLebedenko, Olesya2772
P-RT9-patch, starsPatchwork - Rectangles, Squares, 9 patch, 4 patchDOA2005Simply sensational 9-patch starsDoak, Carol2773
Q-ARArt QuiltsSTR2000Quilt Sensations15 fun & original quilt projectsStreicker, JohnThompson, Jan2774
E-BEmbellishment - BeadsCLA2002Beaded EmbellishmentTechniques & designs for embroidering on clothClarke, Amy C.Atkins, Robin2775
Q-ARphotography, embellishment, embroideryArt QuiltsMON2009Fibre art montagecombining quilting, embroidery and photography with embellishmentMontana,Judith Baker2776
S-DSurface Design - Dyeing ISS1998Color on paper and fabricA wealth of techniques for applying colorIssett, Ruth2777
Q-ARtextile artArt QuiltsHED2010Drawn to Stitchline, drawing and mark-making in textile artHedley, Gwen2778
F-MsilkFabric ManipulationKON2000Silk quiltsfrom the silk road to the quilter's studioDe Koning-Stapel, Hanne Vibeke.2779
Q-ARembellishmentArt QuiltsPAR2013Mark Makingfresh inspiration for quilts and fiber artistsParrott, Helen2780
P-SCstashPatchwork - ScrappyDEA2016Fantastic Stash Quilts8 projects 2 ways using yardage or scrapsGieszler, Joyce Dean2781
S-PphotosSurface Design - PhotoSIM1999Fun Photo-quilts & CraftsSimms, Ami2782
N-OvintageNew Quilts from Old Favorites HAT2002Illustrated Guide to Vintage QuiltingHatch, Sandra L.2783
N-OvintageNew Quilts from Old Favorites BUR2006Egg Money Quilts1930's vintage samplersBurns, Eleanor2784
Q-Mbackground fillsQuilting MachineHEI2013Fill Harmonicsa collection of unique background fills to delight, intrigue and inspireHeinz. Sue2785
Q-Mquilting designs, patternsQuilting MachineHei2020Caffeinated Quiltingover 65 energy-infused designs to intrigue, delight and inspireHeinz. Sue2786
Q-Mquilting shapesQuilting MachineHEI2016Elemental DesignsSimple shsapes, stunning resultsHeinz, Sue2787
Q-MQuilting MachineHEI2011Drawn to MasteryHeinz, Sue2788
Q-MQuilting MachineHEI2012Drawn to Masterysashing, medallions,wreathsHeinz, Sue2789
N-Opatterns, namesNew Quilts from Old Favorites KHI*1980The collector's dictionary of Quilt Names & PatternsThe definitive resource of 2,400 quilt patternsKhin, Yvonne2790
N-Osouth, traditionsNew Quilts from Old Favorites KER2018Southern QuiltsCelebrating Traditions, History and DesignKerr, Mary W.2791
TEapplique, ideasTechnique including Beginnerno author2023Missouri Star Quilt Co. Block10 years idea book(no author)2792
P-SCscrapsPatchwork - ScrappyMcC2011Slash Your StashScrap quilts from QuiltingMcCalls2793
PTDresden platesPatchworkGRI2019ReimaginedDresden quilt blocksGrisham, Candyce Copp2794
W-BshawlsWearables, Bags, Purses no author2008Prayer Shawl Quilts9 quilts of comfort & blessing to shareno author listed2795
HseasonsHolidaysROT2007Quilting through the seasonsRotz, Sharon V.2796
P-LtravelPicture/Landscape QuiltsEIN2005Quilt a Travel SouvenirEinma, Kimberly2797
PTgrid map, samplerPatchworkHAT2010Learn how to quilt & make simply dynamic Sampler QuiltsHatton, Marianne2798
C-FwoolCountry / FolkBRA2004Wow! Wool-on-wool folk-art quiltsBrandt, Janet Carija, 1953-2799
APpatchwork, appliqueAppliqueKAP2019Wild Wool & colorful cotton quiltsPatchwork & applique houses, flowers, vines & moreKaprow, Erica2800
APmachine applique, hand appliqueAppilquePIT2006Applique, the basics and beyondPittman, Janet2802
E-Btools, beads, designsEmbellishment- BeadsEHA2006Bead Creative Art QuiltsEha, Nancy.2804
E-Bstitch techniquesEmbellishment-BeadsVAN2006Beading on FabricEncyclopedia of bead stitch techniquesVan Horn, Larkin Jean2805
P-SCmix and matchPatchwork -scrappySTA2000Quick and easy Scrap Quiltingin Mix and Match SetsStauffer, Jeanne, editorHatch, Sandra L. editor2806
