Quilt for a Cause auctions and sells handmade quilts and quilt patterns donated by quilters to support breast and gynecological cancer research.
Our mission: To use the art and business of quilting to pursue advances in breast and/or gynecologic cancers by raising funds for research, by continuing the education of medical professionals, and by supporting clinical organizations that raise awareness, offer detection and provide treatment for all women. www.quiltforacause.org

The mission of the Quilts of Valor Foundation is to cover Service Members and veterans touched by war with comforting and healing quilts. The Tucson Quilters Guild sponsors the Eagle Wings QOV Bee. This bee is open to everyone. They meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday (except for holidays) from noon to 3:00pm at Quality Quilterz. There are many ways you can support the organization: making blocks, sewing quilt tops, hand stitching bindings, etc. For further information contact group leader Char Gasker (cgasker@gmail.com).