Strike it Rich!  Not with silver or gold but with a bounty of fabric, books, patterns, tools, and one-of-a-kind treasures! Donated and purchased items fill large baskets and other fun containers. Each has a theme to entice you to take a chance on winning. Twelve chances are just $10; you choose which of the 24 baskets you want to win!  (Tickets are on sale only at the Quilt Fiesta!)

A sampling of past baskets include:

· Hundreds of batik fat quarters in one giant tote

· Everything Civil War with patterns, books, reproduction fabrics, and a vintage wooden sewing box

· Gourmet delights with pasta, sauce, fancy treats, and a bottle of wine

A preview of the 2024 baskets include:

· All about Kaffe Fasset with many yards of fabric and lots of books

· A gorgeous collection of Asian prints and books

· Everything old is new again with vintage fabric and notions

Eureka! These treasures can be yours!