H-CBetter homes and gardenHolidays-Christmas(no author)2000Christmas from the Heart(no author)2807
TEstudents, classroomsTechnique including BeginnerEMM2005Kids Quilt Together
APscenic appliqueAppliqueBUC2016Crafted Appliquenew possibilitiesBuccella, Lara2808
Hgardening, seasonsHolidaysPHA2000Diane Phalen Quilts10 projects to celebrate the seasonsPhalen, Diane2809
BRblending bordersBorders, Finishes & LabelsMOS2009Blended bordersquilts with a creative edgeMostek, Pamela2810
D-Fprinting on fabricsDesign - Fabric SelectionFAL2004Quilt SavvyFallert's guide to images on fabricsFallert, Caryl Bryer2811
Q-ARsurface design, patchwork, aplique, embellishingArt QuiltsSEW2014The ultimate guide to Art Quilting1000+ step-by-step illustrationsSeward, Linda2812
Q-Dmachine quiltingQuilting DesignsFRI2002250 more continuous-line quilting designsfor hand, machine & longarm quiltersFritz, Laura Lee.2813
Q-THmale designsQuilts - themedDOW2009A Boy's Storyincludes quilts for boys of all agesDowns, Anni2814
P-LlighthousesPicture/Landscape QuiltsAHO2005Lighthouse Designs for quilters12 Maine LighthousesAho, Patricia A.2815
P-SCPatchwork - ScrappyMAR2005A Treasury of Scrap QuiltsMartin, Nancy J.2816
E-Gthread paintingEmbellishment - General HOL2006Machine Embroidered flowersBeginner's Guild toHolt, Alison2817
Q-Mthread paintingQuilting - MachineCUR2002The magic of Free-machine EmbraideryCurran, Doreen2818
APnatureAppliqueWEL2006Portraits from Nature35 studies for dimensional quiltsWells, Jean2819
S-Gsurface edsign - generalCOl2005Nature's Studio,a quilter's guide to playing with fabrics & techniquesColvin, Joan2820
P-Lportraits, pictorialPicture/Landscape QuiltsBUC2012Portrait art quiltsLearn to create realistic portrait and pictorial quiltsBucklew, Martgaret2821
A-FLflowersApplique - flowersORA2003Into the gardenrealistic three dimensional flowers faster by the stripOravecz, Cindy Zlotnik2822
HMfall, autumnHome/Gifts/Small Projects TIL2018Hot Chocolate SewingCozy Autumn and winter sewing projectsTilda2823
Q-THAfrican designsQuilts-ThemedWIL2008Quilt the Beloved CountryWilliamson, JennyParker, Pat2824
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects HAS2011A Place in the Suna quilt in the hoopHaskins, Jenny2825
P-RTPatchwork-Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch; 4 patchGRO2003Me & My Sister's Fun Quilts9 color-splashed designsGroves, BarbaraJacobson, Mary2826
Q-THQuilts - ThemedDEL2012T*Shirt Quilts made easyDeleonardis, Martha2827
PRPrecutsYOD2014Playful PetalsLearn simple, Fusible appliqueYoder, Corey2828
BLBlocksGOL2018Ultimate Quilt Block CollectionStep-by-step iinstructions for 60+ unique blocksGoldsworthy, Lynne2829
Q-Dguest speakerQuilting DesignsHAW2023Capture your own life with Collage QuiltingMaking unique quilts and projects from photos and imageryHaworth, Jane2830
P-SCscrapsPatchwork - scrappyMAR2003ScrappliqueGreat projects from your scrapbagMarshall, Jean2831
CRVappliqueCurvesWAL2008Appli-curvestraditional quilts with easy no-sew curvesWaldschmitt, ElaineCD-ROM included2832
Q-ARArt Quilts(no author)2006Beginner's guide to Art Quilts(no author)2833
A-ANappliqueApplique - AnimalsMAL2019Quilted Cats & DogsLearn fun and easy appliqueMalone, Chris2834
BLblock recipesBlocksGIB2016The quilt block cookbook50 block recipesGibson, Amy2835
MDmodernModern Quilts BLA2021Design Make Quilt ModernBlack, Heather2836
MDactivismModern Quilts KNA2023Quilt Out LoudActivism, language & the art of quiltingKnauer, Thomas2837
N-OCivil warNew Quilts from Old Favorites CHI2013The Loyal Union Sampler fromElm Creek QuiltsChiaverini, Jennifer2838
P-LlandscapesPicture/Landscape QuiltsLOU2013Radiant Landscapestransform tiled colors & textures into dramatic quiltsLoughman, Gloria, 1949-2839
QRstudiosQuilt Related BUR2000Quilt StudioInnovation techniques for confident and creative qiltmaking and designBurbidge, Pauline2840
W-Bbags, purses, totesWearables, Bags, Purses KHA2005Quilted Bags in a weekend25 purses, totes and bagsKharade, Ellen2841
S-GworkshopsSurface designs - general-2011Workshops from Quiltskills,The quilters' Guild(no author)2842
Q-MQuilting MachineSLO2016Teach me to Machine Quiltlearn the basics of walking-foot & free-motion quiltingSloan, Pat2843
PPNew York Beauty, Paper Piecing STO2004Karen K. Stone QuiltsStone, Karen2844
APtile designs, patterns includedAppliqueHAR2015Constantinople Quilts8 stunning applique projects inspired byHarvey, Tamsin2845
H-CpatternsHolidays-ChristmasSTA2007Holly Jolly Christmas QuiltingStauffer, Jeanne, editorHatch, Sandra L. editor2846
C-FflannelCountry/FolkFIE2009Northwoods flannel quilts & projectsField, Debbie2847
Q-Dmachine quiltingQuilting DesignsSQU2005Helen's Mix & Match quilting patternsSquire, Helen.2848
C-Fwool, 19th centuryCountry/FolkSMI2015Wool Applique folk arttraditional projects inspired by 19th century American LifeSmith, Rebekah L.2849
PTPatchworkMOS2003Time to Quiltfun quilts and retreat ideas for 1 to 101Moscicki, Anne2850
BABaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToSCH2008quitls, bibs, blankies… oh my!create your own cute & cuddly nurserySchaefer, Kim2851
BABaby/ Children quilts; Kid How To-2015Tuck me in18 cute & cuddly quilts for kids(no author)2852
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects -2015Bed runners & more9 different looks for the bedroom(no author)2853
A-FLflowersApplique- flowersADA2004Quilting the gardenAdams, BarbAllen, Alma2854
Q-MEQQuilting Machine-2022EQ8 lessons for beginnersstep-by-step exercises for learning EQ8 software(no author)2855
Q-MEQQuilting Machine-2022EQ8 designing more quiltsMore quilt designs(no author)2856
Q-Mthread, free-motionQuilting MachineLUC2020Color, thread & free-motion quiltingLearn to stitch with reckless abandonLucas, Teri2794
P-Spaper-piecing, appliquePatchwork-StarsGOL2020Sizzle Quiltsew 9 paper-piecd stars & applique striking bordersGoldsmith, Becky2857
APAppliqueARM2018The Big Book of pretty & playful applique150+ designs, 4 quilt projectsArmstrong, Carol2858
Q-Dpaper foldingQuilting DesignsGAA2011Iris QuiltingGaasenbeek, Maruscha2859
PTquick piecingPatchworkPAP2004Fast-forward your quiltingA new approach to quick piecingPappas, Dina, 1962-2860
DEblockDesign/layout(no author)2019Missouri Star Quilt Co. Block(no author)2861
DEblock, modernDesign/layout(no author)2017Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockMOD(no author)2862
C-FColorado quiltersCountry/folk(no author)2022Quiltfolkissue 28(no author)2863
P-Lbuildings, landscapes, city scapePicture/Landscape QuiltsHAL*1993Pictorial QuiltsStitch an art quilt by hand or machineHall, Carolyn Vosburg2864
H-CChristmas decorations, hand appliqueHolidays/ChristmasBUR2004Laurel Burch ChristmasColor the season beautiful with 25 quilts & craftsBurch, Laurel2865
P-LportraitsPicture/Landscape QuiltsCUL2020It's all about the faceQuilted fabric portraitsCullen, PhyllisRichard, Cindy2866
Q-Mmachine embroideryQuilting MachineROC2011Machine Embroidered Quilting and AppliqueSimple steps for revolutionary resultsRoche, Eileen2867
CLcolor in textile craftnew Quilts from Old Favorites WOL2014Color play, second editionWolfrom, Joen.2868
MDQuilt history, 20th centuryModern Quilts MEN2017Modern QuiltsDesigns of the New CenturyMenardi, RianeCarlton, Alissa Haight2869
QRstudio spaceQuilt Related PRA2011Inside the creative studioinspiration and ideas for your at and craft spacePrato, Cate Coulacos2870
Q-MfinishQuilting MachineKEN2017Free-motion machine quilting 1-2-361 designs to finish your quilts with flairKennedy, Lori2871
Q-Mwalking footQuilting MachineDAY2017Explore walking footwith Leah DayDay, Leah2872
JASashikoJapanMAR2018Make + Mendsashiko-inspired embroidery projects to customizeMarquez, Jessica2873
F-MsilkFabric ManipulationHOM2011Silk Shadingessential stitch guidesHomfray, Sarah2874
Q-ARCherrywood ChallengeArt QuiltsCHE2023MonarchA quilt challenge sponsored by Cherrywood Hand Dyed FavricsCherrywood2875
BLBlocksBOE2009Creative two-block quilts12 original blocks, 20 quilt designs, unlimited combinationsBoerens, Trice.2876
PRtrianglesPrecutsBON2008Twin Peaksquilts from easy strip-pieced trianglesBong, Gayle2877
H-CHolidays-ChristmasLAR2010Tis the seasonsQuilts and other comfortsLarge, SeanneWicks, Shelley2878
P-LAmerican QuiltsPicture/Landscape QuiltsGAB2010Quilt Blocks across AmericaGabel, Debra, 1961-2879
PRPrecutsMAR2010Quilting with precuts and shortcutsMartin, Terry2880
Q-ARoptical illusionsArt QuiltsCOM*1997Optical illusions for quiltersCombs, Karen2881
E-GEmbellishment - General SUS2005Fabric Art Journalsmaking sewing, and embellishing journal from cloth and fibersSussman, Pam2882
E-GEmbellishment - General CHA2009Fabric embellishingthe basics & beyondChandler, RuthKettle, Liz2883
S-DdyingSurface Design - DyingBRO2020Eco-Dyed art journalUsing nature's imprintsBrooks, Susan2884
P-LmapsPicture/Landscape QuiltsGOO2013Art quilt mapscapture a sense of place with fiber collageGoodwin, Valerie S.2885
PTPatchworkYOU*1996Tradition with a twistYoung, BlancheStone, Darlene Young2886
Q-AWAward winning quiltsLEV2004American Quiltmaking1970-2000Levie, Eleanor.2887
P-Lthread paintingPicture/Landscape QuiltsMAT2019Stitched Textiles: LandscapesMatthews, Kathleen2888
CRCrazy QuiltsMIC2001Crazy Quilted Heirlooms and giftsMichler, J. Marsha.2889
CRVCurvesNEL2011Curves Aheadno-fear techniques - spectacular quiltsNelsen, SusanManwaring, Loraine2890
MDLMedallion QuiltsFIN1999Magic quilted MandalasFinklestein, Sheila2891
PPpaper foundation, templatesPaper Piecing STO1995New York BeautyStone, Karen K.2892
SP-Csampler quiltsSpecial CollectionsFUN2022On Pointa multi-sized diamond-in-square samplerFunk-Greenwell, Valerie2893
SP-Csampler quiltSpecial CollectionsFUN2021Big Star Beautifula multi-sized star blockFunk-Greenwell, Valerie2894
P-LimageryPicture/Landscape QuiltsWOL1990Landscapes & IllusionsCreating scenic imagery with fabricWolfrom, Joen.2895
Q-ARArt QuiltsCAR2000Free-style QuiltsA "No Rules" ApproachCarlson, Susan E., 1960-2896
NAsampler quiltNative AmericanMOR1995Sampler quilt blocks from Native American DesignsMori, Joyce2897
S-GrecipesSurface Design - GeneralFLO2002Provence quilts and cuisineFlocard, Marie-ChristineParriaud, Cosabeth2898
AP-HKansas city star bookApplique-HandDEL2002Hearts and FlowersHand Applique from start to finishDelaney, Kathy2899
PRfussy cuttingPrecutCOL1993Quilts from NatureColvin, Joan2900
APappliqueAppliqueKAS1997Once upon a QuiltFairy tales in fabricKaster, BonnieAthey, Virginia2901
PPfoundation piecedPaper Piecing PEC2021SeascapesFoundation-pieced shoreline viewsPeck, Cheryl2902
STRthread paintingString Pieced PRI2004Quilt SavvySimple thread paintingPrince, Nancy2903
APAppliqueAND1995Faces & PlacesImages in AppliqueAndersen, Charlotte Warr, 1952-2904
Q-AWwinnersAward Winning QuiltsHAL1994Contemporary QuiltsA stunning collection from internationalHallas, Barbara2905
P-LlandscapesPicture/Landscape QuiltsHAC2004A Bridge to Landscape QuiltsHackett, Mary L.2906
A-SMsamplerApplique - SamplerMAR2006Folk-Art Quilts20 traditional projects to piece & appliqueMarston, Gwen2907
APraw edge appliquelAppliqueCRO2004Stitch and Split Applique12 raw-edge projectsCrow, JaymeSegna, Joan2908
HMHome/Gifts/Small Projects LEV2008Skinny quilts & table runnersLevie, Eleanor.2909
PTpatternsPatchworkMAR2000The creative pattern bookcomplete patterns, intriguing ideas & musing on the creative processMartin, Judy2910
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites LIL2014New Quilts from an old FavoriteLili, Carolina2912
CLpaint, dyeColorJOH2001Color by Designpaint and print with dyeJohnston Ann2913
H-CHolidays - ChristmasLAN2012Memories of Christmas PastLangford, BetseyNixon, Carolyn2914
HMpillowsHome/Gifts/Small Projects LIN2004Pillow Party!Creating pillows from quilt blocksLindquist, Pamela2915
PTElm CreekPatchworkCHI2011Traditions from Elm Creek Quilts13 projects to piece and appliqueChiaverini, Jennifer2916
BL BlocksTHO2000Scrappy DuosColor recipes for quilt blocksThomas, Donna Lynn, 1955-2917
PTBuggy BarnPatchworkBUG2002Gone CrazyBuggy Barn2918
PTpatternsPatchworkMAR2002Piece'n' play quiltsMartin, Judy2919
ST-WStack and Whack REY2008Stack n whackipedia10th anniversaryReynolds, Bethany S.2920
PTrecipesPatchworkHAL2001Patchwork Picnicquilts and recipes for year-round entertainingHalferty,SuzetteMartin, Nancy J2921
TEreference guideTechnique including BeginnerSTR2004The Quilter's quick reference guideStrick, Candace Eisner2922
E-GembroideryEmbellishment-General-2006Beautiful Embroidered quilts(no author)2923
A-FLflower design, paintingApplique-flowersDEW2004Flowers A to Z with Donna DewberryMore than 50 beautiful blooms you can paintDewberry, Donna2924
E-Gmachine, embroideryEmbellishment- GeneralARC2016Modern Machine EmbroideryArcher, Lisa2925
APQuilt shop seriesAppliqueSIN*1994The Quilted AppleSinema, Laurene2926
D-Fwool, feltDesign - Fabric SelectionCAR2004Penny RugsQuilts & more with wool & feltCarruth, Janet2927
JAmodern quiltsJapanSUD*1989Expressive QuiltsSudo, Kumiko2928
CLfabric selectionColorDIN2012ColorificUnlock the secrets of Fabric selectionDinndorf, Pam Goecke2929
P-SstarsPatchwork- starsKNA2012Star Quilts35 blocks, 5 projects, easy no-math drafting techniqueKnapp, Mary2930
PTPatchworkMcC2013Quilts! Quilts!! Quilts!!!the complete guide to quiltmakingMcClun, Diana, 1934-Nownes, Laura, 1953-2931
Q-ARfacesArt QuiltsAVE2018Making Faces in FabricsDraw, collage, stitch & showAverinos, Melissa2932
S-GpanelsSurface design-generalMcC2022Fun with PanelsCreate One-of-a-Kinds quiltsMcChesney, Cynthia Ann2933
S-GpanelsSurface design-generalMcC2024Playful panel quiltsSurprising settings, stunning resultsMcChesney, Cynthia Ann2934
PTrecipes, patternsPatchworkKIN2022Quilt RecipesKingwell, Jen2935
PRSweet Jane's Quilting and DesignPrecutPFA2018Easy Quilts from precut fabricsPfau, Sue2936
BLpatternsBlocksNEL2010Miss Rosie's Spice of Life QuiltsNelson, Carrie (Carrie L.)2937
C-FblocksCountry/Folk(no author)2024QuiltfolkIssue 30, Georgia(no author)2938
P-RTblock patterns, Patchwork - Rectangles, Squares; 9 patch, 4 patchHAM2001The Simple Joys of Quilting30 timeless quilt projectsHanson, Joan, 1950-Hickey, Mary.2939
RRBiblical blocksReligious Related MAK2001Biblical BlocksInspired Designs for QiltersMakhan, Rosemary, 1944-2940
BRinner borders, outer bordersBorders, Finishes & LabelsMcN2018Innovative quilt border designsMcNeil, Kathy2941
P-RTpatterns, machine quiltingPatchwork Rectangles, squares; 9 patch, 4 patchWEL2003Patchwork Quilts Made Easyrevised, 2nd editionWells, Jean2942
APtechnique, patternsAppliqueDEN2007Raggedy Reverse Applique10 fast, fun and forgiving quilt projectsDeneault, Kim2943
DEtechniques, patternsDesign/layoutHUG2012Design, Create, and quiltHow to design a quilt, lessons, techniques, and patternsHughes, Rose2944
APAppliqueHUG2015Fast-Piece AppliqueEasy, artful quilts by machineHughes, Rose2945
DEblocksDesign/layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol 2, issue 3(no author)2946
DEblocksDesign/layout(no author)2015Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 2, issue 4(no author)2947
DEblocksDesign/layout(no author)2016Missouri Star Quilt Co. BlockVol. 3, issue 1(no author)2948
Q-ARstitchingArt QuiltsWAU2012Stupendous StitchingHow to make fun and fabulous fiber artWaugh, Carol Ann2949
BLjelly rollsBlocksLIN2013Dessert Roll Quilts12 simple Dessert Roll quilt patternsLintott, PamLintott, Nicky2950
H-CHolidays - ChristmasTAY2009Deck the HallsQuilts to Celebrate ChristmasTaylor, Cheryl Almgren2951
BLpatterns, samplerBlocksSLO2017The Splendid Sampler100 spectacular blocks from a community of quiltersSloan, PatDavidson, Jane2952
BLQuilt in a DayBlocksBUR2004Irish Chainin a day- single & double, 2nd editionBurns, Eleanor2953
BAanimal, patternsBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToGAD2012Story TimePicture quilts to stir a child's imaginationGaddy, Kim2954
H-CHolidays/ChristmasFAL2016Holiday Wishes12 quilts for a homemade holiday!Falls, Sherri2955
BLBlocks(no author)2014Row QuiltsLongitudes & Latitudes(no author)2956
BLStars, patternsBlocksCAV2022Barn Star Sampler20 starry blocks and 7 spectaculer quiltsCavanna, Shelley2957
Q-HBoutis, patternsQuilting - HandNAK2013The art of Boutis20 French Quilting ProjectsNakayama-Geraerts, Kumiko2958
BLsunbonnet SueBlocksALD2008Precious Sunbonnet QuiltsAlderman, Betty2959
CRVCurvesSMI2007A new twist on Strips 'n Curvesfeaturing swirl, half clamshell, free-form curves & strips 'n circclesSmith, Louisa L.2960
CLcolor in textile craftsColorRIN2002Color Harmony for quiltsA quiltmaker's guide to exploring colorRingle, WeeksKerr, Bill2961
A-Flstitching, patternsApplique- FlowersCAM2000The best of Jacobean AppliqueIncludes Exotica & romantica patternsCampbell, PatriciaAyars, Mimi2962
P-SCPatchwork - scrappyNIX2013Butterfly FieldsA scrap Quilter's JourneyNixon, CarolynLangford, Betsey2963
Q-MQuilting MachineVOL2018Inspired Free-motion quilting90 antique designs reinterpreted for today's quilterVolckening, BillLeins, Amanda2964
CRCrazy QuiltsRAN2003Crazy Quilting with attitudeRandle, Barbara2965
C-FNew Jersey quiltersCounytry / Folk(no author)2023Quiltfolkissue 29(no author)2966
C-FCalifornia Bay areaCountry / Folk(no author)2023Quiltfolkissue 27(no author)2967
PTPatchwork(no author)2006Creative Quilt Collection.Volume 1(no author)2968
BLvintageBlockHOL2019Farm GirlVintage 2Holt, Lori2969
W-Bsmall quiltsWearables, Bags, Purses IRV2013A Basketful of TaupePractical projects to decorate your lifeIrvine, Kylie2970
C-FrecipesCountry/FolkSNY2008Quilts from my garden20 projects with recipes fresh from the gardenSnyder, Karen, 1953-2971
N-Ovintage designsNew Quilts from Old Favorites SIM2012The Spirit of SacagaweaA textile tribute to an American HeroineSimpson, LaurieMinick, Polly2972
PTPatchworkHOP2011The Big Book of Patchwork50 fabulous quilts byHopkins, Judy2973
Q-HtrapuntoQuilting - HandFRI2005All about TrapuntoExplore the fun of trapunto using 5 different techniquesFriebertshauser, Donna2974
APflowersAppliquePOO2002Turkish delight to appliquePoole, Linda M.2975
Q-AWfamous quiltersAward winning quilters and quiltersC&T2003Celebrate the Tradition with C & T Publishingover 70 fabulous new blocks, tips & stories from quiltings bestC & T Publishing2976
APrecipesAppliqueFLO2002Provence quilts and cuisineFlocard, Marie-ChristineParriaud, Cosabeth2977
TEequipment, fabricsTechnique including BeginnerFOR2014Quilting-on-the-goTaking it furtherForster, Carolyn2979
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites LAS2013Jacob's LadderNew quilts from an old favoriteLasco, Linda Baxter2980
P-Lfusible fabric collagePicture/Landscape QuiltsLOV2014Landscape art quiltsstep-by-stepLoveless, Ann2981
N-ONew Quilts from Old Favorites BRI2014The 1718 Coverlet69 quilt blocks from the oldest British patchwork coverletBriscoe, Susan.2982
N-OKansas City StarNew Quilts from Old Favorites McG2001The Sister Blocks17 sisterly sets from Kansas City StarMcGinnis, Edie.2983
BLBlocksMOD2018Moda Block Heads48 quilt-along blocks plus settings for finished quiltsModa2984
Q-HQuilting-handCOG2002Boutis & trapuntoCoget, Catherine2985
RRappliqueReligious Related MOR1998Crosses of many Culturesdesigns for appliqueMori, Joyce2986
PPreligigious relatedPaper Piecing HUF2012Paper piecing Quilts of Praisepatterns inspired by beloved hymnsHuff, Jaynette2987
CRembroidery, threads, stitchesCrazy QuiltsHUL2002The complete crazy patchworkFrom Victorian beginnings to contemporary designHulbert, Anne2988
PAPatrioticHOL2018Quilts of Valora 50 state saluteHolte, Ann ParsonsPeldunas-Harter, Renelda2989
PAPatrioticTHO2005LibertyvilleWhere liberty dwells, there is my countryThompson, Terry Clothier2990
A-BApplique- birdsADA2006Birds of a FeatherBlackbird designsAdams, BarbAllen, Alma2991
APAppliqueDIE2014Simple Appeal14 patchwork and applique projects for everyday livingDiehl, Kim2992
PTrecipesPatchworkDIE2012Homestyle quiltssimple patterns and savory recipesDiehl, KimBaker, Laurie2993
A-SMlettersApplique - samplerTHO2010Beautifl Alphabet appliqueThorpe, Zena2994
N-OscrapsNew Quilts from Old Favorites SIT2010Friendship strips & scrapsSitar, Edyta2995
APwoolAppliqueBON2019Wool, Needle & Threadthe go-to guide for wool stitcheryBongean, Liisa2996
N-OTalula Gilbert BottomsNew Quilts from Old Favorites BUR*1991Family TiesOld quilt patterns from new clothBurdick, Nancilu Butler2997
N-OpatchworkNew Quilts from Old Favorites BON2005Tried and TrueNew quilts from favorite blocksBonsib, Sandy2998
PTpatchworkPatchworkWIE2006Twosey-Foursey QuiltsGreat designs from 2-inch and 4-inch unitsWierzbicki, Cathy2999
BRBorders, Finishes & LabelsHAL2002Foundation BordersHall, Jane, 1932-Haywood, Dixie.3000
BRborder techniquesBorders, Finishes & LabelsREB2009Borders The Basics & BeyondReber, Jill.3001
PTnamesPatchworkEDI2001Friendship BlocksNew settings for sentimental favoritesDeie, Marge3002
CRVcirclesCurvesMUL2006Free & easy CirclesMagic Ballz & Other Foundation FolliesMuller, Jan3003
PTdresden circlesPatchworkBEL2009Thoroughly Modern DresdenQuick and easy constructionBelden, AnelieC & T3004
P-RTPatchwork - Rectangles, squares, 9patch, 4 patchMAR2011Patchwork among friendsFrom patterns to potlucksMartin, Judy3005
HMtable toppers, runnersHome/Gifts/Small Projects FIE2008table topperscelebrating the great outdoorsField, Debbie3006
C-FrusticCountry / FolkSOL2011Still CrazySoliday, PamNesbitt, JanetBuggy Barn3007
E-Gsmall quilts, artisticEmbellishment - General LYN2012Sew embellishmented! Artistic little quilts, personalized with easy techniquesLynch, CherylMatingale3008
D-Kvinage quiltsKaffe Fassett designsFAS2018Kaffe Fassett's quilts in Americadesigns inspired by vintage quilts from The American Museum in BritainFassett, Kaffe3009
P-SCPatchwork - scrappyETH2016Sew Charmingscrappy quilts from 5" squaresEtherington, MTesene, ConnieMatingale3010
P-RTpatternsPatchwork Rectangles, squares; 9 patch, 4 patchNES2004That crazy thing we doNesbitt, Janet RaeBuggy Barn3011
Hpumpkins, cats, witchesHolidaysSOL2007Frightfully crazySoliday, PamNesbitt, JanetBuggy Barn3012
MNMiniature Quilts BUR1998Small quilts made easyBurge, ShellyMatingale3013
N-OsignatureNew Quilts from Old Favorites SAU2003Keepsake signature quiltsSaulmon, Sally3014
BApatchworkBaby/ Children quilts; Kid How ToSTA2013Patch pals collectionturn simple squares into adorable little quilts!Starck, Denise3015
N-Olabels, patternsNew Quilts from Old Favorites McG2006Feed-sacks!Beautiful quilts from humble beginningsMcGinnis, Edie.3016
HautumnHolidaysMUM2008Colors from Nature50 easy quilts, crafts and gifts!Mumm, Debbie3017
F-Mflower favricFabric ManipulationMOS2005Scatter Garden Quilts10 designs that flowers in fabricMostek, PamuelaMatingale3018
S-PphotosSurface design - photoSLA1999Scrapbook storytelling70 journaling tips, 307 techniquesSlan, Joanna Campbell3019
PT-Ltriangles, diamondsPatchwork-Log CabinKUR2008Log Cabin Restructured23 log cabin quilt projectsKuroha, Shizuko3020
PT-LpatternsPatchwork - Log CabinCAU1999202 little log cabin blockswith full-size patterns for Foundation PiecingCausee, Linda3021
NAseminoleNative AmericanDUD1980Strip Patchworkquick and easy patchwork using the Semnole techniqueDudley, Taimi3022
NASeminoleNative AmericanBRA1987Seminole PatchworkBrandebourg, Margaret3023
APwoolApplique-2017Sweet & Simple Wool Applique15 folk art projects to stitch(no author)C & T3024
S-GpanelsSurface Design - GeneralARN2023Quilting with Panels and Patchworkdesign ideas, fabric tips, and quilting inspirationArnstein, Shannon3025
N-Ophotos, written namesNew Quilts from Old Favorites RIC1999Memory Quilts in the makingRichards, Rhonda3026
PRjelly rolePrecutsEIN2011Jelly Roll quilt magicEinmo, Kimberly3027
PRcharm apcksPrecutsGOE2017Charm School18 quilts from 5" squaresGoertzen, Vanessa3028
MDlandscapeModern Quilts YOR2014Modern applique illusions12 quilts create perspective & depthYork, Casey3029
APflowersAppliqueEIK2013Back-Basting applique, step by stepBy hand or machineEikmeier, Barbara J.Martingale3030
MDModern Quilts MUS2014Quilting the new classics20 inspired quilt projects, traditional to madernMuska, Michele3031
Q-MQuilting MachineSLO2007Learn to machine quiltwith Pat SloanSloan, Pat3032
W-BWearables, Bags, Purses MOR2008Aprons12 sewing projectsMornu, Nathalie3033
Q-ARportraitsArt-QuiltsBRE2005I remember Mama164 exclusive quilts and their storiesBresenhan, Karey Patterson3034
PTairplanesPatchworkMAR1994Flying HighThe airplane in quiltsMarino, Ragi3035
PT-LPatchwork-log cabinKAE1995Log cabin with a twistKaempfer, Barbara T.3036
DEDesign/layout-2014Missouri star quilt co. blockVol.1, issue 6(no author)3037
DEDesign/layout-2014Missouri star quilt co. BlockVol. 1, issue 3(no author)3038
DEDesign/layout-2015Missouri star quilt co. blockVol. 2, issue 5(no author)3039
DEDesign/layout-2019Missouri star quilt co. blockVol. 6, issue 6(no author)3040
DEDesign/layout-2020Missouri star quilt co. BlockVol. 7, issue 4(no author)3041
DEDesign/layout-2014Missouri star quilt co. blockVol. 1, issue 4(no author)3042
DEholiday, christmasDesign/layout-2015Missouri star quilt co., blockVol. 2, issue 6(no author)3043
DEDesign/layout-2014Missouri star quilt co., blockVol. 1, issue 2(no author)3044